If it were an ordinary child, he probably wouldn't be able to control his emotions at this time.

But while the disease devastated Chen Zhiyao, it also made her sensible and obedient far beyond ordinary people.

She quickly controlled her emotions, her eyes sparkling, and she stared at Xu Qiu who was very close at hand.

At this moment, this man wearing a cartoon mask became a part of her life second only to her family.

Perhaps for doctors, each operation is just one responsibility after another.

But for the patients, the surgery that befell them was the salvation that took away the bad news and the hand of God that gave them hope for the future life!

"Get ready, you're going to be under general anesthesia."

"Just wake up and you'll be fine."

Xu Qiu comforted softly.

The anesthesia team also recovered from the excitement and began to make the next adjustment.

Brain pulse devices, like brain pacemakers, have three main components.

One is the electrode.

Its function is to emit electrical stimulation pulses into target nuclei in the brain to produce a series of electrophysiological reactions.

For example, it inhibits the electrical impulses of over-excited neurons due to the reduction of dopaminergic neurons, reducing their over-excited state, thereby alleviating symptoms such as tremor, stiffness, and bradykinesia.

Or applied to dystonia.

The second component is the extension lead.

It plays the role of conducting signals.

And the last component is the pulse generator, which generates electrical stimulation pulses.

Therefore, the surgery does not end with the implantation of intracranial electrodes.

The remaining two components also need to be placed into the human body.

Therefore, the operation is mainly divided into two steps.

The first step is to implant intracranial electrodes and take conscious anesthesia.

The second step is to bury the wires and pulse generator under the skin, with the latter mainly placed in front of the right chest.

It requires a subcutaneous tunnel from the perforation of the skull to the neck. The pain is so severe that only general anesthesia can suppress it.

As the next step of surgery begins, preactivation on the other side has ended.

At this time, the effects of anesthesia have not yet taken hold.

But the improvement brought by preactivation disappeared again.

The smile on Chen Zhiyao's face gradually solidified, and the feeling of powerlessness and imbalance returned!

Xu Qiu's comforting voice sounded at the right time: "Don't worry, you will be like other children after you sleep."

Chen Zhiyao's nervousness immediately disappeared.




The director of clinical anesthesia counted silently. When he counted twelve patients, he closed his eyes. He was a little dumbfounded.

This child... is very low-sensitivity to anesthetics!

Although many people, even many anesthesiologists, believe that people with strong willpower can slightly increase the time for anesthetic drugs to take effect.

In fact, this is just a subjective conjecture...

There is no evidence-based medical evidence that human willpower can provide any resistance in the face of anesthetic drugs.

People with high sensitivity will fall down in a second.

Unless you take some anesthesia and practice it when you have nothing to do, willpower will play a minimal role.

On the other side, Xu Qiu has already started the operation.

Disinfect before surgery.


Preparation of subcutaneous pockets, subneck tunnels...

Finally, the pulse generator was implanted on the right side of the chest.

In fact, it would be more convenient for the generator to be implanted in the left chest, and the wiring would be easier to straighten out.

However, since the left chest is where the heart is located, no one can guarantee whether the patient will have a heart attack in the future.

Once the pulse generator is implanted in the left chest, it is no longer possible to install a pacemaker in the future.

Unless the implant is redone and the entire device is transferred to the right chest...

In order to get it right once and for all, and to leave some room for error for the patient, the implantation is basically only performed on the right chest.

With the successful implantation of the pulse generator, the extension wires, generator, electrodes, etc. are connected and completely fixed.

The electrophysiological recording team was very excited.

They checked the integrity of the connections of each part one by one, measured the impedance within the growing range one by one, and finally reported excitedly:

"Doctor Xu, everything is fine!"

Xu Qiu nodded.

Now there is no need to pre-activate the test effect.

This is also the main reason not to choose general anesthesia when implanting electrodes.

Under conscious anesthesia, the patient himself can cooperate with the surgical needs and intuitively demonstrate the effects of pulse intervention.

Currents of various frequencies can also be recorded on the display.

However, after deep anesthesia, the effect of the pulse device on disease improvement can only be seen after surgery.

However, it has been pre-activated before and the effect is confirmed to be significant, so there is no need to worry about this issue.

After the examination, Xu Qiu didn't waste any more time and began to suture the wound.

After one hour and forty minutes, the operation finally came to an end!

The anesthesiologist has gradually withdrawn the anesthetic and the patient is gradually recovering.

But no one in the operating room moved.

The others didn't move because Xu Qiu hadn't moved yet.

Xu Qiu did not leave the operating room for another reason.

This operation was not just about saving Chen Zhiyao.

It is also Xu Qiu's surgical tutorial for experts across the country. These experts will then travel across the country, bringing with them clinical medical experience and pulse-generating devices, to all parts of the country to apply the surgery on different patients!

Xu Qiu was able to complete the operation perfectly because he had contacted the simulated operating room for sixty or seventy times, and many simulated patients had paid the price along the way.

In reality, experts have different surgical abilities, patients have different symptoms, and various problems may occur during and after the operation.

He needs to provide answers to these complications!

"What is Dr. Xu still doing..."

"Didn't the operation succeed?"

"Ah, I really want to watch it again, how could it be completed so quickly!"

"It's not just fast, but the details of the operation are also controlled so perfectly. Is this the rumored Dr. Xu?"

In the operating room, everyone couldn't help whispering.

This close-up observation of the operation gave them a deep spiritual shock.

They are all doctors and experts, why is there such a big gap?

While sighing, Xu Qiu's voice finally sounded.

"The surgical steps are one aspect, and next we have to deal with a series of intraoperative accidents and postoperative complications."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were a little exciting.

Many people were even a little proud.

Oh, intraoperative accidents?

We are so familiar with this!

Just like the mortality rate in small hospitals is very low, while the mortality rate in large hospitals is extremely high.

The skills of doctors also have similar problems.

The top doctors can pay attention to almost all the details during the operation, so the probability of intraoperative accidents is very low, and postoperative complications are very rare.

Therefore, their skills are full.

However, they are not good at handling intraoperative accidents, and are even worse than ordinary doctors.

Ordinary doctors are just the opposite.

Because there are too many accidents, their experience is fed by the number of patients, and they have become good at handling accidents...

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