Do not die

Chapter 314 Spiritual Vein Upgrade Completed

The three professions of Spirit Controller, Medicine Spirit Master, and Spirit Adjuster will take the final step when he completes the "First-Level Spirit Vein Upgrade Model". Meng Zhou had expected this, and he had no idea about this result. Accident.

In the eyes of others, the upgrade formations he designed for each spiritual vein are just pure formations.

Only Meng Zhou himself knew how much of his own "private goods" were incorporated under the surface of this formation.

Such a rare opportunity, of course, we must maximize its value as much as possible.

In addition to completing the spiritual vein upgrade and extracting universal spiritual vein upgrade rules, Meng Zhou also invested his insights into the professions of spiritual master, medicine spiritual master, and spiritual adjustment master.

The results proved that this was a very correct step. Not only did he gain more understanding of the three professions of Spirit Controller, Medicine Spirit Master, and Spirit Adjuster.

More importantly, Meng Zhou took this opportunity to pierce the last layer of window paper between these three professions.

The three professions of Spirit Controller, Medicine Spirit Master, and Spirit Adjuster disappeared and were replaced by a brand new profession.

These changes were basically within Meng Zhou's expectations.

What really surprised him was the title [Spirit Master] itself.

He originally thought that the new profession that emerged as a combination of the Spirit Master, the Medicine Spirit Master, and the Spirit Adjuster would inevitably raise a series of question marks.

Only after he, the founder, is named can a series of question marks turn into a clear and unambiguous message.

Meng Zhou was mentally prepared for this, but he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, such an experience is already a very common thing for him.

But the actual situation really made Meng Zhou's heart skip a beat.

“It’s not a question mark?!”

"Not to mention the two professions of Spirit Controller and Medicine Spirit Master, the profession of Spirit Controller was definitely born in my hands."

“Before me, the profession of ‘spiritual master’ did not exist in this world.

However, the ‘spiritual master’, which is rooted in the three professions of spiritual controller, medicinal spiritual master, and spiritual adjuster, already exists. "

"It's really strange!"

This is equivalent to the fact that before the first floor, which plays a load-bearing and supporting role, did not exist, the second floor already existed; before there were eggs, the chickens already existed.

At first glance, this seems to go against common sense.

However, facts are facts.

Meng Zhou was far from the point where he said, "It's not my fault, it must be the world's fault."

Between adjusting himself or changing the world, Meng Zhou made a decisive choice. Meng Zhou shattered some of the inherent concepts in his heart as quickly as possible, and then reshaped them based on the facts.

Originally, based on his own experience, Meng Zhou habitually believed that compound careers were a process from bottom to top.

The beast master and the puppet master together are the spirit master;

Medicine master and spiritual planter, together they are medicine spiritual master;

On this basis, there are spiritual wine masters, spiritual bakers, and spiritual mixers.

My own understanding of the three professions of Spirit Master, Medicine Spirit Master, and Spirit Adjuster is just to repeat the process that has already happened.

Now, after being shattered and reshaped, Meng Zhou's understanding was completely reversed.

Career development is not a bottom-up process, but a top-down process.

"In this framework, it is very likely that the 'spiritual master' is the source."

"Then, based on this 'source', the beast master, puppet master, medicine master, spiritual planter, spiritual wine master, spiritual baker... and so on were decomposed."

"Of course, it is also possible to break down professions such as Spirit Master and Medicine Spirit Master first.

Then the spirit master and medicine spirit master continued to decompose, giving birth to the beast master, puppet master, pharmacist, spiritual planter and so on. "

"Only in this way can everything that happened to me be explained."

Meng Zhou, who was running through these thoughts in his mind, suddenly fell into a trance.

Then, he realized that such thoughts had occurred many years ago.

A long time ago, when facing the connection between the knot master and the four paths of the alchemy talisman formation, Meng Zhou had a similar realization in his heart.

At that time, he mainly considered it from the perspective of "inheritance".

This idea seems to apply here as well.

"Perhaps, the profession of 'spiritual master' is the same as that of 'knot master'. It was once powerful and glorious, but in the end it was defeated by time and the inheritance was cut off.

No one except the world even remembers that such a profession existed. "

"The situation of 'painter' is actually similar."

"It is normal for these professions with too high thresholds and too high difficulties, even if they are amazingly powerful, to be annihilated in history and washed away by the rolling torrent of time."

"On the contrary, Bai Zhi and I are the ones who go against common sense."

"It would be unreasonable to use our successful experience as counter-evidence."

After becoming a "spiritual master", Meng Zhou's biggest realization was that "the world turns out to be so plastic."

Originally, Meng Zhou was still a spirit master, medicine spirit master, and spirit adjuster. Although he was able to use these professional abilities to do something in a certain direction and field of the world.

Although, the room for him to display is already very wide.

But his vision and abilities were ultimately constrained by this.

It's like there are invisible barriers that divide the originally complete world into small pieces. All he can see and intervene are these small pieces of space.

But now, all these invisible barriers have disappeared.

The world suddenly became empty.

Spaces and spaces are no longer independent, but are related to form a close whole.

But after feeling this change, the first thought that arose in Meng Zhou's heart was not to make something out of this empty and comfortable world. Instead, he felt a sense of panic for no reason.

In the past, those invisible barriers artificially divided the complete world into small pieces of space, making it impossible for him to understand the overall situation. He could only understand and piece it together piece by piece.

Although this gave him restrictions and restrained him, it also gave him an inexplicable sense of security.

Those invisible barriers are obstacles, but they are also steps.

But now, all the invisible barriers have disappeared.

Barriers disappear, steps disappear.

He must face this empty void alone, unable to exert his strength, and not knowing where to start his efforts.

Facing such an empty "void" with nowhere to focus, Meng Zhou didn't even know where to go next, so how could he not feel panicked.

"It's no wonder that such a profession has been lost. Not even a name has been left."

Fortunately, Meng Zhou was not an ordinary monk. He quickly controlled his mind and focused his thoughts on the spiritual vein upgrade itself again.

Then, through constant practice, Meng Zhou began to slowly realize the wonders of the "spiritual master".

It was a kind of freely flowing and flowing earth energy that had never been experienced before. The spiritual energy spread throughout the spiritual energy. Under his mobilization, it was like a flock of sheep being driven by a shepherd.

After completing the upgrade of thirty-six first-order spiritual veins, Meng Zhou started upgrading twelve second-order spiritual veins non-stop.

The scope of the second-level spiritual veins is much larger than that of the first-level spiritual veins. Especially the twelve ones selected by Meng Zhou that have the potential to be upgraded, the spiritual veins have a radius of at least six to seven hundred miles.

The difference in workload alone between completing the layout of a second-level spiritual vein upgrade array and that of a first-level spiritual vein upgrade array is several times or even ten times greater.

And the increase is not just as simple as the workload?

But it only took Meng Zhou less than a day and a half to complete the upgrade of the first second-level spiritual vein.

Everything went smoothly without any twists and turns.

When upgrading the first-level spiritual veins, Meng Zhou started from the heartland area of ​​Qingxuan Domain, then the middle ring area, and finally the outer ring area, going around in circles.

Now when upgrading the second-level spiritual veins, start to work in reverse, from the outside to the inside.

Among the twelve identified second-level spiritual veins that meet the upgrade conditions, seven are located in the outer ring area.

There are three of them, namely Bixueyuan, Qiandao Lake and Wucailing.

The other four were all just snatched from the hands of monsters, and they were all "terrain without owner".

——Although, after killing or driving away the monsters living in them, monks quickly gathered on these spiritual veins. Some of them want to have a place to rest and rest, while others are determined to stay here forever.

But before the beast tide broke out, Qingxuanzong had already said that the ownership of these spiritual veins would not be based on the traditional "first come, first served" basis, but would be based on the contribution of various forces in the beast tide. segmentation.

As for how to define the size of contribution, it is military merit.

Even if some people have different opinions in their hearts, no one openly opposes it, and it has become the default rule for everyone.

The first second-level spiritual vessel that Meng Zhou upgraded was such a "ownerless land".

While he was directing the monks of Qingxuan Sect to make preparations for the upgrade in an orderly manner, many monks were watching from far or near, quietly or excitedly.

Although no one dared to come to him and strike up a conversation, Meng Zhou could clearly feel that there was a more restless emotion in the air than when he was upgrading and arranging the first-order spiritual veins.

"Be careful, don't really cause any trouble."

Meng Zhou had the rare opportunity of sending a message to an Alchemy monk from the Law Enforcement Hall to remind him.

"Senior, please rest assured, we have made careful arrangements and there will be no trouble."

The Law Enforcement Hall Jiedan replied with full confidence in his words.

Meng Zhou nodded and said nothing more.

When this core hub of spiritual veins successfully created a third-level spiritual land with a radius of fifteen miles, Meng Zhou did not linger at all. He immediately called everyone back to the spacecraft, and then commanded the spacecraft to escape from this place.

As for how this upgrade was like a firecracker, bringing violent shock to the bystanders and the entire Qingxuan Territory, Meng Zhou didn't pay attention at all, and focused all his thoughts on the next stop.

"President, how did you do it?"

The spaceship was speeding through the Gangfeng layer, but all the monks from Fuzhen Temple looked at Meng Zhou with reverence.

Finally, a monk who had recently broken through to a third-level array mage due to high-intensity and high-efficiency training couldn't help but ask, his face full of admiration and reverence.

Without comparison, I don’t know how powerful it is.

Previously, Meng Zhou presided over the upgrade of the first-level spiritual veins, and the whole process was smooth and smooth.

Although all the monks in the Talisman Palace were already convinced, they still fell short.

Because of the lack of realistic comparison, they cannot truly understand how difficult it is to achieve this step and how high the level of formation attainment is required.

Now, they know.

In terms of spiritual vein foundation alone, the one that was upgraded just now is no better than the Mikawa Plain before the upgrade.

But the final result, in terms of the area of ​​the third-order spiritual land, is that the gap is more than twice.

This effect is so intuitive.

This touched the monks of Fu Zhen Temple too much.

At this moment, facing their eager gazes, Meng Zhou just chuckled and said:

"It's nothing special, it's just that practice makes perfect."

Everyone was not satisfied with his obviously perfunctory answer, but no one continued to ask without opening their eyes.

However, they didn't really shut up. They chose to vent their emotions in another way.

"President, can I recommend two people to join the Professionals Association?" someone asked.

"Is he a professional?" Meng Zhou asked.

"Of course." the man replied.

"Then why do you need a recommendation? You can just apply directly." Meng Zhou said.

"President, I also want to ask..."

When the spacecraft emerged from the Gangfeng layer and hovered over the core area of ​​a second-level spiritual vein, the Professionals Association had already gained a large number of "quasi-members".

Almost all of these "quasi-members" come from Qingxuan Sect.

Unknowingly, most of the Qingxuan Sect's professionals had the label of "association member" on their heads.

The reason why there are still many "fish that slip through the net" is not that they don't want to enter the net, but that time is limited and they only have time to develop so much.

Meng Zhou believed that if this trend continued, most of the Qingxuan Sect's professionals would become members of the Professionals Association before the end of this month.

"Does this mean that Qingxuan Sect has incorporated the Professionals Association, or has the Professionals Association eaten up the Qingxuan Sect's professionals?" Meng Zhou thought in his mind.

Perhaps, in Qingxuanzong's view, this is a kind of co-optation.

Meng Zhou doesn't dwell on this, as long as the Professionals Association can obey his command and cooperate with his actions when necessary.

Although the people who came to assist Meng Zhou during this spiritual vein upgrade were all monks from the Qingxuan Sect, the contribution made by the Professionals Association was not small at all.

Not to mention anything else, more than half of the large number of formation flags and formation bases required for the formation were completed by the Professionals Association.

Since mid-November, I have been "running around" with the monks of the Fu Formation Hall throughout the Qingxuan Domain, holding the upgradeable torch, igniting the spiritual veins one after another, and I have no time to make the formation flag formation base.

To accomplish all this and to support them with sufficient "ammunition" at all times, it is the Professionals Association.

"Finally the stuck point is completed."

On December 28, the spaceship returned to the core area again. Meng Zhou and his team also completed the upgrade of the twelfth second-level spiritual vein. A third-level spiritual land was born in the core hub. Meng Zhou felt a long sigh in his heart. One breath. (End of chapter)

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