Divine Beast Creator

Chapter 1625: Pile of Energy

It’s a pity that they can only think about it in the end. Feng Yuan didn’t mean to look for them at all. After all, those who are unfamiliar with their classmates are still unfamiliar. At most, they can only help when they are free, not to mention, compared to high school. During this period, everyone began to face reality...

"Huh~ I still sleep comfortably in the classroom~"

Stretching, Feng Yuan, who usually sleeps during class time, smacks his lips and says, Qi Chen who is talking to Dou Yanlan glances silently at Feng Yuan and doesn’t bother to say anything about him. This guy, even the teacher doesn’t care, he What can you say, after all, compared with high school, there are basically no cultural courses now, professional content?

Regarding the Yu Beast, it is really hard to say who Feng Yuan and the teacher will teach, so the teacher will let him go.

At this moment, feeling the phone vibrating, Feng Yuan took out the phone and saw that the call from Liao Yu was connected with some confusion. He glanced at the teacher who was waiting for everyone to complete the practical operation in the class, and Feng Yuan bowed his waist from the back door. When he slipped out of the classroom and noticed Feng Yuan's actions, the spiritual material class teacher frowned, but after seeing that it was Feng Yuan, he ignored it.

It’s okay for that guy to skip class, as long as he doesn’t violate school rules. As for skipping class? Sorry, there are regulations in the school regulations of the college that students who believe that their courses cannot allow themselves to improve can choose whether to attend classes. After all, each student has different knowledge, and the content taught in some courses like Feng Yuan has long been complete. There are not a few proficient students.

As long as they can pass the exam at the end of the semester, the college will not care if these students come to class. Of course, they cannot leave the college privately during this period. There are really important matters, and you can only leave by asking for leave from the head teacher.

Outside the classroom, after talking to Liao Yu for a while, Feng Yuan hung up the phone and looked at Agunas, flicking his tail, and hearing Feng Yuan and Liao Yu talking, he naturally understood what the other party meant and took out a book. ,it says

"Our side has indeed basically completed the preparations, and now the Shenzhou area is also ready. When do you plan to start?"

"Then now, let me tell Teacher Wu."

After that, Feng Yuan directly dialed the number of the head teacher, and asked casually, knowing that Feng Yuan was going out to do errands. He didn't even bother to ask what he was going to do. He directly allowed him and said that he would talk to the guard, scratch his head, and hang up the phone. Feng Yuan said suspiciously

"Why is it so easy to say, I allow it without asking what I want to do?"

Rolling his eyes, Agunas said angrily

"What do you say? When you go out, it is the other person who is at risk and not you. What's more, you have been performing special service tasks on weekends. According to regulations, in fact, the special service tasks have a certain level of confidentiality. If she is chaotic, Inquiry will happen instead."

This is why Feng Yuan always waited for the special service team to send a letter instead of reporting back when he took them to deal with the file. Although they are qualified to understand, they don’t want to get involved because of the ease of crossing the line. .

Hehe laughing, Feng Yuan looked at Agunas and said

"Then trouble you, Shenhua City opens the door~"

"Shenhua City?"

After a moment of stunned, Agunas looked at Feng Yuan with a little surprise, Veronia chuckled and said

"It seems that they still have selfish intentions."

"This is not surprising. As an important economic city, if Shenhua City can become a recovery node, the benefits will be visible, and because it is just an economic city, even if there is an accident, there are still remedies."

Shaking his head, Feng Yuan said indifferently. In fact, there are many nodes in Daxia. He was really surprised that the other party would choose Shenhua City, because there are advantages to doing so, but once an accident occurs, Shenhua City will also Will be severely affected, this is a gamble.

"That is their own choice."

Agunas said with a wave of his paw, and a space door opened. Agunas took the lead through the space door to reach Shenhua City. Here, Otsuki Qinglong has cleared the land near the node.

"Suburbs, forget it, let's see Baby Mianlong again when you have time."

Sweeping the empty ground and the tall buildings of Shenhua City not far away, Feng Yuan touched Xiaoji's head as he said. The other party looked at Feng Yuan with puzzlement and didn't understand what he wanted to do. He took out the dark ancient book. Feng Yuan was right. Agunas said

"Tell them to be prepared, and call me when you are ready."

Nodded, Agunas began to contact the other sacred beasts. Soon, people from the Shenhua Special Service Team and the defense team rushed over. After confirming the precautions with Feng Yuan, they stayed on guard to avoid other people from accidentally running in.


Opening the dark ancient book, Feng Yuan said, Agunas and Otsuki Qinglong looked around nervously, singing in a low voice, and a black circle gradually appeared in the sky. In the circle, you could see another world. The sight.

In that dark and dead world, Hilnas waved his wings and roared towards Feng Yuan's direction. A black beam of light rushed out of the world, crossing the barriers of the world, and a series of golden rune rings appeared, Yimu Seeing this, Qinglong and Agunas also acted separately.

The turquoise rune ring and the sky blue rune ring are lined up next to the golden rune ring. After passing these rune rings, the black beam of light turns into almost transparent energy and slowly falls into the earth. The beam of light connects the two worlds, where Hilnas is. The world of is black. On the real world side, under the transformation of the rune ring, almost transparent energy is constantly pouring into the earth's energy circulation.

The earth is greedily absorbing the power and revitalizing it like a long drought and the rain, the withered elixir shakes from time to time, the completely dead branches fall, and new leaf buds slowly grow out.

Seeing that the energy intensity continues to rise, everyone who has been paying attention to the major nodes can't help but cheer. All the nodes open the energy pile at the same time, and the huge energy is dispersed to each node to continuously supplement the earth's energy circulation. The wandering wild spirit beasts immediately noticed this change and vented the joy in their hearts with constant roars.

"Is this... the beginning?"

Perceiving a fresh wind blowing across the campus, Dou Yanlan looked up to the sky. Because there were no nodes nearby, Ugi City did not have any obvious changes, but with the help of energy circulation, that energy has been replenished here.

"No wonder he suddenly disappeared, it turned out to be doing this."

Qi Chen naturally noticed the changes in the surrounding energy and couldn't help but sigh. Before, he was wondering where Feng Yuan went again. Isn't that guy most like running to sleep in the classroom?

"Basically that's it. All that is left is to wait. Once a violent energy tremor occurs, it must be stopped, otherwise it is likely to turn into a catastrophe."

After staying under the energy pile for a long time, Feng Yuan said to Agunas, as for Otsuki Qinglong or Agunas staying here, he doesn't care about it. Anyway, this supplementation didn’t take long. It lasted at 11 or 12 o’clock in the evening. It will end. As for it is impossible to completely supplement.

According to Feng Yuan's estimation, the best thing is to reach 80%. At that time, a little change will cause shocks. Therefore, it can't continue to add up to the eight achievements.

However, even so, it is much better than before. Perhaps because of the importance of knowing this, all countries in the Shenzhou region are simultaneously focusing most of their attention on various nodes in the country. After all, at this time, who is there? The problem is the anger of the entire Shenzhou region.

"You are, it's over?"

Just after school, Qi Chen asked in surprise when he saw Feng Yuan who had come, he smiled and said

"Of course, but Agunas is still there. At the latest, it should be over at twelve o'clock tonight."

"That's a good luck situation, but do you think you can exert influence? For example, destiny or time?"

Veronia said and looked at Feng Yuan. Although she didn't care about it, it would be great if she could do her best. She smiled and shook her head, Feng Yuan said

"It's impossible. Those energies and their intensity are beyond the limits that can be controlled by the power of destiny and time in this world. Therefore, we can only see how luck is. If we are lucky, we can see it at about twelve o'clock. Agunas is back~"

"Leave everything to luck? It's really uncomfortable."

With a cold snort, Veronia complained dissatisfiedly and did not ask much. If there is a way, it believes Feng Yuan will not hide it.

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