Wang Shuang is dead, and now, Xiao Zhi's opponents are only Zhou Gongyao and Wu Heng.

The wooden ghost was fierce and dragged Zhou Gongyao and Wu Heng with the power of a ghost.

Xiao Zhi rushed with his knife and joined the battle.

Suddenly, Wu Heng and Zhou Gongyao fell into the downwind.

When Zhou Gongyao's body was entangled in a wooden ghost, the kettle in Zhou Gongyao's hand suddenly floated out a wisp of purple flame.

The flames fell on the wooden ghost's body, and the wooden ghost suddenly let out a scream.

In the blink of an eye, the wooden ghost was burned by the flames and only half of his body remained.

The flames are relentless and continue to burn the wood ghosts.

Seeing this, Zhou Gongyao felt great peace in his heart.

This flame is not an ordinary flame, but a legendary innate divine fire.

From this flame's body, Xiao Zhi sensed a feeling of extreme danger.

He hurriedly used the pupil of identification to look at it.

The dark purple flame, a yellow-grade eight-grade innate thing, is an innate thing born from the birth of heaven and earth, and it is very rare.


Xiao Zhi frowned, he had never heard of this thing before.

Even if he hadn't heard of it, Xiao Zhi could sense the power of this thing.

At this time, the wooden ghost had been burned to the ground.

The dark purple flames turned into a ball of fire and flew towards Xiao Zhi.

"Not good!" Xiao Zhi secretly shouted badly, and hurriedly became invisible.

But his stealth can fool people, but he can't fool this flame.

The flames were still close to him.

Seeing this, Zhou Gongyao laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, devil, suffer death! You can't bear the innate divine fire! It is your honor to be able to die under the incineration of the innate divine fire! Hahahaha, innate divine fire, give me the demon head! Zhou Gongyao smiled happily, and suddenly, the innate divine fire was flying towards him.

Because, Xiao Zhi has already hid behind Zhou Gongyao?

Zhou Gongyao's smile instantly froze.

Hurriedly shouted.

"Divine Fire, don't hurt me, go and destroy the demon head!" Zhou Gongyao wanted to escape, but his waist was held by Xiao Zhi and he couldn't escape at all.

Xiao Zhi clings to Zhou Gongyao, rests his chin on Zhou Gongyao's shoulder, and whispers in Zhou Gongyao's ear.

"Baby, if I can't live, you don't want to live." Xiao Zhi said.

Zhou Gongyao's face suddenly changed.

"Xiao Zhi, you madman, let me go, let me go!"

"Don't let go."

Seeing Xiao Zhi say this, Zhou Gongyao hurriedly shouted and asked Wu Heng for help.

"Wu Heng, save me quickly, this kid is holding me, let me get out."

Hearing Zhou Gongyao's help, Wu Heng glanced at the innate divine fire, and a flash of greed flashed in his eyes.

"Zhou Daoyou, I can't see him." Wu Heng said.

"He's right behind me." Zhou Gongyao said.

"Behind? Nobody. "Wu Heng is still playing the fool.

At this time, the dark purple flame had floated to Zhou Gongyao's side.

The dark purple flame bypassed Zhou Gongyao and landed on Xiao Zhi's shoulder.

Xiao Zhi's shoulder instantly burned, and the burning pain of drilling his heart made Xiao Zhi couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

Xiao Zhi was also decisive, hurriedly cut off his arm and pulled away.

And Xiao Zhi's arm was still grasping Zhou Gongyao's body.

This arm was like a twister of a cannon fight, burning itself and igniting Zhou Gongyao.

The dark purple flame quickly burned Xiao Zhi's arm, and then burned on Zhou Gongyao's body.

Zhou Gongyao screamed.

"Ah!! Divine fire, I am your master, you can't hurt me! But

Dark Purple Flame didn't listen to him at all at this time.

The Dark Purple Flame is an innate divine fire, which cannot be refined by non-powerful people, and Zhou Gongyao has not completely subdued it at all, so how can it be called its master?

The divine fire was ruthless, burning Zhou Gongyao's body and burning Zhou Gongyao's soul.

Zhou Gongyao's Yuan Baby wanted to escape from his body, but he was also contaminated with a dark purple flame.

The purple flame burned the Yuan Baby, and the Linglong Yuan Baby became a splash of flying ash in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart: Hey, there is one less Yuan baby.

When Wu Heng saw this scene, the greed in his eyes was even worse, and he hurriedly rushed to the kettle containing the dark purple flame.

He wanted to take the Dark Purple Flame for himself.

Xiao Zhi sensed Wu Heng's thoughts, hurriedly raised his hand, and a green poisonous light shot out from his fingertips.

The poisonous dragon shoots.

The poisonous light pointed directly at Wu Heng's eyes, and Wu Heng hurriedly waved his hand to block.

With such a wave of his hand, he lost his time.

The kettle was held by Xiao Zhi in his hand.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Wu Heng cursed angrily, then turned his head and ran.

He knew that he couldn't beat Xiao Zhi, and staying here would only be killed.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Small lives matter.

Wu Heng, who used to be a scattered cultivator, is well versed in the art of saving his life.

Xiao Zhi did not chase.

Wu Heng is a body refining cultivator, very difficult to entangle, and difficult to kill in a short time.

If you really fight him, it will definitely take a lot of time.

At that time, if the other party comes to reinforcements again, he will be unable to escape.

Wu Heng is a smart person, and Xiao Zhi is also a smart person.

In the world of immortal cultivation, only smart people can survive.

Xiao Zhi stood in the air, and the arm he cut off was giving birth to a new arm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He held the kettle in his hand, and the dark purple flame circled in the air, and then flew towards Xiao Zhi.

This can startle Xiao Zhi Xiao Zhi.

Fortunately, the Dark Purple Flame did not attack Xiao Zhi.

It turned into a wisp of fire and burrowed into the kettle.

Xiao Zhi held the kettle and said to himself: "This flame is powerful, difficult to control, and cannot be used casually." However, it can be used as a material for cultivating divine beasts, although rats and mice are fire attributes, but the quality of rats and mice is too low, it is estimated that they cannot contain this flame, it seems that they can only wait to cultivate a stronger fire attribute divine beast later.

Saying that, Xiao Zhi put the kettle into the storage bracelet.

Subsequently, Xiao Zhi took away all the storage magic weapons on these people and took them for himself.

After doing this, Xiao Zhi did not hurry to check what good things were in these storage magic weapons.

Stealth and depart, leave this land of right and wrong.


Tianyi Pavilion, the soul lamp went out one after another.

The boy guarding the soul lamp was about to be scared to death.

He hurriedly went to inform the Sect Master of Tianyi Pavilion.

Inside the Soul Lantern Hall, the powerhouses of Tianyi Pavilion had gloomy faces.

"Elder Zhou, they are all dead."

"This demon is terrifying."

"Five Yuan Babies can't take him down, and they lost their lives, so can't anyone kill this demon head?"

"We must exert the power of the whole sect to annihilate this devil!"

"This demon head even killed my Tianyi Pavilion people, such a blood sea deep feud, if we don't report it, how can we Tianyi Pavilion gain a foothold in the Tianming Continent in the future!"

"Sect Master, quickly give the order to destroy the demon head."


Just when the powerhouses of Tianyi Pavilion were restless, Wu Heng, who had returned from escaping for his life, had already returned to the sect.

He was covered in scars and indescribable embarrassment.

However, these scars were not made by Xiao Zhi, but by himself.

He was a body refining cultivator with extremely strong defenses, and it was difficult for Xiao Zhi to leave scars on him.

Moreover, he hardly fought with Xiao Zhi, where did the scars come from?

He made these scars for himself to make himself look miserable, only in this way will he not be spurned by the world for escaping.

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