In the sea area of the territory of the dark pirate group, Drake is using the telephone worm to communicate with the liaison officer of the navy, because the navy headquarters is extremely jealous of Gu Xuan, so after several decisions, he chose to let him go undercover to the dark pirate group, in order to find an opportunity to find out the situation of the dark pirate group and plan to destroy the dark pirate group in the future.

On the other side, Boni, the big stomach king, is different from Drake, she is a real pirate, and joining the dark pirate group is also her own idea.

Both of them followed the ship of the Dark Pirate Group to the base camp of the Dark Pirate Group, preparing to meet Gu Xuan.

After Drake and Bonnie saw each other, they were very surprised, although they were not familiar with each other, but because they were in the same period, they could be regarded as acquaintances, but now they actually came to the Dark Pirates at the same time, naturally they were very surprised.

However, Drake’s heart relaxed a lot, and with Boni’s presence, he should be much less stressed.

The two, led by Robin, soon met Gu Xuan.

About to see Gu Xuan, whether it is Drake or Boni, they are worried in their hearts, in the past two years, Gu Xuan’s name is too big and too loud, even if they are supernovas, compared with the four emperors of pirates, it is really a heaven and a earth.

Now to meet the four emperors of pirates, who are almost standing at the apex of pirates, the pressure in my heart can be imagined.

“Where are we going?”

Finding Robin leading them further and further into the middle of nowhere, Drake couldn’t help but ask.

Robin kept walking, and as he walked, he said, “Our captain is waiting for you in front.” ”

Finally, they came to a cliff and saw a man standing there.

“Our captain is there, go by yourselves, I won’t accompany you.”

Drake Hao Bonnie glanced at each other, did not hesitate, and walked towards the place where Gu Xuan was.

“The two of you, one with a bounty of more than 200 million and one with a bounty of more than 100 million, are both a new generation of pirate supernova, why would you suddenly want to join my pirate group? It’s a bit counterintuitive. ”

Gu Xuan turned his head and looked at Drake and Bonnie with a grim face, and an invisible momentum emanated from his body.

Bonnie was the first to speak: “Because you killed Blackbeard, and now in the new world, you are the strongest, so I am willing to join your pirate group.” ”

Drake also immediately spoke: “Me too, I believe that after joining the Dark Pirates, I will definitely be able to lead us to the top of the Pirates.” ”

Gu Xuan chuckled: “It’s very nice to say, but how can you guarantee that you are not an undercover agent sent by other forces?” Some time ago, my subordinates arrested a large number of undercover agents, many of them were like you, halfway to join our pirate group, but in the end they all lost their lives, aren’t you afraid? ”

“I’m not undercover.” Bonnie said loudly.

“Neither am I.” Drake also said.

“Whether it is undercover or not, you can’t just rely on oral description, you have to be verified, before that, I can let you join my pirate group and become a subsidiary pirate group of the dark pirate group, but it also depends on whether you have this force.” Gu Xuan said slowly.

“What do you mean?” Drake and Bonnie both looked at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan said: “Some time ago, BIG· The MOM Pirates have repeatedly provoked, but I didn’t pay attention to them because the Pirates had just gained a foothold in the New World, but ignoring them doesn’t mean that I have no opinion, I give you a task, if you can complete it, I will agree to your joining and make you a core member. ”

Drake’s face changed suddenly, and he hesitated: “Although we have some strength, if we are with BIG· Compared to the MOM Pirates, they are not in a grade at all, and with our strength, it is impossible to pose a threat to them. ”

“I didn’t let you deal with BIG· MOM, I’m the one who told you to deal with her men, I heard that BIG· Among MOM’s children, the Dessert Four Star is the best, and if you can defeat one of them and bring his body back to me, even if you complete the mission. ”

Gu Xuan said his own request, and then asked: “How, dare to take it?” ”

He and BIG· The contradiction of the MOM Pirates still originated from Fishman Island, but the Fishman Island incident did not make him resent BIG· The MOM Pirates, on the contrary, are more dissatisfied with King Neptune of Fishman Island.

But not so long ago, BIG· The MOM Pirates actually wanted to attack them, and although it ended calmly in the end, he still noted it, but he didn’t act before, and now the appearance of these two supernovae just made him think about it.

The supernova with Luffy is very potential, although Drake and Bonnie are not the best and most outstanding of them, but they are definitely not weak, even Ulki can deal with a general star, if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to eradicate a general star.

Drake was obviously a little hesitant, he was here to go undercover, but if he was on BIG· If the MOM pirate group, it will be really too dangerous, don’t get nothing in the end, but put yourself in.

But the task given to him above made him have to break into the interior of the dark pirate group, and he finally found this opportunity, if he didn’t agree, he wouldn’t have this opportunity in the future.

When Drake was still hesitating, Bonnie was the first to speak: “No problem, I’m willing to take it.” ”


Gu Xuan looked at Bonnie in surprise, this woman was unexpected, making him really impressed.

When Drake saw Bonnie respond, he gritted his teeth and immediately replied: “I don’t have a problem either.” ”

“Very good, don’t say anything else, your courage alone is enough to impress me, you can rest assured, I will arrange people for you and give you intelligence.”

Although he knew that Drake was undercover, Gu Xuan did not worry, these two people had good strength, even stronger than several core crew members under him, and if Drake was recruited, make good use of it, maybe it could still play a role.

After the two agreed, Gu Xuan immediately asked Rafitte and the others to fully cooperate and brought them to BIG· The MOM Pirates are next to the place and provide them with enough intelligence.

In the new world that has been quiet for a long time, there are suddenly small fluctuations, and the supernova more than a year ago turned out to be the same as BIG· The MOM Pirates fought, and also defeated the Keli Frame among the four stars, and became famous.

What is even more surprising is that later, supernova Drake and Bonnie actually took the corpse of Krirack and joined the dark pirate group, which really caused a lot of sensation in the new world.

Of course, this is just an appetizer, not long after Drake and Bonnie join the Dark Pirates, BIG· The MOM Pirates have undergone a huge change, BIG· MOM personally spoke and asked Gu Xuan to hand over the murderer.

In this regard, Gu Xuan naturally would not agree, so the two pirate emperors of the New World fought each other in the air, and the pirate group under his command was also a border soldier, and the war between the two sides was about to break out.

“This Gu Xuan, it’s really true, it’s just been calm for a long time, and then there is a movement again.”

After the red-haired Shanks learned the news, he immediately felt a headache, originally more than half a year ago, after discussing with Gu Xuan, he thought that Gu Xuan could always be calm, but who would have thought that it had only been a long time, and he took the initiative to provoke a contradiction.

“This Gu Xuan is not a master who can suffer losses, he was not sure at the beginning, but now, he has controlled his territory, naturally remembering BIG· The Mom Pirates, a formidable enemy, this time he uses supernovae to deal with BIG· The MOM Pirates are also a good flag, but BIG· Although the woman in MOM is crazy, she is not stupid, naturally you can see Gu Xuan’s active provocation, the possibility of the two sides fighting is not great, it should still be like more than half a year ago, testing each other. ”

Beckman analyzed Gu Xuan and BIG· MOM’s thoughts, he felt that the chances of the two sides fighting were very small.

“Well, let them go, I can’t manage so much.”

Although Shanks felt a headache, he was helpless, Gu Xuan gave him face, he had face, but if Gu Xuan and BIG· MOM doesn’t give him face, and he can’t force it, against Gu Xuan and BIG· MOM, he’s not too sure either.

A sea somewhere in the New World!

“I didn’t expect Drake to get together with that big stomach king Bonnie, and also joined the dark pirate group.”

Apu said rather unpleasantly, and then he asked Eustace Kidd at the same time: “Kidd, what do you think?” ”

Compared to more than a year ago, the captain with the highest bounty among the eleven supernova has become more mature and domineering, but compared to a year ago, he has many more scars on his body, and more importantly, his left arm has become a steel prosthesis.

Kidd laughed: “Drake and Bonnie are really capable enough to take out the Kriji, but they joined the Dark Pirates, it was really beyond my expectations, how could they be involved with the Dark Pirates?” ”

Hawkins said lightly: “The Dark Pirate Group is now the most famous of the four emperors of the New World Pirates, and Captain Gu Xuan now has the title of the strongest in the world, it is not surprising that he joined the Dark Pirate Group and sought the protection of the Dark Pirate Group.” ”

The three of them have been wandering in the new world for more than a year, naturally knowing the horror of the new world, like pirates of their level, there are really too many, if you are not careful, you may lose your life at any time, at this time, looking for a strong backer is not incomprehensible.

Apu said unpleasantly: “Originally, I thought that others would be like us, targeting the Four Emperors, but now, it seems that there are only a few of us left, and Becky that guy has joined BIG· The MOM Pirates, Drake and Boni joined the Dark Pirates, Trafalgar Rowe became His Majesty the Seven Warriors, and the Straw Hat Pirates did not know their whereabouts, which was really boring. ”

“Everyone has their own choice, so why force it?”

Kidd is very open, as the only two men in the same supernova with overlord-colored domineering, Kidd is more domineering than others, and the experience of the new world during this time has made him more able to see himself.

“What about our goals, do they need to change?” Hawkins asked Kidd.

Kidd said in a deep voice: “Hundred Beast Kaido is a madman, Gu Xuan is too strong, BIG· It is difficult for us to see MOM, so it is safest to choose the red-haired pirates, I have already fought with the red-haired pirates, I know something about them, as long as we are prepared, we may not have a chance to defeat them. ”

“We believe in you to ally with you, Kidd, and I hope you don’t let us down.”

Although Hawkins is not the strongest, he is the most calculating one, and the alliance with Kidd and Apu is the best decision he can think of.

The people who care most about Drake and Bonnie joining the Dark Pirates are naturally supernovas of the same year, or new pirates who have entered the New World, and more pirate forces in the New World are more concerned about the Dark Pirates and BIG· Conflict between MOM pirate groups.

But what disappointed them was that although the two groups of pirates collided after that, they did not fight as some people thought, they still fought under control, and the two sides suffered more losses, but they were not serious.

“Captain, something happened.”

On this day, Robin rushed to Gu Xuan, looking nervous.

Gu Xuan suddenly asked in surprise, “What happened?” ”

“Bashasas was seriously injured and could die at any moment.” Robin replied.


Gu Xuan’s face suddenly changed drastically, and he asked, “What the hell is going on?” ”

Although Bashasas was the first group of pirates to follow him, the entire dark pirate group, if he was loyal, Bashasi could definitely be ranked first, the most loyal to him, and now hearing that Basas was seriously injured and dying, he was naturally angry and nervous.

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