Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 341 10% success rate VS 98% success rate!

Looking back now, I feel that there were too many unnecessary operations in their surgery at that time.

For example, the removal of old vascular bridges.

In the surgical tutorial compiled by Xu Qiuxin, it is clearly mentioned that old vascular bridges with little blood flow can be retained.

In addition, Xu Qiu also set an extremely objective standard for the timing of various operations.

Before this, the connection between the surgical steps could only rely on the intuition and experience of the surgeon.

It can only be understood but not expressed in words.

It is impossible to practice such skills without being the surgeon for hundreds of operations.

This is also the difficulty that makes doctors below the deputy director shy away from doing it, in addition to the difficulty of the operation itself.

After all, if a doctor has this clinical ability, he will not be a small attending physician, but would have been promoted to deputy director or director long ago.

However, now, Xu Qiu has given a very clear judgment.

For example, the body temperature is reduced to 22 degrees Celsius, the extracorporeal circulation flow is reduced to 1-2L/min, and small-caliber artificial vascular replacement is started.

Even the most inexperienced doctors can know the timing of each step based on these data.

Very humane.

"I feel that if I perform another operation, the patient can be discharged at least two or three days earlier, and the five-year patency rate can be increased by several percentage points!" Ma Qin was shocked. He also found many shortcomings of the previous operation from this booklet.

The other deputy directors were also excited.

The replacement of small-caliber blood vessels was once a mountain that they could not overcome.

Now, the mountain has been flattened by Xu Qiu, and a stone step has been chiseled out. If they don't master it quickly, it will be impolite.

"Director Zheng, we're leaving first to practice surgery!"

"I asked the university for a cadaver. I'll use the chest. I'll see if other departments in the hospital need other parts. Hurry up and distribute them!"

"Is it a male? Wang Fan goes to the urology department every day to get a circumcision. I went there for a consultation a few days ago, and Wang Fan mistook me for the director of the Urology Department and gave me a bottle of wine..."

"Are you still a human being? You're not from the Urology Department, but you accepted a gift from the Urology Department!"

"If it weren't for this cadaver teacher, would you have kept the bottle of wine for yourself?"

"Beer, beer! I get angry when I talk about it. This bastard actually gave beer as a gift, and said that he had seen the bottom of the bottle, and that bottle had 'another bottle', double happiness. Damn it!"

It's a taboo for patients to give gifts to doctors.

But there's no big problem with colleagues exchanging what they have.

It's not easy for junior doctors to ask their superiors for surgery.

There are chief physicians who dare to let the unknown Xu Qiu perform the surgery and take responsibility, like Wang Ping and He Hai did in the emergency department, but not many.

In fact, only in Linhai First Hospital under Wang Shengde's leadership, the bureaucratic atmosphere is much lighter. The whole hospital is moving towards the direction of treating patients and doing academic research, without too many messy things.

"I have checked it, there is foreskin. Give me the cap of another bottle, and I will save the foreskin for Wang Fan."

This sentence can be regarded as determining the whereabouts of the cadaver teacher Jill, and a group of deputy directors smiled and went to find animals and corpses to practice new surgical tricks.


The medical publicity department acted quickly. In just half a day, the surgical course compiled by Xu Qiu was typeset and printed quickly.

When the people in the cardiac surgery department received the booklet, it was still hot.

On this day, all forums of cardiac surgery were shaken.

"Have you read it? Have you read it? The surgical course produced by Linhai First Hospital!"

"What Linhai First Hospital produced? Xu Qiu! It's Dr. Xu Qiu. The whole course, every word was written by Dr. Xu himself, and Linhai First Hospital only paid for the printing!"

"I was shocked. Although only the catalog and the first few pages were released online, I still refreshed my worldview after reading it... I feel that I can also master this surgery!"

"I'm really good at it!"

"Level 4 surgery, which was once only performed by deputy directors and directors, was reduced to the level of level 3 surgery by Xu Qiu!"

"This is even more amazing than performing extremely difficult surgery! It has truly changed the industry and benefited countless patients!"

These discussions have also made Linhai's small-caliber blood vessels, which are still in the clinical trial stage, attract attention again.

The academic community has been discussing this topic for a long time.

Xu Qiu's status, after being the "founder of Linhai's small-caliber blood vessels" and the "father of small-caliber blood vessel replacement surgery", has been expanded to "a good doctor who promotes high-difficulty surgery to grassroots organizations across the country."

Good doctor.

These three words in the mouths of colleagues are more rare and more important than various founders and the father of a certain surgery.

At the same time, after completing the compilation of the surgical skill book awarded by the system, Xu Qiu finally had free time to select doctors for further study.

Most of the places have been handed over to Director Zheng and others for review, and those who came to Xu Qiu were all relatively special people.

For example, Dr. Daxia who returned from overseas.

Or various famous foreign doctors, as well as some famous doctors in the field of cardiac surgery abroad.

Xu Qiu first eliminated all non-famous foreign doctors.

At present, the places for further study at Linhai First Hospital are very tight, and the country has not yet mastered surgery on a large scale, so how can outsiders be allowed to join in the fun.

However, whether it is a surgical booklet or an internal teaching operation, it can only be marked with the four words "internal confidential" to comfort oneself.

Since this thing has caused a great earthquake in the academic world and attracted countless attention, it is impossible to keep it secret unless Xu Qiu hides it and does not release it for teaching.

Sooner or later, it will spread to the world!

Therefore, Xu Qiu plans to let a group of famous doctors come in.

Bring in the world's cutting-edge experience in the field of cardiac surgery, and let this group of "catfish" stir up the stagnant water in China and bring more vitality and vigor.

Human medicine is actually divided by national boundaries.

Take a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth as an example.

The domestic treatment process is extended tumor resection, mandibular splitting, bilateral neck lymph node dissection, and proton radiotherapy if conditions permit.

Although this can remove the tumor, the left mandible is prone to repeated purulent infection after radiotherapy, and sometimes part of the jawbone has to be removed.

If partial removal is not enough, then the mandible can only be replaced.

At this point, it is actually quite dangerous and requires joint surgery of head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, oncology, etc.

There are not many hospitals in China that can do it. Even in Union Hospital, the success rate is only 10%.

But what about MD Anderson in Meiguo?

98% success rate!

The most critical factor is the accurate preoperative assessment.

Are doctors in Daxia inferior to them?

Not really.

It is just because Meiguo has more advanced medical equipment, more professional multidisciplinary teams, and lesion diagnosis and treatment concepts, which can ensure perfect coordination from preoperative diagnosis to surgical plan formulation, impact guidance, anesthesiologists and other levels.

Take the lymph node dissection of breast cancer as an example.

In China, it is better to kill by mistake than to let go. On the one hand, there is a lack of relevant experience and it is impossible to ensure whether the lymph nodes in a certain area have metastasized; on the other hand, the complex medical environment and the huge risks caused by mistakes and omissions make clinicians only do comprehensive dissection.

Meiguo is different.

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