Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 594 Director, save me! Director: Damn it, I can’t even protect myself!

The leader of the supervision team and others were a little nervous at first.

But when she saw Xu Qiu being so arrogant, she suddenly became more interested in watching the excitement, and her expression became gloating.

It doesn't matter if you look down on the director of the attached 1st hospital, and it doesn't matter if you don't take the leader of the inspection team seriously, but this is the director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Health. Stamping his feet will make the entire province's medical community tremble!

Even if Fu Qing from Baiyun Province comes, he should be treated as an equal when facing Director Hu!

"Xu Qiu!"

Director Hu also confirmed his identity from the behavior of other people. There was no anger on his face, but his voice was so muffled that it could crush people to death. The two words he spat out made many people afraid to look up and look at Director Hu.

At this moment, Xu Qiu took out a piece of paper from the document bag and slapped it on the table.

"Stop being pretentious. You delayed the provincial meeting, and all the medical decisions affecting more than 60 million people in the province were dragged down by you. This is what you call putting patients first..."

While speaking, Director Hu subconsciously glanced at the documents on the table, and his heart immediately thumped.

When he noticed that there seemed to be a red mark on it, his breathing suddenly stagnated, and the words he was about to say were immediately blocked in his throat. With a grunt, he stretched out his slightly trembling hand and picked up the document.

Red header file...

The Minister of Health and the Director of the National Health Commission jointly signed a request to the Hunan Provincial Department of Health to fully cooperate with Xu Qiu in launching an investigation...

Moreover, the Ministry of Health and the National Health Commission will send an expert team over in the future, led by the Minister of Health and the Director of the National Health Commission. The two national leaders will jointly inspect the medical system in Hunan Province...


Director Hu's slightly swollen eyeballs were completely bulging at this moment, and large beads of sweat slid down his cheeks, dripping from his chin to the ground.


The reception room was so quiet that you could hear the sound of sweat breaking.

The smiles on the faces of the supervisory team leader and others also solidified in an instant.

They couldn't understand.

Director Hu, who was so powerful just now, turned pale as if he had suffered a devastating disaster when he looked at a piece of paper.

Even more unimaginable.

Director Hu is already a big shot with one hand covering the sky, what else can scare him like this?

This scene was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

For the inspection team, it was a shock.

But in the eyes of the top management of Affiliated One, it was frightening!

Even Director Hu was frightened, and the biggest protective umbrella was ineffective, so they would definitely become victims and cannon fodder in this battle!

The dean, deputy dean and others turned pale.

The chief director suddenly panicked.

He no longer had the previous pride and provocation against Xu Qiu. At this moment, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably like a sieve, and his eyes when looking at Xu Qiu were full of fear.

The chief director raised his hand with difficulty, pulled the sleeve of the supervisory team leader, and said: "Team leader, save me... No matter how much money you have, you must save me..."

The leader of the supervision team suddenly shook off the latter's hand and glared angrily, "What are you saving, what money, don't have any random relationships. If this has nothing to do with you, the office will not accuse you unjustly, but if you did do something inappropriate, , but just follow the rules!”


This sentence was like a sentence. The director felt his vision darken and almost collapsed to the ground.

His eyeballs trembled violently, staring at Xu Qiu with extremely complicated emotions... hatred, confusion, panic, begging...

The chief director couldn't understand... Isn't this just a little doctor? Why wouldn't even the aloof Director Hu dare to protect Fuyi in his hands?

Yes, Appendix 1!

The chief director hurriedly came to Director Hu. Before he could speak, the latter turned his head and glanced at him without any trace.

The chief director's shoulders immediately shook twice, he was frightened and he took a few steps back, and no longer dared to say a word.

The dean and vice-dean just woke up from a dream, and quickly stood next to the chief director to prevent him from taking any further actions... Now the people from Hunan Province in the reception room are all in the same boat, and there is a lot of talk. It must be lost!

The dean gave the deputy dean a complicated look.

The vice dean sighed and didn't even bother to look at the chief director again.

He didn't expect that the confidant he had trained by himself would turn out to be such an idiot...

In all these years, they have never encountered a situation like today, but unexpectedly they fell into the hands of their own people!

On the other side, Director Hu scared off the chief director with a look, and quickly put down the red-headed document, took a few steps back, and sat on the main seat opposite Xu Qiu.

He didn't urge or say anything, he just waited quietly.

At this moment, Director Hu's temper was completely frightened by the two signatures on the document.

Minister of Health, Director of the National Health Commission...

These two are the real geniuses in the medical system. In the past few decades, no provincial official has ever received the solemn attention of two national leaders at the same time...

"The only good news is that the Discipline Inspection Commission didn't come..." Director Hu wiped the cold sweat from his face.

My hands were trembling a little.

He has been cautious in his position as director for so many years.

This time, if it were anyone else, he wouldn't be too lazy to come forward. He would just ask the supervision team to cooperate with the investigation, then collect all the evidence and destroy it, and finally get it done with a minor accusation.

But because the other party was Xu Qiu, Director Hu was extra cautious.

He even came here in person, intending to do what Xu Qiu wanted... A provincial-level official lowered his face to ask him to leave a way out for the First Affiliated Hospital and suspend all the doctors involved. This sincerity should be enough, right?

But Director Hu never thought that he had been so careful, but still came to this step.

It's not his fault.

Who would have thought that a seemingly insignificant little doctor actually held a joint red-headed document signed by the Minister of Health and the Director of the Health Commission!

How could he have a direct relationship with such a well-connected person!

"It seems that suspension is not enough."

"This brainless director of neurosurgery must have his license revoked, and other directly related directors must be kicked out... The deputy director must also be sacrificed, and finally, the director must be punished..."

Director Hu calculated in his mind.

Originally, suspension could solve the problem. After the storm was over, the director could continue to be in charge of neurosurgery, and the deputy director, the director and others would continue to enjoy high positions and generous salaries, and everyone could be saved.

But now, at least a dozen people have to be sacrificed.

However... Fortunately, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital should be able to be retained. Although he is responsible for poor management, it is not realistic to resign directly. After all, Director Hu has cultivated the First Affiliated Hospital for so many years before he took it into his pocket.

If the current dean is replaced, then Director Hu may lose direct control over the First Affiliated Hospital.

Such a large hospital falls into the hands of others, and the loss of interests is incalculable!

After taking root in Hunan Province for so many years, Director Hu still has some ability. With a little operation, he can keep his left and right arms.

As for the director, Director Liu and others... at most they are just fingers, and they are other people's fingers. If they are chopped off, they can be chopped off and they can be cultivated again at any time.

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