District 9

Chapter 954 The show of the election campaign

In the morning, in the teahouse next to Gangnam District Council, the old cat took off his hat, sat on a chair carelessly and said, "What are you doing, are you in such a hurry to find me?"

"I have something for you to do." Lao Li has been very busy recently and has a lot of things to deal with, so he didn't gossip with him and just went straight to the topic: "I have someone in Jiangnan District. A friend helped me recruit people from a few small living villages outside the district. I think it is very useful and can be operated. You can just go and do it."

"A bit, what's the point?" the old cat asked curiously.

"That's right," Old Li sat upright and asked softly: "When the three major districts were first built, there was a nuclear radiation leak outside the district. Did you know this?"

"I know that." Old Mao immediately answered: "When the climate first changed, didn't the nuclear testing base on the border explode?"

Lao Li pondered for a long time, shook his head and replied: "There are many theories. No one can tell whether it was a nuclear leak caused by climate. But at that time, in order to control the nuclear radiation zone, there were cordons and construction around the area. Warning tower, and my friend from Jiangnan District was working as the director of the Construction Department at the time, so this job fell to him."

"Damn it, this is a life-threatening job. Why are all your friends so lucky?" Lao Mao's speaking style is mainly reflected in his lack of integrity.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lao Li cursed, frowned and continued: "At that time, my friend didn't have any workers, so he went to the living village outside the district to recruit people, bit the bullet, and did the job with the budget. .”

"Then what?" asked the old cat.

"...The nuclear radiation zone has an impact on the human body. In addition, the workers have been working there for more than half a year, and the results can be imagined." Lao Li said tactfully.

"This is a very bad job." Old Mao said with a sidelong glance, "Your friend is not a good person either. If you can't fool people in the area, you can fool people outside the area who don't understand anything."

"Not many people come back, and they all have sequelae, and their children are all deformed." Lao Li sighed and said, "So this friend of mine feels quite guilty. After finishing this job, he stayed in the position of director for a whole day. He came down after more than a year. But fortunately, his cousin was outside the district and had some public base. In addition, the government also paid a lot of money, and the people outside the district did not seek to sue, so the matter was settled. .”

The old cat's face became serious and he listened quietly.

"This new district expansion has a quota of 1.5 million residence rights. This friend of mine found out that I wanted to elect the chief councilor, so he found me." Lao Li said softly: "He wants to bring people in these living villages , all came to Songjiang. After all, there is a minimum welfare guarantee in the district. If it is done, he can be regarded as doing something for the people of these living villages. When he is old, he did some things when he was young. Things that go against your will will always haunt you, and if you don’t untie them... you’ll never be able to live with them.”

"What do you mean?" Old Cat asked a little confused.

"Logically speaking, I don't want to get involved in this matter." Lao Li said calmly: "Because the people of these living villages add up to 8,000 people. Eighteen thousand votes will have little impact on the overall campaign. And now there is a special inspection team watching the issue of residency, so it is quite difficult to operate it privately. Overall, this matter is not cost-effective. "

The old cat said nothing.

"But some time ago, I went to these living villages and took a look around. Alas, they are really miserable there." Lao Li frowned and said: "There are many women, old people, and children, and the labor force is very small. , the geographical location is in a very remote place in Bianchun, and you have to walk more than ten kilometers to purchase anything. All the expenses in several villages are borne by the young adults from their families who come to work in the area... It is very difficult to live, so I thought about it and thought that if this matter can be beneficial to us and gain some virtue, it’s not completely impossible to do it.”

When Lao Mao heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable and asked, "How do you plan to use these people?"

Lao Li looked at him as if he was mentally retarded and said softly: "Because the people in these living villages are very miserable, it's a little bit awkward. Come forward and help me make some donations and put on some shows in these villages. I'll find someone People proposed to the city council to petition the people and request that these villages be granted full permanent residency rights. Let’s find the media to highlight this matter, so that the attention of ordinary people and the upper class will be focused here, and the issue of residency rights will naturally It’s solved! When ordinary people have sympathy, the upper class will naturally sympathize, so it is harmless to release some privileges in such special living villages. On the contrary, the government will buy good things from the people. "

The old cat was silent.

"You go help me with this matter, and my attention will naturally rise." Lao Li said expressionlessly: "When all the candidates for the chief council member are wooing the big family and the big life village, I But I focused my enthusiasm on the disadvantaged groups among the disadvantaged groups, which will naturally look different. The people in these living villages solved the issue of residence rights, and I also made a good name, and I was able to wash away the past things. It’s a win-win.”

Lao Mao looked at his uncle who was so calm and indifferent and said with a speechless face: "That's what happened, but when you say it like that, I always feel uncomfortable."

"There is no temperature in the political arena. A win-win situation where everyone gets what they need is already a good result. If you can achieve your goal while also doing some human work, that's very virtuous." Lao Li tilted his neck and looked at his nephew and said: "You can't always be too idealistic, be more pragmatic. The methods I use may seem utilitarian, but I have personally solved people's practical problems. Can you say that I am not a good official?" "

The old cat was speechless when he heard this.

"I'll leave this to you. Are there any questions?" Lao Li asked.

After thinking for a long time, Lao Mao was convinced by Lao Li: "No, I can do it."

"That friend of mine will come over later, let's have a chat." Lao Li reminded softly: "His name is Niu Hai, you can just call him Uncle Niu."

"Okay." The old cat picked up the tea cup and took a sip.


The truck pulling the workers drove into the Wang family's construction site in Xinyuan District. Tianhui jumped out of the off-road vehicle, waved his hands and shouted: "Come on, everyone, come down. Let's count the number of people first, and then divide the work sheds."

As soon as more than a dozen vehicles came in, the construction site instantly became lively. Wang Tiannan, who had been injured some time ago, followed Wen Beiliang, Wang Zongxiang and others out to greet him.

"It's very fast. We brought so many workers here on the first trip." Wang Tiannan walked over and bared his teeth and said to Tianhui.

"I'll be busy with this in the afternoon." After Wang Tianhui replied, he turned to Wen Beiliang and Wang Zongxiang and shouted: "Uncle!"

"Haha, Xiaoqing is here too?" Wang Zongxiang nodded towards Tianhui and accidentally noticed his little wife.

"Uncle." Xiaoqing timidly greeted Wang Zongxiang.

After finishing speaking, Wang Tiannan and Wen Beiliang also turned to look at Xiaoqing.

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