Do not die

Chapter 347 Pink Lotus Star Lotus

This was really a change that was completely beyond Meng Zhou's expectations.

Meng Zhou looked at the tender pink flower in the center of Linglian. The little pink in the center was guarded by gold, just like the softness bred from the hardness.

In this tender pink lotus petal that is still tightly closed, Meng Zhou can feel that there is a hazy, nascent, and pure spiritual wisdom gestating in it.

Like a blank sheet of paper.

Meng Zhou could feel the natural closeness, admiration, and attachment of this spiritual wisdom to him.

In comparison, both Bai Zhi and Yaya seemed too "sophisticated".

"Perhaps this is the normal state that a newborn 'spirit' should have."

"On the contrary, Bai Zhi and Yaya are abnormal, special products of chance." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

After carefully studying this spiritual lotus, Meng Zhou also discovered that between the "lotus spirit" contained in the pink flower bones and the entire spiritual lotus, there are both independent sides and an integrated side.

The special effect of Qinglian's Spiritual Essence on Linglian is still effective.

He can transform the entire spiritual lotus into a "spiritual body" or "avatar".

When the entire Spiritual Lotus is transformed into a Spiritual Lotus clone, its strength performance is superior to that of the Cold Ice Lotus clone and the Fanlu Star Lotus clone.

Among them, the biggest difference is that this Spirit Lotus clone has far greater body refining achievements than the other two Spirit Lotus clones.

Even compared to the ancestors of the Jinding Sect who cultivated both body and law, they are still ahead of each other.

Because in addition to its powerful physique, this Linglian clone also has two powerful characteristics.

The first is the extremely fast healing ability. As long as the damage does not immediately turn into powder, it can basically be restored to its original state with just a "flash of golden light".

After many experiences, Meng Zhou felt that this was not like "healing", but like "resetting" - returning the body to the healthy state before the injury.

Second, it has super strong magic resistance. Any attack from any spell situation can be completely ignored with just a "flash of golden light".

Yes, whether it is the "health reset" feature or the feature of being immune to spell damage, the key lies in the "golden flash".

"Rather than two characteristics, this is more like a special magical power of this 'Lotus Spirit'."

However, the experience of transforming this spiritual lotus into a clone was still a bit too new for Meng Zhou.

Because when the entire spirit lotus was transformed into a spiritual body, a single pink flower bone stubbornly remained independent.

This independent unopened flower exists in the abdomen of the Linglian clone, and there is a lotus stem connected to the Linglian clone like an umbilical cord.

The hazy spiritual wisdom hidden deep inside this tender pink lotus has not been affected at all. From time to time, the lotus will sway gently on the belly of the Linglian clone, as if to express satisfaction with this environment.

When Meng Zhou controlled this Linglian clone, Meng Zhou felt for the first time that it was not a good thing to have too close a sensory connection with the clone.

In his past life and this life, Meng Zhou would never have thought that he would have such a real experience before he experienced it.

After enduring the discomfort and testing the ability of the Linglian clone, Meng Zhou quickly let the Linglian clone take root again in the earth, transforming from human form into lotus shape again.

Meng Zhou stared at the pink lotus. The next moment, his figure flashed and the figure standing in front of the lotus disappeared.

When he reappeared, Meng Zhou found himself in a space that was not too big, and whose walls and dome were all pink.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the four-walled dome is not complete, but seems to be made up of pink petals one after another.

This is nowhere else but the inner space of a pink lotus with its petals tightly closed.

The space is not large, about the size of a basketball court, and it gets smaller as you go up.

The highest point of the dome, where the space converges, is only about thirty meters away from the ground where Meng Zhou is standing.

Being in such a space, Meng Zhou didn't feel cramped at all.

He looked around and looked carefully, not missing any detail.

The more he looked at it, the more joy he felt in Meng Zhou's eyes became stronger.

His eyes chased the pink aura flowing between lotus petals.

Here, Meng Zhou did not discover the existence of the "Lotus Spirit", and naturally could not see its specific form.

Meng Zhou knew that it was still in pregnancy and was in a very special state.

In this space, it is both absent and omnipresent.

Perhaps, the pink aura flowing like water waves between the lotus petals in front of him is the fluctuation of some hazy thought.

Meng Zhou breathed in the air that had been filtered through layers of spiritual lotus and had a light freshness. It filled this small space with spiritual energy that was purer than the top of Qiyun Peak.

What's even more special is that the spiritual energy here seems to have become much softer after being transformed through layers of spiritual lotus.

After breathing into the body, it is easily refined into its own magic power.

"If nothing else, if the mana consumption is huge, it will be very convenient to recover energy here. The efficiency is far higher than the outside world."

Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe—

Meng Zhou felt that his spirit had become much refreshed.

When he finished exploring everything in this space and left this space with a little reluctance, Meng Zhou had already determined in his heart that since this time he used the green lotus spiritual marrow to cultivate three spiritual lotus seeds, the biggest gain would be ,right here.

When Meng Zhou's figure disappeared from this space, he appeared again at the top of Qiyun Peak.

Meng Zhou waved his hand and put the spirit lotus into the spirit gourd space.

Compared to his initial expectations, this spiritual lotus deviated the most.

But it also gave me the biggest surprise.

The only "regrettable" thing is that the spiritual lotus that has grown to the limit of the third level still only has one unopened pink lotus. Naturally, there is no hope of harvesting more "lotus seeds".

Of course, if he really wanted to take it by force, there was nothing he could do.

Whether it is the "bead fetus pregnancy method" that Yin Youyi gave him or the "bead fetus spirit washing method" he created on this basis, he can force this spiritual lotus to "give birth" to a child.

However, the price is that the "lotus spirit" conceived in the pink lotus will completely die, and this spiritual lotus will become a "dead" third-level spiritual lotus.

All the characteristics it currently possesses will be greatly weakened in the process of "giving birth", and it will be difficult to return to its current "peak" state.

As for going further on the current basis, don't even think about it.

"Spirit lotus can be reproduced and cultivated from generation to generation, but the 'lotus spirit' is unique. Father cannot beget sons, and sons can beget grandchildren, generation after generation."

Although Meng Zhou felt a little regretful about this, he easily accepted this fact.

“It’s not often that bugs occur, and that’s normal.”

Before Meng Zhou's attention returned to Fanlu Xinglian, the last thought running through his mind was:

"It's obviously inappropriate to call this spiritual lotus the golden pink double-pedicle lotus."

"But what should it be called?"

"...Um...uh...hey, forget it, let's continue to call her Golden Pink Double Dilian."

Meng Zhou decided not to dwell on such trivial matters.

When he put the problem aside, he felt much more relaxed.

Before starting to cultivate the second Dew Star Lotus, Meng Zhou took stock of the remaining quantity of the third-level mid-grade Green Lotus Spiritual Essence.

However, due to the consumption of cultivating three spiritual lotus plants, the original reserve of 1180 drops has now been reduced by nearly half, leaving only 647 drops.

Fortunately, only 125 drops are needed to grow a flourishing dew star lotus.

Meng Zhou consumed 500 drops of the third-grade mid-grade Green Lotus Spiritual Essence in one breath, and cultivated four Dew Star Lotuses in succession.

After turning all four Dew Star Lotuses into Spirit Lotus clones, Meng Zhou summoned the Dew Star Lotus clone that had been stored in the spirit gourd space.

Then, as Meng Zhou's thoughts changed, these five spiritual lotus clones evenly surrounded Meng Zhou.

Because of his close connection with these Spirit Lotus clones, Meng Zhou could clearly sense the powerful power contained in these five Dew Star Lotus clones.

But Meng Zhou's attention did not fall on this most powerful, third-level power.

His eyes were all focused on the unique characteristics of the five clones due to the "Flowing Dew Star Lotus".

In his induction, the five Dew Star Lotus clones were like five "magnets".

There are strands of special power flowing down from the void, from the upper void above the Gangfeng layer. This power is like the invisible but always falling "heavy snow" in the world.

Because of the existence of these five Dew Star Lotus clones, the "heavy snow" that fell in the Qiyun Peak area was absorbed by them.

It is precisely because each clone has absorbed this strange "heavy snow" that it possesses the power characteristics unique to the Dew Star Lotus.

But when it comes to each clone, although this power is majestic, it still can only "take second place" compared to the more majestic spiritual power.

But now, Meng Zhou has five clones of the Star Lotus.

Their seemingly simple and casual positions contain too much of Meng Zhou's understanding.

The auras of the five Dew Star Lotus clones are connected to each other, forming a "ring" that goes around and around without beginning or end.

This includes Meng Zhou's understanding of "the five elements and all phenomena".

The special power flows endlessly within these five spiritual lotus clones, without beginning or end, without end.

This includes Meng Zhou's understanding of the "fundamental nature of water".

And these insights were perfectly and naturally expressed by his outstanding attainments in the way of talisman formation.

This special power fell from the sky and was absorbed by the five Dew Star Lotus clones. The moment it entered the "ring" formed by the five Dew Star Lotus clones, it was like entering a special accelerator.

In its continuous circulation, the nature of power becomes more and more pure.

In this special environment, the restrictions of the third and fourth levels seem to no longer exist.

In other words, for this kind of power, there are no three or four levels at all, just like there are no lower or higher levels of the power of life creation.

When it becomes more and more pure and solid in the continuous cycle, it naturally escapes the scope of the third level.

Meng Zhou stood there and felt quietly, but his powerful and keen senses were already warning him.

Although this power is becoming more and more pure, on the other hand, the signs of losing control are becoming more and more obvious.

Meng Zhou knew very well that once he truly lost control, he would be the first to suffer the backlash from this powerful force.

Even if the pressure was shared among the five Dew Star Lotus clones, Meng Zhou felt that they had all reached the limit of what they could bear.

If it goes one step further, the five Dew Star Lotus clones are likely to break like porcelain.

Finally, at this moment, the five Spiritual Lotus clones slightly adjusted their respective positions, and the flow continued to accelerate, and the increasingly pure power finally stopped accelerating, but formed at a constant speed among the five Spiritual Lotus clones. The "ring" is constantly flowing, and its power is constant at this moment.

Looking at this semi-materialized force that was orbiting around him like a small comet, Meng Zhou raised his head and looked into the void around him, feeling the urge to throw it in a certain direction to hear the sound.

Like a naughty kid holding a powerful firecracker in his hand.

However, Meng Zhou finally resisted the thought of committing suicide.

Not to mention that Qi Yunfeng couldn't withstand such an explosion, if he really threw this "comet", the entire Qingxuan Sect would probably be severely shaken.

Finally, after confirming the lethality of the "comet" surrounding him through indirect methods.

The positions of the five Dew Star Lotus clones once again changed significantly, and the "ring" that penetrated the five Spirit Lotus clones began to exert a reverse force on the "comet" that was speeding around.

This force did not immediately change the trajectory of the "comet", but it changed it from "going with the current" to "going against the current."

Its speed slowly decreased.

As its speed dropped, the condensed and pure power naturally dissipated to the surroundings.

The "comet" gradually became blurry.

In the end, the "comet" completely disappeared, and the threat that Meng Zhou felt was so close at hand also disappeared.

After that, Meng Zhou tried many times and became more and more free to "retract and release" this power.

Meng Zhou called the invisible "heavy snow" falling from the void above the Gangfeng layer "star power" based on his own understanding.

Its source does not come from spiritual energy, but from the stars hanging high in the sky.

This is also the characteristic of "Flowing Dew Star Lotus".

In addition to absorbing spiritual power, it also absorbs star power and has a natural affinity for star power.

Through the existing name of the spiritual lotus "Fanlu Star Lotus", Meng Zhou concluded that the cultivation world was not completely ignorant of the existence of star power.

However, among the five realms, with Meng Zhou's "smart ears and eyes", he did not see any systematic study and use of "star power" cultivation methods or secret techniques.

But this is not a big problem for Meng Zhou.

Being accustomed to "doing it yourself", he easily found a way to put it to use with his rich experience.

After some attempts, Meng Zhou couldn't help but sigh:

"The Dew Star Lotus clone is simply a natural formation material."

It's so convenient.

Whether it was the unexpected harvest of the golden powder double lotus or the benefits brought to him by the combination of the dew star lotus clones, Meng Zhou was deeply surprised.

The pressure from the Constellation Palace could not help but fade away a lot in his heart. (End of chapter)

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