Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 1020 The final winner! Competition for the top hospital!

Let’s not talk about the clinical ability of these people who can sit on the judges’ seat, but their status in the medical field must be extremely high.

However, many of them have come up through various crooked ways.

Or, they are actually the older version of Liu Si who is not so talented, but acts in a similar way.

Therefore, those words can be said to have dealt a heavy blow to them.

Fortunately, this awkward mood did not last too long.

Several judges were soon shocked by Chen Qiao’s amazing rescue skills.

Three or five minutes later, the alarm was actually lifted... The various values ​​of the simulated patients also returned to normal standards!

“Is this the student of Academician Xu?”

“Emergency handling ability and adaptability are top-notch... Doesn’t Xiehe intend to bleed heavily and try to retain them?”

Everyone looked at the vice president of Xiehe.

Such a genius, in a sense, is even more important than Liu Si.

After all, Xiehe has gathered the most critically ill patients in the country.

With a genius like Chen Qiao who is good at rescue, the mortality rate can even be reduced a lot because of her alone!

However, the vice president of Union Hospital, who was the focus of attention, smiled helplessly.

He wanted to!

If it was anyone else, Union Hospital would be confident that it could keep the other person.

But, what if the other person was Xu Qiu?

In fact, Union Hospital had already put a lot of effort into Chen Qiao.

Even the tutor assigned to Chen Qiao was a very experienced director in Union Hospital. The other party had long stopped accepting master's students, but made an exception for Chen Qiao.

However, Chen Qiao remained indifferent and only wanted to return to the clinical medicine.

The most terrifying thing was not this.

Chen Qiao was also quite good at dealing with people. Except that she did not get along well with Liu Si, she had a very good reputation in the hospital.

Moreover, she and the old director of Union Hospital were both teachers and friends, and they had a close relationship.

At this moment, Union Hospital was not actually thinking about how to poach Chen Qiao.

Instead, it was to prevent Chen Qiao from poaching the old director to the clinical medicine...

This is... The student poached the teacher, who can he go to for justice? !

"Alas..." In the end, all kinds of thoughts turned into a sigh.

After a small episode, everyone in the venue returned to the assessment.

The next step was the smooth surgery.

The major participating teams basically did not make any mistakes.

This was expected. If even this group of geniuses made a lot of mistakes, then the medical community would be doomed.

Gradually, batches of doctors completed the assessment.

The first team to finish the assessment was a team from a western province.

It took them five and a half hours in total, and the simulated patient finally couldn't hold on. From the beginning of life-threatening, several minutes of rescue were useless, and finally died, and the operation ended passively!

The examiners made a rough judgment from the live broadcast screen-the minimally invasive surgery was not done enough, and the patient's injury was too great!

After calculation, the simulated patient believed that this was not an injury that a real patient could bear, so the vital signs were lowered...In fact, it was irreversible at this time.

Even if Chen Qiao came, I'm afraid she would be powerless.

Because this requires the entire surgical team to judge the patient's condition and make predictions at any time. Obviously, this team did not do this well.

In fact, their surgical plan was destined to such a result.

After the first team's assessment ended, it seemed to become a fuse.

Next, more and more participating teams declared failure.

More and more people stopped, stood in their original positions, and looked at Union Hospital, West China Hospital and other hospitals.

The four hospitals suddenly became the focus.

Everyone knew that the final winner would be selected from these four hospitals.

Until the eighth hour.

The urgent alarm sounded again to break the dullness of the venue.

Everyone looked at it in unison. It was Qilu's surgery that went wrong!

At this moment, Qilu's team members were already busy and exhausted, and the chief surgeon and others were pale. Obviously, yesterday's high-load mental exercise, coupled with today's extreme surgery, drained their physical strength and energy.

With a sigh, the chief surgeon put down the scalpel.

He could see that the operation was over... The state of the simulated patient could not be saved.

The other team members were also a little regretful.

According to the steps of the operation, they had already proceeded to about 85%... and were about to succeed.

However, regret does not mean loss.

In fact, even the surgeon was excited at the moment.

Logically, they could not have come to this point.

After all, the double lung transplants now performed are all done with open chests, and it is a bit unbelievable to go directly to the point of full minimally invasive surgery.

Qilu is not good at this.

As a result, under the pressure of Linyi and Huaxi, they Qilu also inexplicably exploded and came to this point today...

For them, the current progress of the operation has reached about 90%. If they go back and improve it, it will be one of Qilu's trump cards!

This harvest is already great, and there is no need to force the first place.

Anyway, it has always been a fight for the third and fourth place...


After Qilu finished the game, only the "Big Three" were left on the field.

Union Medical College, Huaxi, and a seemingly incompatible Linyi.

No one expected that this Linyi, which lost Xu Qiu to participate in the competition and seemed to be extremely weak on paper, would actually come to this point today.

Beep beep ——

At this time, the sudden alarm sounded again attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes moved to one direction, and their expressions changed slightly.

It turned out to be West China!

I didn't expect that in the end, Union Hospital and Linyi would be the last? !

As expected, by the end of the operation, the alarm sounded different from the initial mistake, and there was no possibility of rescue.

In just five minutes, the vital signs of the simulated patient went down all the way.

Although Shi Feng and others tried their best to treat him, they only made the vital signs fluctuate for a while, and finally everything returned to zero. Putting him on the operating table was equivalent to the patient's complete death.


Shi Feng exhaled, feeling regretful and unsatisfied.

It's a pity that this patient is too fragile. If only I could do more to him...

Finally, he lowered his head slightly and mourned subconsciously. Then he remembered that this was a simulated patient, so the regret in his eyes disappeared, and he smiled and said: "You did a great job. When we go back, we will study this double lung transplant under full thoracoscopic surgery thoroughly!"


"Boss Shi has the final say!"

The team members were also very excited.

Shi Feng turned his head and cast his eyes on the last two teams left on the field.

As expected, the final champion was still Union Hospital.

It was just that I didn't expect that Union Hospital's opponent this time was not West China, but Linyi.

A seemingly incredible new team, a team led by a super genius who had created miracles three years ago and was banned in the Famous Sword Competition and the World Championship...

Just when he thought of this, Shi Feng suddenly realized something, stared in the direction of Union Hospital and Linyi, and his expression suddenly became strange.

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