Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 1010 I am unruly, but I am still my mother's good child

The bad news is that if she wants to treat it, she has to remove the teratoma, but her condition is quite serious. If she wants to keep her ovaries and only remove the teratoma, the chance of recurrence is extremely high.

The only option is to remove the ovaries.

But the good news is that Hu Jingying originally had third-stage syphilis. Even if she removed her ovaries, she would not have to worry about her reproductive function, which she already had no use for, and the various ovarian hormones that had long been disordered...

Although this good news sounds cruel, at least it did not make the situation worse.

"Then do it, a simple ovarian teratoma eradication?" The neurology doctor looked in the direction of obstetrics and gynecology.

This operation is simple and rough, cutting off the ovaries and teratoma together, pulling them out by the roots.

The head of the obstetrics and gynecology department nodded slightly, indicating that he had no objection.

Everyone's eyes then turned to Xu Qiu.

The final decision on the surgical plan depends on Dr. Xu.

"If it can be preserved, it is better to preserve it..." However, Xu Qiu gave a different answer.

The people in the office looked at each other.

Xu Qiu explained calmly: "Syphilis patients also have the right to keep their ovaries. In fact, their ovaries still have basic endocrine functions."

Moreover, syphilis patients can also have children.

Although Hu Jingying has already had tertiary syphilis, standard anti-syphilis treatment can no longer reverse the progression or cure the damage, but it can prevent further deterioration.

With the existing medical technology, it is not a problem for Hu Jingying to live another 10 or 20 years, and she may even have the opportunity to see her two children get married.

If the ovaries can be kept and some endocrine function can be retained, it will undoubtedly be better.

"Doctor Xu, do you have a solution?" someone asked at this time.

Others also showed some embarrassment.

The point they are entangled in is that keeping the ovaries may cause the teratoma to recur, and Hu Jingying's body cannot withstand a second operation.

Rather than taking such a risk, it is better to remove it.

In the eyes of everyone, the so-called ovarian preservation is nothing more than exchanging risks for organs.

Even if Xu Qiu can ensure that all visible teratomas are removed, and even conduct in-depth cleaning and expand the scope of removal... there is still a risk of residual cancer cells.

The safest way is to remove it completely.

But Xu Qiu shook his head and said, "You can try the ovarian tissue cryopreservation technology."

Ovaries... cryopreservation?

At this moment, the office was suddenly very quiet.

Many people are unfamiliar with this term. Unless they are doctors specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, ordinary people really don't know how to perform this operation.

Similar to hibernation?

Or extremely fast freezing to kill teratomas?

The former is unrealistic.

The latter...what is the difference between this and total resection? Can it be controlled to freeze only the teratoma?

But the director of obstetrics and gynecology showed a surprised expression.

Others don't know, but he knows.

The ovarian freezing technology mentioned by Director Xu is one of the cutting-edge clinical operations. There are not many hospitals that can carry out it, and even fewer are willing to carry it out.

This technology can trim healthy ovarian tissue into a certain size of tissue skin while surgically removing the teratoma, and place it in liquid nitrogen after rapid cooling for long-term preservation.

After a period of time, the tissue skin is transplanted back to the body to restore natural fertility.

This operation can not only eliminate teratoma fundamentally, but also ensure that the patient's endocrine system will not be completely disordered and retain the possibility of fertility.

After popularizing the knowledge to everyone, as expected, everyone was a little surprised.

This is equivalent to giving all the risks to the surgeon.

There are not many doctors willing to take the operation on syphilis patients.

What's more, the ovarian tissue must be frozen for a long time... and autologous transplantation is also required in the later stage.

Can it really work?

"The equipment in our hospital should be sufficient, right?" Xu Qiu looked at the director of obstetrics and gynecology.

The latter thought for a moment.

Linyi does have ovarian tissue freezing equipment and liquid nitrogen storage system.

In addition, basic Class 100 clean benches, microscopes, incubators, ice machines, etc. are all equipped.

However, the talent reserve is insufficient!

Ovarian freezing technology is a high-end operation, which requires a doctor with a deputy senior title or above, a doctoral degree, and more than five years of experience in ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation.

The focus is on the latter: more than five years of cryopreservation and transplantation experience!

Just this point alone, there is no one in Baiyun Province!

If Xu Qiu proceeds rashly, he will bear the main responsibility if the operation fails.

Today, Xu Qiu is no longer the young doctor who lived alone all his life. If he has a problem, the medical industry of Linyi and even Baiyun Province will be hit hard.

"Just ask." Xu Qiu did not think so much.

This matter is actually the same as the qualifications related to lung transplantation.

If you want to do lung transplantation, you must first have the qualifications for lung transplantation.

And to obtain the qualifications, you must first have experience in lung transplantation.

But to gain experience in lung transplantation, you have to do lung transplantation again...

The result is a vicious circle.

Unless you have connections or make great sacrifices to invite doctors from outside, the new hospital is basically out of luck with lung transplantation.

The same is true for today's ovarian cryopreservation technology.

Without developing this technology, Linyi will never have a doctor with "ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation technology for more than five years".

"It's not difficult. Do you do it or do I do it?" Xu Qiu asked.

Associate senior doctors are qualified to do it, and the difficulty of the operation is not too outrageous.

It's just that it's difficult to obtain this qualification.

Hearing this, the director of obstetrics and gynecology showed a pleasant surprise: "Doctor Xu, I want to give it a try!"

Although he has now climbed to the end of the department, for doctors, there are still deans in charge, deans, and even further in the health department after retirement...

Every technology now is one of their core competitiveness in the future.


Soon, Xu Qiu's application was sent to the Baiyun Provincial Health Commission, the Ethics Review Committee and other departments.

Even before the end of the day, this application for the green channel will be returned.

On it is the bright green word "passed".

For people like Xu Qiu, the so-called rules are just a matter of making a report. No one in the province can do this operation, and the Health Commission dare not let other doctors do it.

But Xu Qiu can!

On the other side, Hu Jingying also agreed quickly.

After she learned that there was still a chance to save her ovaries, she almost knelt down to Xu Qiu.

When her mother embraced her, Hu Jingying was stunned... It turned out that she, who was unruly and abused her body at will, was still a child in her mother's eyes.

Half a day before going to the operating table, Hu Jingying came to Bi Guang's ward. She banged a few times, handed over a divorce agreement signed with her name, and kowtowed to Bi Guang's parents before leaving.

In the ward, Bi Guang no longer had any feelings for his wife who had repeatedly betrayed him.

The other party's repentance behavior was dispensable to him. Even if the other party died in front of him, he would probably not have any waves.

Therefore, after a brief indifference, Bi Guang also signed his name.

"Son, then grandchildren..." Bi Guang's father thought of the two children.

Although Hu Jingying is despicable, the children are innocent.

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