Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 14 Gu Hou’s father-in-law and Bai’s nightmare

Time: more than forty days ago.

When Xu Zaijing was acting cute in the tent of the Duke of Qi, he was thousands of miles away in Yangzhou.

Wu Yi Lane,

White House,

A man in his fifties looked at the old Taoist standing in front of him with a pale face, and said in a weak tone, as if his bones had been pulled.

"It took more than a month for you to fall off a cliff in the mountains. The disaster you talked about may have come true long ago.

My son!

Why am I so confused that I don’t go to Bianjing to look after you just for the sake of a false reputation?

My son, it was me who caused you harm! ! "

As he spoke, tears shed from the man's eyes, and he was obviously extremely sad.

The Taoist said with a look of shame:

"I didn't expect that going into the mountains to collect medicine would be such a disaster. If it weren't for the hunters in the mountains, I would be a withered skeleton in the mountains.

I calculated your sister's calamity while I was lying at the foot of the cliff waiting to die. well! "

The Taoist priest also had a hateful tone. He was accustomed to divination of bad luck, but this time he went into the mountain while he was drunk, and unexpectedly he delayed important events.

I could have said nothing, but thanks to the kindness of the head of the Bai family, I had a demonic barrier in my heart, and I had to express my thoughts for a long time.

"Then I'll go to Beijing. Come and prepare a car."

Said the leader of the Bai family, who seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

More than ten days later, the side door of Ningyuan Hou Mansion in Bianjing opened wide, and Gu Yan of Xiu Mu bowed and invited an old man to enter the house.

Gu Yankai's father-in-law was only ten years older than him. Although he was a humble businessman, he had made a millionaire from scratch. In this era, that was very remarkable.

Since ancient times, shopping malls have been like battlefields!

If you don’t have your own intelligence, your own luck, or your own strong will, you may be killed and eaten before you become big.

Therefore, Gu Yankai respected this old man who had achieved a class jump for his married daughter and at the same time solved the urgent needs of the Hou family.

Moreover, the death of Gu Yankai's first wife had nothing to do with this person. Although he had a temper and snubbed the Bai family at first, in recent years, he has had a healthy and strong second son who looks exactly like him, and he also has his first daughter. , his mentality has changed.

Before, Gu Yankai's heart was 99% focused on the deceased Miss Qin.

Now, maybe 95%.

Looking at his father-in-law who looked tired and ugly, Gu Yankai asked with confusion: "Old man, the letter was sent the day before yesterday. Why did you arrive in Bianjing so soon?"

The name of the owner of the Bai family is Bai Wanshu. When he came to Bianjing and saw that the lintel of the Ningyuan Hou Mansion was not in white, he became angry.

He came to Bianjing at the cost of his life.

You must know that the express delivery service from Yangzhou to Bianjing takes three and a half days.

It's basically a change of horses but not people.

Bai Wanshu spent more than ten days. At his age, it can be seen that he is very anxious.

But when he arrived in Bianjing, he felt a little angry.

First, for decades, the Taoist priest's calculations were so accurate that he couldn't help but believe that his daughter had already entered the underworld.

The second is that he is a lowly merchant, so he is afraid that this high-ranking family in the capital will not bother to attend to the funeral of his daughter.

When he saw Gu Yan opened his mouth, Bai Wanshu's heart was filled with thunder and his face was like a flat lake. At the same time, his mind moved, and an uncontrollable possibility emerged in his heart.

Because there was no other expression on Gu Yan's eyes except surprise.

Bai Wanshu kept his spirits up, but in this capital, he couldn't call Gu Yan a good son-in-law.

"Gu Hou, do you know how the eldest lady is doing?"

"A sister was born a few days ago, named Tingyi. Mother and daughter are safe."

After hearing this, Bai Wanshu stopped and fell into a trance. The surprise made him a little dizzy, his legs weakened, and he could hardly stand.

Gu Yankai was a military commander by nature, and he reacted quickly and supported the old man in front of him.

"Thank you so much, Gu Hou. It takes too much energy to travel."

"It's been a hard journey, you can take a rest first."

"no, I'm fine."

The two of them walked into the courtyard while talking.

In the inner courtyard of the Hou Mansion, Mrs. Bai, who was breastfeeding her daughter, heard the announcement. Her face with a wiping forehead was full of surprise. She looked at her daughter in her arms affectionately and said

"Yi'er, mom's father is here, and your grandfather is here."

For some reason, her eyes were filled with tears. Sometimes, only in front of loved ones can the sadness of being wronged become so profound.

The infant Gu Tingyi spit out a milk froth.

This made Bai Shi burst into laughter.

"Girl, please stop crying, tears will hurt your eyes during confinement!"

When Mr. Bai Wanshu came in, Ms. Bai's eyes were still red.

This old man of the Bai family, who had been removed from the family tree and had built a fortune on his own, saw his only flesh and blood in the house.

After taking his granddaughter in his daughter's arms, he had never cried no matter how much he suffered, but his eyes were filled with crystal tears.

This is the feeling of continuation of bloodline!

There is also the joy of having descendants leave the humble status of merchants and become the heirs of noble families.

He held his infant granddaughter in his arms, his eyes full of love.

"Speaking of which, when you were born, I felt really warm in my heart when I saw you. This Yi'er has eyes like yours, but his face is as handsome as Gu Hou."

Gu Yankai's eyes also had a trace of tenderness that he had never seen before.

Miss Qin gave birth to Gu Tingyu for him.

But the daughter was born to Bai.

It was the first time that he had a daughter, but his thoughts had changed in a way that he didn't feel.

"Father, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have to stay for a while longer."

"Well, you should also be careful about your body. If you shed tears during confinement, are you kidding yourself about your body, from the Chang family?"

"Yes, Master, I will take good care of you." Chang's mother said respectfully.

Gu Yankai nodded aside and said sideways

"Old man, please rest first and I'll take care of you in the evening."

In the evening, Gu Yankai returned to his house smelling of alcohol. Looking at his infant daughter, his eyes were also full of love. His eyes were different from the way he looked at Gu Tingye and Gu Tingyu when he looked at his daughter. Gu Yankai is particularly doted on.

"Today, the old man has brought another eighty thousand taels of goods. Please ask the envoy to count them later."

"Yes, Lord Marquis."

Although Bai Wanshu had a low status and was a businessman, Gu Yankai still arranged for a wing in the Hou Mansion.

In the evening, Bai Wanshu asked Gu Yankai to let Chang's mother come to the room.

"Master, you don't look good, but are you tired from the journey?"

"From the Chang family, you don't have to worry about my health. Is there anything special or unexpected about the eldest lady in the past two months?"

Chang’s mother looked surprised and her eyes were a little dull.


"There are some things that are not clear in the letter. Please tell me about the special things in the past few years, in detail."

"Yes, sir, during Brother Ye's first birthday party, Sanlang, the aunt of the Hou Mansion, Yongyi, the Sun eldest wife of the Hou Mansion, called Xu Zai, the second girl of the Qin family in the Dongchang Hou Mansion. Jing'er was frightened and invited the Taoist priest from Yuqing Temple to say Those who care about Saburo should not visit the garden."

"The biggest change is Brother Ye's first birthday party. The eldest lady has begun to establish a foothold in Bianjing."

"Chang family, nothing's wrong. You can go back and tell me not to worry about me."

"Yes, sir."

Bai Wanshu exhaled. After a while, a man wearing the clothes of a servant of the Hou Mansion also entered Bai Wanshu's room.

An hour later, the servant walked out of the room.

Inside the room, Bai Wanshu tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

At the same time, he said to himself: "How did he survive this calamity? But let him come to Bianjing to see. If he doesn't repay the great kindness, he will be punished by God!"

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

There are still businesses lighting candles on Bianjing Road where there is no curfew, and people are coming and going on the road.

Xu Zaijing, who was at home, had not yet felt some of the changes brought about by his manipulation of the world line, and was sleeping deeply.

In Ningyuanhou’s mansion,

Perhaps Bai was a little excited about her father's arrival, and because Chang's mother was not around before going to bed, Bai fell asleep a little late at night.

When she fell into a deep sleep, she fell into a dream without knowing it.

In a daze, she saw herself bleeding to death, but Gu Tingye, who was three or four years old, was crying outside the house and was out of breath.

"Mother! Mother! Wuwuwu..."

"Ah! It turns out you can still see things after death! Ye'er, my Ye'er, stop crying!" Bai hurriedly walked over, but found that her hands could not touch her crying son.

Bai Shi:! ! !


In a cloud of cigarette smoke,

Gu Yankai married Miss Qin Er, and his son Gu Tingye grew up.

But her son was kneeling on the ground and getting slapped!

The dim room seemed to be the ancestral hall she had seen before, ‘

Behind the swirling smoke, the much older Gu Tingye was looking at Bai with tearful eyes, calling his mother repeatedly.

The child who had never cried after being beaten was out of breath crying in front of his mother's grave.

When Gu Tingye gets bigger,

He was actually hung up and whipped.

The lamps and candles in the ancestral hall felt Bai's anger, but they were just swaying and flickering as if blown by the wind.


I see that everyone seems to have a lot of feedback on these two chapters. The character Mr. Bai who appears is from the original work, and the fortune teller is newly added by the author. The purpose is also to let the Bai family know how grateful the protagonist is and pave the way for future dealings.

The appearance of the fortune teller is a bit unexpected, but it does not develop into fantasy. Is it an imaginary historical novel? The main plot of the fanfic must be the characters in the original work and the play.

Regardless of whether it is the original work or the TV series, the only representative character of the Yongyi Hou Mansion is Mrs. Sheng, so by default it is a bit ruined and there are no handsome characters. Therefore, if the protagonist wants to be on the main line, some magical changes must be made. What do you think is wrong? If you accept it, you can leave a message and I will try my best to modify it.


The stop is short! very nice! T,T

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