District 9

Chapter 921: Xiaoleizi was beaten twice

Most of the security guards at Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Factory were brought from Jiangzhou. If someone is able to do this in the area to be planned, it must be a matter of time. In addition, Zidong and the others just smashed the lobby and beat up the security guards. They were really overly aggressive, so after Coco issued a very strong "order", These people were completely having fun. If something goes wrong, the boss will take care of it, so if you don’t take revenge now, when will you take revenge?

Dozens of people rushed over, holding riot shields to resist the opponent's swords, guns and clubs, and firing riot guns loaded with pain block bullets at the crowd.

Although the pain block bullet is not fatal at a slightly longer distance, it is very effective against riots and gangsters holding murderous weapons. A shot within five meters can collapse, the bullet can directly penetrate the skin, and the pain is not something that ordinary people can endure.

Gunshots rang out indoors, and Zidong and others were surrounded in the corridor. They were all beaten down in less than twenty seconds.

"Niece, are you okay?" Uncle Yu ran over and asked.

"It's okay." After Coco fired the shot, he stood next to the stairs and watched coldly.

When Fourth Uncle Yu saw that Keke was not injured in the chaos, he immediately rushed into the crowd, put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Damn it, you are tired of living, and you still dare to talk nonsense here? Beat me to death!"

With an order, more than a dozen people brought by Fourth Uncle Yu also joined the battle group, and each used their big feet to stomp on these little thieves from outside the area.

Before the Era, some old sayings were used to describe the second-rate people in society, such as low education level, poor personal quality, weak legal awareness, etc. However, these words are very suitable to describe Zidong and others now.

They are the real low-level brats with zero education, extremely poor personal qualities, and little understanding of the laws and living environment in the area.

The Zidong gang only knew that the Wang family was a bad guy outside the district. They were used to walking sideways over the years, and it could be said that they were completely lawless near Longcheng. Therefore, in their subconscious, people raised in the city with more complete rules were considered lawless. She is a sheep, and there is no concept in her mind that there are people outside and there is a sky outside the sky, so she comes from the construction site to the pharmaceutical factory to cause trouble. But I didn't expect that Keke would be on duty today, and I didn't expect that this woman would do things more ruthlessly than men.

In the hall on the first floor, the gunfire had gradually subsided, but the beatings continued. Zidong was kicked so hard that he could not stand up. He could only roll on the ground, leaving little blood stains on the ground.

At the steps of the stairs, it could be seen that after the situation was under control, he shouted to his fourth uncle: "Uncle, go to the office."

"Stop doing it in the hall, take off their clothes, and let me squat in the snow shell outside." Uncle Yu shouted to his people, and then followed Coco upstairs.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yu answered Feng Yunian's phone in Fengbei: "Hello? Uncle."

"I've finished greeting you, and I've finished asking for favors for you. Please let Wang Tiannan go first." Feng Yunian ordered in a low voice.

Qin Yu was silent for a long time: "I could let it go just now, but I can't let it go now."

"What's wrong?"

"The pharmaceutical company just called me and said that Wang Tiannan's people went there, chopped six or seven security guards, and smashed all the scientific research equipment worth millions on the first floor." Qin Yu responded in an exaggerated manner: "Now the matter has become serious. The forty or fifty people they went to have been detained. The Yu family is also anxious and said they want to be appointed officials."

"...!" Feng Yunian was speechless on the spot.

"Hold him first, wait until I get back?" Qin Yu asked tentatively.

"Have these people's brains been wiped out in the cesspit?" Feng Yunian's voice no longer had anger and confusion, only the exhaustion and helplessness of constantly calling: "This is such a bad thing, it's going to take a long time." When will it be finalized?!"

"I don't know either. Why do you think they destroyed the pharmaceutical factory? Originally, this matter was not directed at them. It was just to rectify the Han family. Why did Wang Tiannan jump out to block the shot?"

"Okay, I don't give a damn. Talk to the police station later, I'm going to bed." Feng Yunian said this and hung up the phone.

Qin Yu looked down at his phone and sent a text message to Coco with his fingers flying: "You are being held captive, don't let go."

"Okay." Coco quickly replied.

More than an hour later.

The people from the Pingdao District Superintendent rushed to Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Group. After a familiar greeting with Keke, the deputy director went to the office.

"Drink tea, drink tea." Ke laughed and entertained the people in the superintendent's office.

"Mr. Yu, are you going to let me go?" the deputy director asked with a smile.

"This can't be put away. The scientific research room was smashed and the equipment was damaged." Coco did Tai Chi very intelligently: "Just now, the underworld police superintendent called me and said that these people are related to another case in the city. , turn around and take people away.”

"Are you an official?" asked the deputy director.

"Well, let's go to the manager." Coco nodded.

"I came here because the police station called me and I had to come and ask." The deputy director was actually annoyed to death by these people from outside the district, but because the police station called him, he had to Come, so he was very happy to see Coco's answer: "Since these people are related to the case on the underworld, then you can handle it. I will reply to the police station when I get back, and I will take them down."

"Sorry to trouble you, I'm still tormenting you this late at night."

"That is, those from outside the district are difficult to deal with. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to the underworld, we would deal with them directly." The deputy director was also selling favors and reminded with a smile: "You can ask for compensation, that's fine."

"Haha, yes." Coco nodded.

Everyone was chatting and laughing in the room. After probably less than 20 minutes of chatting, the Pingdao District Superintendent left and responded directly to the police station. Because they were related to the same crime, the case was taken over by the underworld and they came to cause trouble. The people were also led away, and they could not speak.

In this way, Zidong and others were not avenged, but were all detained by Tiancheng Baofeng.

There was no talk that night, but early the next morning, there was finally movement outside the area.

Vehicles coming from the Longcheng area slowly gathered at the Xinyuan District contracting site, and nearly 300 people gathered before noon.

After this group of people came in, they didn't make any fuss or shout, and kept talking on the phone.

In the villa of Longcheng Life Village, Ye Lin saw the people in charge of the Wang family and said softly to them: "Don't make trouble, I will go back to deal with this matter right away."

"It's not making trouble, it's not making trouble, you can take care of it, haha!" The person in charge said back to Ye Lin with a smile.

At the same time, Qin Yu received a call from the police station in Fengbei.


"Hey, Director!"

"How are you going to deal with what happened last night?" the director asked bluntly.

"It's easy to talk about Wang Tiannan, Director, but the matter of smashing the pharmaceutical factory has been revealed. The pharmaceutical factory will be held accountable, so I can't let him go." Qin Yu replied in a polite tone.

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