Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 1043: Dilemma, grandson to die or son to die?


Zhao's wife was stunned, and then followed her husband's line of sight to the observation room.

She suddenly found that her daughter had already burst into tears, and she was holding a mobile phone in her hand, which had not yet blackened.

The mobile phone interface was WeChat chat history. Although the specific content could not be seen clearly, the bright red exclamation mark on it and the reminder box "You are not the other party's friend" were particularly eye-catching.

At this moment, Zhao's wife understood everything.

In fact, she had already guessed it in her heart, but she was unwilling to admit it - after all, her daughter has always been obedient and obedient, and has never talked to them about liking a boy.

Not to mention that this kind of thing happened...

However, at this moment, it would be too self-deception not to accept the facts.

"I must find that little freshman to settle the score!" Zhao's wife wanted to kill him.

My daughter's grades are good, basically a stable 211 score, and there is still a chance to rush for 985.

It is now the winter vacation period, and after the second half of the semester after the New Year, my daughter will take the college entrance examination.

At this juncture, such a thing actually happened... This is playing a joke on your own future!

"Let's not talk about whether to settle the account or not."

The middle-aged man sighed and walked into the observation room.

Seeing her parents come in, the girl couldn't help shaking, and her eyes were panicked. She quickly turned off the screen of her mobile phone.

But suddenly she thought of something and wanted to unlock and delete this message.

However, at this moment, a warm big hand suddenly touched the girl's back.

Then, the middle-aged man hugged her into his arms, as if he had held his young daughter in his childhood, and hugged her tighter and tighter.

The mother also rushed in, subconsciously wanting to snatch her daughter's mobile phone, find the little yellow-haired VX and then slowly settle the account.

But this action was stopped by Zhao's father's stern and even warning eyes.

At this moment, the old father was full of regret.

He thought that as a father, as long as he provided his daughter with a good enough material foundation, that would be enough.

However, at this time, he realized that he had never been relied on by his daughter.

Pregnant in high school, and already at the age where induced abortion is risky, it can be said that the switch of hell has been turned on at the beginning of life...

But at this time, the daughter's first thought was to contact the boy who was not capable of taking responsibility.

And the daughter's desperate request for help was finally completely abandoned by the other party...

It turned out that the two of them were not competent parents at all, and they could not even be the last straw to save their daughter's life when she was drowning. Not only that, but in the daughter's heart, he and his wife were more like a huge rock that crushed her...

So that until now, the daughter did not dare to rely on them, and her eyes were full of fear and panic.

If it had not been hidden, he believed that his daughter would not call them even if she gave birth outside.

Because his wife's behavior just now actually explained everything-in the past 17 or 18 years, they treated their daughter like this, as if they always wanted to control her, control her friends, manipulate her behavior, and even want to dominate her thoughts, not allowing her to make the slightest mistake.

Thinking of this, the man's hoarse voice was filled with a hint of remorse: "I'm sorry, we didn't act as good parents.

"We imposed many things and expectations that we had not completed on you. We put too much pressure on you, and never discussed anything unrelated to study with you, let alone taught you how to protect yourself...

"All this is my fault as a father. Please forgive us and give us another chance to be parents and children - we can speak freely, talk about your throbbing emotions in adolescence, and any father-daughter relationship that is not related to study."


At this moment, the high school student in his arms widened his eyes in disbelief.

Then bean-sized tears slid down her cheeks, and her tense emotions collapsed in an instant. Finally, with fear and despair, she sobbed helplessly: "Dad, what should I do..."

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment.

At this moment, his mood was complicated. First, he was happy because his daughter really opened her heart to him, and then he felt guilty, because it was not until today that he heard this sentence from his daughter again.

This sentence has not been heard since elementary school.

After the intense emotional fluctuations, it is time to face reality.

Yes, what should I do next?

This is not something that life experience can solve. There is a fetus in the belly that is over 28 weeks old. Induced abortion is risky and cruel.

But if the baby is really born like this, what will happen to the daughter in the future?

To be honest, Zhao's father is willing to help his daughter raise the unborn child. At most, he will raise it as his own son or daughter again.

He even announced to the public that this is the second child of the old couple.

But will that solve the problem?

Can a person who has given birth to a fetus really go through this life as smoothly as before?

There are still five months to the college entrance examination, and the due date is about three months away... Although the college entrance examination is only one stage in life, what other stage can be so important besides the college entrance examination?

That is a summary of the previous 18 years of life.

At the same time, it is also the opening page of the rest of life for the next 50 to 60 years, or even longer.

And the beautiful college years of youth.

Will she be able to spend this golden period of her twenties alone and without worries?

Or will she always hide a dark secret in her heart that cannot be revealed to others, and hide the fact that she has a child from everyone in her future life, and always be secretive and inferior to her future lover?

Moreover, if it is really exposed one day, will she have the courage to face the social malice and countless scrutiny that will come because of this mistake?

No one knows the answer, or in other words, any choice will be regretted.

Just when the atmosphere in the observation room was gradually stagnant, the doctor who came for consultation from the obstetrics and gynecology department also rushed over.

It was Li Xue.

“Doctor Xu, the result of our discussion.” After Li Xue arrived, she handed over the diagnosis report.

Xu Qiu opened it to check.

The last line wrote the final diagnosis of this disease: Müllerian duct malformation (MDAs).

To put it bluntly, it is actually a double uterus malformation.

And it is a rare malformation with an independent uterus, cervix and double sound channels.

According to the examination results, the fetus in the patient's abdomen is about 36 cm long, weighs 1250 grams, and has an average biparietal diameter of 7.63 cm... and the fetus has begun to imitate breathing movements.

Judging from the development of the fetus, the pregnancy has reached 29 weeks!

At this time, it is necessary to measure the pelvis and evaluate the delivery method, after all, the fetus is basically mature at this time.

To put it cruelly, even a premature fetus of 25 weeks has a survival rate of more than 90% with the assistance of modern medicine.

A 29-week fetus is no different from a real human baby...

Xu Qiu put down the list and looked at the patients and their families in the observation room.

What choice will be made in the end depends on their wishes.

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