Chapter 1073 Success

  Received the nurse's report, began to close the median sternum incision.

  The thoracic cavity was sutured with steel wire. That beautiful suture technique surprised everyone in the team, and at the same time, it was not enough to admire.

  Don’t talk about it, let’s talk about other things, just this one-hand suture can attract major hospital surgeons to rush to ask for it!

  Jiang Tingxu meticulously performed the final suture on the patient. When the wound was finally sutured, he only hoped that the scars would fade with age.

  Otherwise, such a long surgical scar, no matter how beautiful Jiang Ting Xu stitched it, it is inevitable. It is still on a pretty girl, what a pity!

   "Check the items again."


  In fact, there is basically no problem of missing items, and it is not found in a thousand cases.

  But to be on the safe side, it’s better to count twice!

  In order to avoid real problems, the little girl will have to open her **** again.

  Adults may not be able to withstand two thoracotomy, let alone a little girl who is just a few years old, so be cautious and treat the patients as well as the doctors.

  After the items were counted correctly, Jiang Tingxu began to suture the muscle layer, subcutaneous tissue, and the outermost skin.

  When everything is done, the operation is considered complete.

  Looking at the time again, it actually took more than seven and nearly eight hours.

  It's no wonder that both legs are obviously swollen, the reason is that I have stood for too long.

   Outside the operating room, the family members who also waited for nearly eight hours can see that they are very tired and worried.

With a sound of "ding", the door of the operating room opened.

  The family members got up from their chairs and walked around. When they saw their daughter was pushed out, they couldn’t help crying.

  Even the child’s father was crazy in tears.

  After all, the child was sentenced to death by all hospitals before.

  And now, since it was introduced, it means that the operation was successful!

  Otherwise, family members will be allowed in to see the last time.

  Jiang heard Xu tear off his mask and said to his family:

  "The operation went well. I will be pushed into the ICU for observation. The nurse will tell you what you don’t understand. You must ask clearly if you don’t understand."

  I am really afraid that the family members will delay things if they don’t know how to pretend to understand.

  The success of the operation is a key, and it cannot be ignored after the operation.

  Once a problem occurs, the consequences are not acceptable to everyone.

   "Okay, okay, we know, we will ask you clearly, thank you doctor, thank you for saving our child!"

  Jiang Tingxu patted his family members on the arm before leaving with someone.

  The laboratory canteen has already prepared nutritious meals, especially for the two surgical team members today.

  I have to say that the environmental treatment of this foreign private laboratory is really not so good!

  How can it be possible to provide special nutritious meals for the surgical team if it is changed to China?

  However, if you think about it in another way, you can still understand it.

  Don't talk about research rooms abroad, they are large hospitals, and only a few operations are performed every day.

  In China, it’s one after another. Even if the attending doctor falls tired, there are still replacements!

  The two are completely incomparable.

  After eating, I finally recovered a bit.

   Jiang Tingxu took out his mobile phone and dazzled his eyes, but dozens of them missed it.

  Well, nearly 20 of them were called by a man.

  The rest are from a few professors, and there are two or three unfamiliar numbers.

Professor    also rarely responded one by one, and went directly to the small group to briefly describe the operation process.

  (End of this chapter)

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