“So many ships, what happened?”

At a cursory glance, at least dozens of ships, even if they have been walking on the great voyage and the new world for so long, they rarely see such scenes, and after these ships slowly approached, he realized that something was wrong, these were pirate ships.

“That is?”

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he saw that an amazing knife suddenly appeared behind the pirate ship, splitting one of the pirate ships directly in half, and in an instant, the formation of the group of pirate ships was chaotic, chaotically coming in his direction.

“How is that possible? Is that a swordsman’s slash? ”

His eyesight is amazing, he clearly saw that scene, he will definitely not be mistaken, it is the swordsman’s slash, and this kind of slash that instantly splits a pirate ship, even ordinary sword hao can not do it, only the top sword hao can do it.

Not far ahead of him is the windless belt in the first half of the great voyage, looking at the posture of the group of pirate ships, it is obviously heading towards the windless belt, and the pirate group with dozens of pirate ships is actually chased and killed and runs to the windless belt, how scary is this that will happen?

Dozens of pirate ships, how can there be thousands of pirates, this is placed in the first half of the great voyage, it is definitely a very strong pirate group, what force is such a size pirate group scared like this?

Another identical knife, again a pirate ship was split in half, those pirate ships became more chaotic, crazy acceleration, soon rushed not far from him, such a large group of pirate ships rushed over, his small boat could not support for half a second.

Frowning, Gu Xuan didn’t want to cause trouble, and controlled the boat to hide in the distance, but what he didn’t expect was that the group of pirate ships actually crashed into him.

“Find death.”

Seeing that these pirate ships actually bypassed and pretended to be him, Gu Xuan, who was originally a little sympathetic to this gang, suddenly showed killing intent in his eyes, and a large amount of black smoke appeared on his body blankly.

“Dark Cave Road.”

For the ability of the dark fruit, Gu Xuan has long been completely mastered, he is now able to create darkness in large quantities, as a natural demon fruit, the lethality of the dark fruit is not strong, relying on its ability like a black hole, which can suck and crush human living objects.

But this also has a big disadvantage, that is, if the opponent’s speed is too fast, it is easy to dodge, after all, it is not a real black hole, it can absorb everything, and it also makes people have no resistance, so when using the ability, it is necessary to release the darkness on a large scale and expand its range, so that the lethality will be greatly increased.

Just like in anime, Blackbeard can absorb static objects and ordinary people at will, but when facing the strong, such as Ace, such as Whitebeard, etc., even if the darkness is released, it cannot absorb them and absorb and crush them, this is because the other party has a certain resistance ability and can resist the absorption of the power of darkness.

The pirate ship that was now crashing towards him was a medium-sized ship, although the size was not small, but it was inseparable from the scope of Gu Xuan’s move, and after the darkness was released, a large amount of dark smoke suddenly began to devour from the bottom of the pirate ship.

“What’s going on?”

The pirates who fled in panic suddenly found that the pirate ship could not move, and it sank rapidly, they all thought that there was a problem with the bottom of the ship, and they all shouted in panic.

In fact, it is also the bad luck of the people of this ship, they were chased and killed, holding the fire in their stomachs, at this time suddenly saw a small boat appear in front of them, in the idea of venting, without hesitation to collide, but did not know that this collision, let them die faster.

The absorption speed of the darkness gradually became faster, and soon the surrounding fleeing pirate ships all found the abnormality of this pirate ship, but they all saw it clearly, and a large amount of black smoke appeared under the pirate ship, which led to the rapid sinking of the pirate ship.

“What’s going on? Did we encounter an underwater monster? ”

This pirate group originally had dozens of pirate ships, but because they were chased and killed, only two-thirds remained, but the number of pirates still did not decrease much, and although their opponent was only one person, none of them had the guts and ability to resist.

Who would have thought that the chase and killing behind this was not over, and suddenly such a strange thing appeared, and the fear in his heart was even greater.

“It’s the boat, it’s the people in the boat, look, the black smoke is what he released.”

Suddenly, a pirate pointed forward in horror, and soon others saw the small boat where Gu Xuan was, especially Gu Xuan, his small boat had touched the big ship, and the black smoke coming out of his body was exactly the same as the black smoke under the pirate ship, and it must have been him who caused the pirate ship to sink.

“That’s a monster, kill him, kill him.”

These pirates were not the pirates in the first half of the great voyage that Gu Xuan thought, but pirates who entered from the four seas, with limited knowledge, and could not recognize the ability used by Gu Xuan, and in panic, they all attacked Gu Xuan.

“Bang bang bang…”

The average pirate, the most commonly used attack is a gun, which does not require any foundation, as long as it is trained for a period of time, it can be easily used, and the long-distance attack is basically a gun cannon.

Only a small number of bullets hit Gu Xuan, but unfortunately, it did not cause any damage to Gu Xuan, on the contrary, the pirate ship was completely swallowed by darkness at this time, and the black smoke on the sea surface was slowly disappearing, and black smoke continued to appear on Gu Xuan’s body.

“Monster, this person is also a monster, the attack can’t actually hit him.”

The pirates shouted in horror, at this time, where could they continue to attack, the level of panic increased, and they all turned the bow of the ship and fled around Gu Xuan.

“This gang of trash.”

Looking at this scene, Gu Xuan was really stunned, when did the pirates become so intimidated? And also such a large pirate group of large fleets, this attack has no effect and scares away?

A huge warship at the front of all pirate ships, this pirate ship is larger than the others, with three decks and a panther-shaped bow, and this ship is very lively now.

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