“Gu Xuan, I’m going to kill you.”

Although he didn’t know the principle of this trick, but seeing his subordinates disappear, Lopez knew that they would definitely not survive, roared, and directly used his ability to become a huge black bear more than five meters tall.

“Dark water!”

Seeing the huge black bear that pounced again, Gu Xuan’s left hand black mist appeared, and pressed it on Lopez’s body, although he was knocked back by the huge force, he still stabilized his body and activated the ability of the dark fruit.

Lopez’s blow was unsuccessful, and he was about to strike again, but he didn’t expect that the power quickly passed from his body, and the black hair on his body also fell off quickly, and in just a few seconds, he actually returned from his black bear form to his human form.


Stunned, Gu Xuan’s attack had already unfolded, using an armed domineering right fist, smashing fiercely on Lopez’s body, knocking him back, and at the same time, he also released the hull and pirates that had just been absorbed.

A large number of stump debris fell down all over the world, all smashed on Lopez’s body, burying his whole person.


The only remaining pirates saw the opportunity to sneak up on Gu Xuan, but two gunshots rang out, and a blood hole appeared in the head of the two remaining pirates at the same time, and slowly fell, it was Van Oka’s shot.

The pirate ship of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group had just been eroded by most of Gu Xuan’s ability to use it, leaving only the lower half of the hull, and it was smashed down by the stump debris released by Gu Xuan, and at this time it had slowly sunk, and it would not be long before it completely sank.


An angry roar sounded, and Lopez rushed out from the debris, only to see him covered in blood, panting, looking very embarrassed, especially his face, still hung with shock and incredulity.

He was still confused why he had used his ability just now, but after contacting Gu Xuan, his ability had disappeared strangely, so that he couldn’t react and was hit by Gu Xuan’s punch.

Gu Xuan would not give him time to think so much, after seeing him get up, he quickly rushed towards him, his physique already had six points, plus the armed color domineering, even if he faced a master of pure body art like Lopez, it was not bad at all.

Stormy attack, this time Gu Xuan did not use the ability of the dark fruit, directly used his own physical skills, if it is only physical skills, he may not be able to beat Lopez, but he still has the domineering color, the two colors domineering together, Lopez can not use the fruit ability, naturally can only be suppressed and beaten by Gu Xuan.

Although Lopez offered a bounty of more than 200 million Bailey, it was his heyday, and now the strongest ability cannot be used, and the reduction in strength is generally more than that, and Gu Xuan’s physical skills are domineering, and the physical skills battle is more than twice as strong as before.

In this case, Gu Xuan was naturally able to easily defeat Lopez.

“You bastard, how could you progress so fast?”

Lopez, who was defeated by Gu Xuan, was still in shock, he had fought Gu Xuan several times before, and he knew very well that Gu Xuan’s strength was much worse than him, but how long had it been? Gu Xuan was actually able to crush him, and even his strongest ability could not be used in front of Gu Xuan.

Lopez brought Lopez to his own ship, and as for the pirate ship of the Hundred Beast Pirates, it was already stuck in the sea at this time.

Bashasas saw Gu Xuan show his mighty to get rid of the pirates who were chasing him, his eyes were full of admiration, although his strength was not weak, but he was chased and killed along the way, he knew how strong his opponent was, but such a strong enemy, Gu Xuan turned his hand for the clouds and covered his hands for rain, and easily solved it, much stronger than him.

Not paying attention to Bashas’s adoring gaze, Gu Xuan asked Lopez: “Lopez, I see that your strength is not weak, how about joining my pirate group?” ”

Lopez offered a bounty of more than 200 million, if he joins his pirate group, then the task of establishing a pirate group can be completed, not only can the task be completed, but also can enhance the strength of the pirate group, why not.

But after Lopez heard this, he laughed with disdain: “Just because of you, you are not worthy of letting me serve, Lao Tzu has only one captain, that is, Captain Kaido, you guy can’t even compare to Captain Kaido, and you want me to be loyal to you?” You dream. ”

“Captain, this guy is so ignorant, let me kill him.”

Bashas volunteered to shout, he has fully entered his role by this time, thinking of himself as a member of the Dark Pirates.

Gu Xuan pondered, in fact, he really had the heart to solicit, although Lopez’s ability was restrained by him, his strength is still very strong, at least the three generals under his current command, whether it is Lafitte, or Van Oka, or Bashas, will not be Lopez’s opponent, and this Lopez is still an animal ability, and the potential is not weak.

It’s just that he looked at the disdainful gaze in Lopez’s eyes, and his heart became cold, he knew that he really had no advantage over Kaido, and it was impossible to let Lopez fall under his command from the hundred beast Kaido.

“As a pirate, since you are not willing to surrender, you can foresee your own fate.”

Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and then ordered Bashas: “He will leave it to you.” ”

Bashaston responded excitedly, having been chased and killed by Lopez for so long, and now he can finally take revenge, and he immediately took Lopez into the cabin.

Gu Xuan was not interested in how Bassas would abuse Lopez, but Rafaite showed satisfaction after seeing Gu Xuan make such a decision.

To be honest, he was dissatisfied with Gu Xuan recruiting Bashasi before, after all, in his opinion, this pirate group he was the first to join, naturally hope that the dark pirate group will become stronger, but don’t want Gu Xuan to recruit people so casually, Van Oka’s strength has been recognized by him, Bashas is almost a little.

Although this Lopez defeated by Gu Xuan is not weak, the other party obviously has no intention of submitting, and the opponent’s backstage is still a hundred beast Kaido, if Gu Xuan forcibly wants to conquer him, this is very unwise behavior in Rafitte’s opinion.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Xuan did not do that.

“Captain, that guy was solved by me.”

An hour later, Gu Xuan’s pirate ship had already sailed away from the place where they had fought before, at this time, Bashas finally walked out, looking at his refreshed appearance, obviously what he had just done made him very happy.

Gu Xuan nodded and said, “Bashasi, don’t mind telling us about you, right?” ”

Rafaite was driving the pirate ship, Van Oka was responsible for watching, leaving only Gu Xuan and Bashas, so Gu Xuan and Bashasi started a conversation.

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