Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 525: Fighting against the disease, a peak that doctors cannot overcome!

A few days later, Linyi welcomed a grand review day.

With the launch of "Linhai Dayi", not many people submitted articles in the first issue, and basically the doctors in the hospital produced and sold them themselves.

However, since the actual town boss and editor-in-chief are Xu Qiu, "Linhai Dayi" has set very high requirements for papers since its launch.

So much so that in the first issue, a full eight papers were written by Xu Qiu.

Since its launch, "Linhai Dayi" has also become famous at home and abroad with Xu Qiu's heavy papers, and has officially entered the academic community.

Although it is still far from the top journals, many academic bigwigs have submitted articles.

Of course, most of them are old acquaintances of Xu Qiu.

For example, Academician Chen, the founder of hepatobiliary surgery.

Academician Shen Hua, president of the Neurosurgery Association.

And Lin Xie, an authority on bone reconstruction, Ma Qin, a master of cardiac surgery, and others.

But there will always be a day when the academicians will run out of time...

Under the guidance of Xu Qiu and Director Yu, the master of clinical medical papers, the level of papers written by doctors in the hospital has also risen sharply.

Of course, the main reason is that Xu Qiu has pioneered many new research topics. Just one palm and finger regeneration technique is enough to open up several fields and train a large number of master's and doctoral students.

This is why "Linhai Great Doctor" can support half of the country with only internal strength.

The other half depends on Xu Qiu's papers.

Of course, now "Linhai Great Doctor" is an academic journal, not an internal journal, so it is naturally impossible to select all the literature of its own doctors.

So only the best can be selected.

For each issue of the publication, as much as Xu Qiu submits, it will be collected, and the remaining share will be divided among others.

Papers from outside account for more than 80%, leaving only 20% for doctors in the hospital.

At the same time, the paper written by Noah was also completed.

Abel glanced at him unwillingly and said, "Teacher, the results of this paper are very important. Are you really going to give it to Linhai First Hospital?"

Noah said calmly, "Do you really think that everything you learn in Linhai Medical College is free?"

"But... haven't you stayed in Linhai Medical College and given lectures to doctors here many times? According to your previous lecture fees, you have earned at least hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

"Is money important?"

Noah glanced at Abel and said, "Do you know what the biggest gap between you and Xu Qiu is?"

Abel looked unhappy. Although he was reluctant to admit it, he still sighed. "It's probably his talent. He is an emergency doctor, but he is good at so many surgeries at the same time."

Noah shook his head: "No, if we talk about the talent of hand surgery alone, you are not much worse than him. The biggest difference between you and him is the heart."


"Yes, he is a pure doctor, and you have too many ideas in your mind. Money, fame, you want everything. For you, improving medical skills is to defeat your peers and become the best among doctors... But what do you think is the purpose of Xu Qiu's improvement of medical skills?"

"To save people." Abel almost blurted out.

After staying in Linyi for so long, he also observed many operations of Xu Qiu. Abel finally realized that Xu Qiu had never regarded him as an opponent from beginning to end.

Noah said calmly: "You are right. He improved his medical skills just to cure diseases and save people. He has only one opponent, that is disease. If you can do this one day, no longer stick to meaningless struggles, and really focus on the original intention of doctors, you may be able to go further."

For ordinary people, working hard to surpass others may be a good ambition.

But for geniuses like Abel who are destined to stand at the top, it is the biggest obstacle.

When he stands at the top one day, and there is no one higher than him, he will fall into confusion and die in depression.

However, if the ambition is to cure diseases and save lives, and to defeat the diseases in front of you, the future will be truly endless.

Because diseases have hardly ever been defeated - the history of human medicine is a constant tug-of-war with different diseases, one rising and the other falling.

Perhaps one day, a brilliant person will once again eliminate a certain disease like the complete elimination of smallpox, but such examples are only a very small number of exceptions after all, and the peak of medicine is always rising.

"From another perspective, if you aim to surpass Xu Qiu, it is actually not much worse than the ambition to cure diseases and save lives..."

Noah thought for a while and suddenly said this.

Abel was a little puzzled: "Teacher, what do you mean?"

Noah said lightly: "Because you may spend your whole life chasing him, and you may not catch up."


Publicity Department

Several directors who specialize in papers sat at the conference table, and there were also several professors transferred from the School of Medicine of Linhai University. A dozen people sat together, screening the papers to be published.

"I say, let's set up a journal department as soon as possible. Every time we come to the Propaganda Department for meetings - is this what the Propaganda Department does?" Director Yu said.

He was the most famous paper master in Linyi before Xu Qiu emerged.

Director Yu's surgical skills are not very strong, but his paper level is at the top level. He got his position as a chief physician by writing papers one after another.

It was Director Yu who reviewed Xu Qiu's amazing bone reconstruction paper and was amazed.

"Indeed, the Propaganda Department is not worthy of the style of Linhai Great Doctor." Another director who specializes in papers said.

The director of the Propaganda Department was very upset.

It was our Propaganda Department that took charge of the typesetting, printing, and compilation of Linhai Great Doctor in the early stage. Now you despise us for being your wife through thick and thin?

"Old Wei has experience in this. After the journal department approves it, let you serve as the director of the journal department." Director Yu suggested.

Old Wei is the director of the Propaganda Department.

The gloom on Director Wei's face disappeared instantly, and he said with a smile: "I agree that the Propaganda Department is indeed not worthy. We must report to Dean Wang and set up an independent department as soon as possible!"

A group of people reached a consensus.

"Professor Noah and Professor Joseph have submitted their papers." Director Yu took out two documents from his briefcase.

Others need to be reviewed, but these two internationally renowned doctors don't even need to be reviewed, they can be published directly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I want to see the style of the first academic person!"

"Noah seems to have not published research results for many years. I wonder if the one he gave to our clinical medicine is fake."

"Even if it is fake, the only legacy of the father of hand surgery is full of gold..."

"And Professor Joseph, he has been active in the front line, and his papers should be closer to clinical practice. I wonder if he will bring any new research theories to cardiac surgery!"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

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