District 9

Chapter 935: Asking for help from the north

In the morning, the sun was rising. In the car in front of the Superintendent of Black Street, Qin Yu puffed on a cigarette and said to Qi Lin: "When you go back, don't go to Longcheng. The Wang family is used to being domineering outside the district, and they never suffer. , we can’t afford to offend him for the time being, so stay away.”

"I know." Qi Lin nodded.

"Take another cargo line and avoid Dragon City for the time being." Qin Yu frowned and added: "The delivery of goods should be slower. The customers are stable anyway."

"You don't have to worry about the goods. I have been running this line for more than two years. I know how to avoid them." Qi Lin said easily: "However, we must find a way as soon as possible. We have a lot of business They are all outside the district, and it will be very troublesome for them to remain so weak."

"I know this well." Qin Yu nodded and said, "Wait, finish the railway matter first and then study this."

"Yeah." Qi Lin nodded.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Qin Yu turned around, turned to look at Ma Laoer and asked, "How was your discussion over there?"

"It's not good. I met with Mr. Huang from Fengli last night, and he kept dragging us down with words." Ma Laoer responded truthfully: "I didn't say how much it would cost, and I didn't say I wouldn't cooperate at all. Just There and in the mud."

"Did they hear that the construction period of this land is two months, so they deliberately blocked us and wanted to get more money?" Qin Yu asked.

"It's possible." Xu Yang nodded.

"Does this wind power living village have something to do with the Wang family?" Qin Yu asked again: "Could it be that they are causing trouble in secret?"

"There should be this kind of relationship." Xu Yang thought for a moment and replied, "But if Lao Huang gets the money right, he may not necessarily side with the Wang family."

"I generally understand." Qin Yu nodded.

"Xu Yang and I studied it and both felt that this matter can be avoided." Ma Laoer looked at Qin Yu and said softly: "If the project team can agree that we can bypass the wind power village and repair the lines next to it, Railway, then the matter is much simpler. I no longer occupy your land, so why are you blackmailing me?"

Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette: "This is also a way."

"Didn't Gu Yan introduce you to several connections in Fengbei? Why don't you make a call?" Xu Yang asked.

"No, let's not talk about adjusting the planning map. Whether it's big or small, it's better not to talk on the phone." Qin Yu waved his hand: "Let's do this. I'll finish the meeting in the morning and take the light rail to go there in the afternoon. Go to Fengbei and talk to people from the project team in person."

"It would be so trouble-free if we can settle the matter." Ma Laoer agreed very much: "Even if it costs two to three million to solve this matter, it will be more comfortable than going to negotiate with Fengli Village."

"Okay, then I'll go to Fengbei in the afternoon." Qin Yu made a decision.


Qin Yu went to the police station for a regular meeting, and spared two hours to sign all the arrest warrants for suspects arrested in the underworld in the past two days, before he hurried to the light rail station with Cha Meng and Fu Xiaohao. .

At around six o'clock in the evening, everyone arrived in Fengbei. After buying tickets at the ticket office to return to Songjiang the next morning, they quickly rushed to the city.

Since Gu Yan introduced Qin Yu to several military and political officials in the project team last time he came to Fengbei, he didn't have to rush around like a headless fly this time. He just booked a package at a certain club with ease. I made an appointment with an official in charge of planning.

It's around nine o'clock in the evening.

In the bathing area of ​​the club, Qin Yu was sitting in the steam room, pouring water on the charcoal fire, and said with a smile: "Tong Si, can we make some fine adjustments to this plan?"

Tong Si was stunned: "Why fine-tuning it? The picture I ordered for you Tiancheng Baofeng was the best in the ninth district."

"The contracting area is pretty good, but I'm running into some trouble here now." Qin Yu wiped the sweat from his face and said bluntly: "In our map, there is a small platform to be built near the Wind Life Village. ….”

"I know." Tong Si said with strong business skills: "That station is called Fengtang Station, and the name was given by our group."

"Yes, this is the station." Qin Yu immediately agreed: "We have now contacted the people in the local wind power village, and the compensation price offered is not low, but they just won't accept it, and they won't say it's okay or okay. No. When I asked them what their bottom line price was, they told me that they would study it when they get back. As you know, our land area has a construction period, which is only two months in total. It is really difficult for me to deal with the local people's delay. .”

"Ah, that's right." Tong Si nodded slowly, put his hands on his hands and asked slowly, "Did you not find someone good to contact?"

"No, we have found all the people we should talk to, and we are also willing to arrange for the people in charge of Fengli Village, but it is of no use." Qin Yu smiled and shook his head: "I don't know either. Do they want to ask for more money, or do they just want to give us small shoes to wear?"

Tong Si fell into silence when he heard this.

Qin Yu waited for a while and then said again: "So what I think is that our planning map can be modified to bypass the wind power village and build a railway platform from the side. That might be much more convenient. Of course, I I know that this matter is not easy to handle, and you may encounter some resistance when you help to operate it, so... I will personally give you some gift money, and you can help me with it. Do you think...?!"

Tong Si wiped the sweat from his face and replied with a smile: "Haha, Xiao Yu, you are a friend introduced by Gu Yan, I personally value it very much. If I can give you some appropriate support within the scope of conditions, that is also No problem. It’s just that once the plan is finalized, if you want to change it, there’s really no possibility.”

Qin Yu was stunned.

"First of all, this planning map was drawn up by Yanbei. It was discussed by the three major district project teams and unanimously voted before it was released to you contractors, so what I personally say does not count. If you want to change it, then It has to be agreed by the Yanbei general project team. But because of this matter, do you think it is necessary for our military and political people to initiate a new discussion? How many things will be involved?" Tong Si explained rationally: " Secondly, this planning map was drawn up by experts from the engineering department of the general project team based on the conditions of each district. The location of each station has been carefully scrutinized and considered in detail. If you move it, it may affect many subsequent events. For example, if the location of the station is changed, , the station square will definitely not be placed in the living village, so what is the significance of building this square? The introduction of merchants, the planning of the goods yard, all will have to be moved when the time comes... In this way, it is not fine-tuning, right? Also? The most important point is that a large part of the road sections constructed by various contractors are outside the district. If you change it, others will not be able to move forward. Do you have to change it too? How will the balance be balanced then? "

There was no nonsense in what Tong Si said, and it was very reasonable. This made Qin Yu unable to refute even if he wanted to. The military administration has given you such a good road section, but you can't negotiate it yourself and are trying to change the planning. Doesn't this mean you are a bit spoiled?

After Qin Yu thought about it again and again, he nodded and said to Tong Si: "I understand, then let's find a way to solve this matter ourselves."

"Haha." Tong Si smiled and said in a half-serious and half-joking tone: "Gu Yan calls you the Black Prince every day, so can this thing still bother you? There are many problems with the land use rights outside the area. In disputes, if you are willing to pay compensation, you are already a conscientious boss. But this conscience and goodwill may not always work. What is the saying? Poor mountains and poor waters breed unruly people, do you understand?"

Qin Yu looked at Tong Si with burning eyes, listened to his advice and said: "The main reason is that our district needs to be expanded, and I am not very willing to move."

"Just remember, no one or anything can stop the railway construction issue. No one can see it if the problem is small, but if it gets big, someone will definitely take care of it." Tong Si reminded meaningfully.

Qin Yu nodded thoughtfully: "I understand."

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