Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 104 She spent her entire youth waiting for me, how could she die now?

Yun Mei explained from behind: "Doctor Xu said he wanted to see Zhang Qiulan, Director Jiang, you just called me."

Director Jiang suddenly realized.

He was a little shocked. Xu Qiu was too sensitive to the development of the disease!

"Dr. Xu, I have issued critical illness notices to the family members twice. Please go and have a look!"

Director Jiang led the way.

Soon, Xu Qiu and the other three arrived outside the intensive care unit.

Looking into the glass, Xu Qiu's pupils shrank slightly.

In the ward, several doctors and nurses were busy rescuing people.

In the center, the snow-white sheets were stained red, and there were incontinent excrement on the lower body.

Zhang Qiulan's eyes, nostrils and other parts were bleeding. The red skin turned into bruises all over her body at some point. The data on the monitor nearby were disturbing.

Director Jiang said worriedly: "The patient's coagulation indicators are too poor. Now that DIC has occurred, the body cannot stop the bleeding on its own, making treatment extremely difficult!"

Xu Qiu looked back and found Zhang Qiulan's husband waiting outside, with a pair of resolute eyes full of tiredness at the moment.

There was panic in his eyes.

Xu Qiu withdrew his gaze and calculated in his mind.

Can it be saved?

How hopeful is that?

DIC patients are extremely prone to bleeding, and bleeding may occur anywhere in the body.

But the most terrifying thing was intracranial hemorrhage.

Just like the boy with ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) a few days ago, once Zhang Qiulan suffered from intracranial hemorrhage, he would not only die on the spot, but also ascend to the next day.

It can be said that death is inevitable.

Except DIC——

If the infection can be controlled, the blood pressure rises, and the blood volume is restored, there may be a glimmer of hope.

While he was deep in thought, Yunmei suddenly spoke and said, "Dr. Xu, Director Jiang, would you like to consider transporting the family members? The Seventh Military Medical Hospital in the next province has great experience in DIC combined with multiple organ failure..."

Xu Qiu directly denied it and said: "The circulation is too bad."

Director Jiang explained: "The patient's DIC is too severe and his circulation is very unstable. If he is transferred, he will definitely die on the transfer vehicle."

Yunmei was silent.

At this time, Xu Qiu walked towards Mr. Zhang who was waiting outside.

Director Jiang and Yunmei quickly followed.

Zhang Fu's pupils were trembling. He looked at Xu Qiu gratefully. Before Xu Qiu could speak, he spoke first and said, "Doctor Xu, you are a good doctor. I believe in you. As long as it is the plan you proposed, I will accept it." ——You must save my wife!”

Director Jiang was a little envious of both of them.

At the critical moment of life and death, the unreserved trust of patients and their families in doctors is extremely precious!

Many doctors, including Director Wang Pingping, cannot do this.

More often than not, family members are on the verge of despair and simply regard doctors as the last straw.

There is still a long way to go before this pure trust.

But Xu Qiu truly won the respect and trust of his family!

Who can be like Xu Qiu, who takes every patient's condition into their heart.

There is no blood, go and ask for blood.

There are no beds, please coordinate the beds.

Such a doctor - ask yourself, if the people lying in the intensive care unit were their own family members, Yun Mei and Director Jiang would also choose to believe Xu Qiu!

"The chance of rescue is very small."

Faced with Zhang Fu's grateful gaze, Xu Qiu also chose to be honest.

The other party is a soldier, and he has a scale in his heart. When communicating with this kind of person, the doctor does not need to worry too much, he can just state the pros and cons.

Director Jiang sighed and said: "If the economic conditions are average, we recommend that you take her home and spend the last time with your family - if you want to rescue her, you must be prepared to lose both your life and money."

Zhang Fu's eyes were red, tears welled up in his eyes, and his voice was as low as a cow: "I'm not willing to give in!

She has waited for me for twelve years, waiting for her entire youth and wrinkles...

My wife and I also planned to make up for a wedding trip and return to the snow-capped mountains where I work to see yaks and melt snow, but we kept saying that there were still opportunities. There were still opportunities. Last year, this year, and next year——

But now, it seems that I will never have a chance again! ! "

After he finished speaking, he held Xu Qiu's hand tightly and said: "Doctor Xu, save my wife, let me take her out to see the snow-capped mountains, the place where I have been stationed for twelve her , next year - no, this year, as soon as she gets better and can go out, I will take her to see the snow!"

Xu Qiu also held Zhang Qiulan's husband's hand. His voice was reassuring. He nodded and said, "Okay."

The moment he turned around, his expression became stern again, like a machine that would never go wrong.

He quickly analyzed Zhang Qiulan's situation.

1. Septic shock.

And it was severe septic shock!

There are a large number of infectious bacteria and inflammatory mediators in her body. If she wants to remove these things, she must rely on blood purification treatment.

It is similar to activated carbon in adsorbing impurities.

It’s just that blood purification is more complicated.

2.DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)

The coagulation system is paralyzed, bleeding is widespread throughout the body, and the bleeding cannot be stopped on its own.

At this time, various blood products, especially plasma, must be supplemented.

3. Hypotension…

In an instant, a complete rescue plan appeared in Xu Qiu's mind.

He glanced around. All the doctors were looking at him, waiting for Xu Qiu's medical advice.

Looking back, Xu Qiu's calm and steady voice sounded at the same time:

"Immediately start blood purification."

"Use the antibiotic encirclement plan, with multiple antibiotics covering a wide range!"

"Prepare a large dose of norepinephrine."

"Contact the blood bank and add two more bags of blood. Prepare albumin and plasma!"

Xu Qiu's voice echoed in the dead intensive care unit.

Every time an order was issued, the invisible hands fighting for life with the god of death seemed to have more strength out of thin air, pulling the patient back to the world...


More than 20 minutes later,

When Xu Qiu came out of the intensive care unit again, Zhang Qiulan's condition had improved a lot, and her condition was temporarily stabilized, and her life was saved.

Mr. Zhang finally let go of his hanging heart.

Director Jiang, who came out with him, said: "It's useless for you to wait here. The most urgent thing is to cooperate with the police to seal up the clinic as soon as possible, find the drugs that were infused at the time, and see if you can find any infectious bacteria-"

The hospital had no choice.

To confirm the infectious bacteria in Zhang Qiulan's blood, blood culture must be done.

And this examination requires smear microscopy, inoculation on a blood plate, and then observation of bacterial growth and smear results.

It will take four to five days to get the results.

There is no point in being anxious!

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang's expression changed, and he said in a trembling voice: "If I leave, what will happen if she can't see me when she wakes up..."

Director Jiang thought about it, and suddenly asked in a strange way: "Where is your son?"

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