Divine Child System

Chapter 2442: Fengshen Palace Yin Baby

The only possibility is that the kid is an old monster!

His realm is far beyond a group of disciples, so this group of disciples can't see through each other.

He even thought that the other party was a distracted little monk!

"It seems that this should be the case!"

"However, the ants in a mere immortal wasteland dare to hurt my Jiang Buju's heirs!"

Jiang Buju's thoughts flashed, his eyes burst into sharp killing intent.

The disciples of Fengshen Palace in front of him shivered uncontrollably when they felt the terrifying killing intent.

"You do not protect the young master well, and the blame is hard to escape. You will be punished for a hundred years of hard labor, so that you can follow suit!"

Jiang Buju was able to sit firmly in the position of the master of the palace among the children of the Jiang family, and naturally he was not an ordinary generation.

Jiang Feng is already dead, even if he kills these disciples in front of him, it won't help.

On the contrary, if he is reluctant to entangle this matter.

It will also make other Jiang parents behind this group of disciples feel dissatisfied.

After all, the group of disciples of the Fengshen Palace in front of them are all descendants of the Jiang family.

Speaking of which, they are also dudes like Jiang Feng.

However, their status is undoubtedly much worse than Jiang Feng.

"Thank you Palace Master for your kindness!"

Upon hearing this, the disciples of Fengshen Palace breathed a sigh of relief, and kowtow to Jiang Buju to thank you.

Although a hundred years of hard labor is difficult, it is undoubtedly a thousand times better than losing one's life.

Therefore, this group of dudes did not have any dissatisfaction at all. On the contrary, they were very fortunate that the palace owner did not lose his mind.

"A cultivator in the immortal wasteland dare to kill my young master of the Fengshen Palace. This matter must not be let alone!"

"According to the deity's order, all the elite disciples will gather after three breaths and attack the fairyland!"

Jiang Buju's order was sent out again.

After speaking, he looked at the disciples who had fled back.

"You guys also go with you!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Buju walked away.

He also had to go back to the inner palace to explain to his wife Yin Wa.

You know, Jiang Feng is Yin Wa's treasure in the palm of her heart!

Now that Jiang Feng has fallen, he really can't explain to Yin Wa.


Just as Jiang Buju stepped into the inner palace, his Taoist companion Yin Wa had already greeted him.


Upon seeing this, Jiang Buju barely squeezed a smile on his face.

He suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say.

But Yin Wa on the opposite side had obviously felt the abnormality.

Her pretty face sank with a brush.

"Husband, did something happen? You want to take a concubine?"

Yin Wa's first reaction was that Jiang Buju, an old pervert, was going to be a concubine!

Because this kind of thing has not happened before.

In the past, Jiang Buju had several confidantes, and they all planned to go to the harem.

But it is a pity that Yin Wa is so powerful that Jiang Buju has never succeeded.

Therefore, it is normal for Yin Wa to have this reaction!

"Madam, what are you talking about!"

Hearing this, Jiang Buju wiped a trace of sullen on his face.

"It's Feng'er, something happened to Feng'er!"


After Yin Wa heard it, she was stunned.

She was still a little dissatisfied with Jiang Buju's attitude.

But at this time, there was only panic in her heart, nothing else.

"Feng'er has fallen!"

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a stone broke the sky, a bolt from the blue, and the moment Yin Wa was shaken stood on the spot!

After a while, Yin Wa uttered a heart-piercing scream.

"Who is it, who dared to touch me Feng'er, my old lady tore him alive!"

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