District 9

Chapter 906 Ye Lin is holding back her words

At the window, Han Sanqian looked at Ye Lin with great interest and asked: "For the pharmaceutical factory project, we have given Wu Di so much financial support. Now that he is going to get hard, he has to kill the donkey. Why are we Do you have to follow his wishes?"

"There is always the possibility of failure in investing. If you do something you know you can't do, the person who will be in trouble is not others, but yourself." Ye Lin said softly: "Songjiang's overall situation has been decided. If we continue to entangle, we will not benefit at all, but will be involved. energy."

"It makes sense, but I still feel uncomfortable in my heart." Han Sanqian replied with his hands behind his back: "It doesn't look good on face either."

"In business, you look at profits and cost-effectiveness. Face is not important, right?" Ye Lin replied with a smile.

Han Sanqian nodded thoughtfully and suddenly said: "Whether to withdraw shares, you three can study it, I don't care."

Ye Lin was stunned.

"I'm going to meet a friend later. In two hours, you call me and we'll have a meal alone." Han Sanqian said to Ye Lin and quickly left the ward.

Ye Lin hugged her shoulders and after thinking for a while, she said to Han Tong: "What do you think about the stock withdrawal?"

"It's okay to withdraw shares, but you have to bury hidden dangers for them." Han Tong replied with a smile.

Ye Lin is a woman with an extremely delicate mind. When she expressed her opinion just now, she had already noticed the reactions of Han Yao and Han Tong, so when she heard the other party speaking like this, she did not refute.

"Brother, do you think this can be done?" Han Tong lay on the hospital bed and whispered his thoughts to the two of them.

After hearing this, Han Yao pondered for a while and then nodded: "Okay."

"What do you think?" Han Tong looked at Ye Lin again and asked.

"I don't think it's necessary." Ye Lin hugged her shoulders and replied, "But you have to insist, I will execute it."

Han Tong stared at her for a few seconds: "Okay, it's up to you to do it."

"Okay." Ye Lin agreed immediately.

Late at night, at a street stall in Yanbei.

"Okay, two bowls of tripe and a pot of bulk white rice." The boss held a large plate and placed the simple food on the table.

Ye Lin wiped away her fever, blinked and stared at the tripe and said, "It's been a long time since I came back, and you're going to treat me to this?"

The tripe was placed on the table. Han Sanqian pinched chopped green onion, minced chili pepper, and minced garlic in his right hand, and evenly sprinkled it on the tripe. He also poured a little vinegar for seasoning, and stirred the steaming tripe to spread the aroma. .

"It smells good, try it!" Han Sanqian greeted with a smile.

Ye Lin wiped the lipstick on her lips with a tissue, stroked the ends of her hair, put the tripe in her mouth, chewed it, and said vaguely: "This...can you chew this?"

"The food is so strong." Han Sanqian wiped the sweat from his head and suddenly asked: "Why do you think we failed in the pharmaceutical factory project?"

"Because we are too strong." Ye Lin replied without thinking.

"This is not a reason." Han Sanqian shook his head: "You are too official when talking to me now. I want to hear the truth."

Ye Lin thought about it for a long time and said again: "I personally think Han Tong made mistakes in some decisions, or was too extreme."

"Tell me about it." Han Sanqian nodded.

"Actually, it's not that Wu Di regarded us as imaginary enemies, but Han Tong first put himself on a level where he could have an equal dialogue with Wu Di." Ye Lin said her opinion objectively and fairly: "Why did Han Tong after the success of the pharmaceutical factory project? Jia and Qin Yu were not marginalized by Wu Di? Because they knew very well where their position was, but Han Tong didn't understand it. Or it could be said that he understood it, but didn't care. He always felt that he was the boss and there were dragons outside. Xing is a competitor, and Wu Di dare not fall out with him."

Han Sanqian took a sip of water and said, "Continue."

"Wu Di appears to be elegant and polite on the surface, but his personality is actually very strong. If you don't obey, I will replace you, so we have the current situation." Ye Lin added softly: "The conflict is intensified by two things. Er: First, during the Nanhu period, Wu Di supported Qin Yu in starting Xiang'er's business, but Han Tong went against his will and was partial to Su Zhengdong. On the surface, this was a conflict between him and Qin Yu, but in fact he What is touched is Wu Di’s face. Secondly, buying Lu Weide is a bad move. Han Tong is not completely sure of making a comeback, so if he makes such a person disgust Wu Di, the result will be a falling out."

"I left just now. What does Xiaotong think of your decision to withdraw your shares?" Han Sanqian asked.

"He asked me to divide the remaining three shareholders." Ye Lin replied truthfully: "Han Tong's original words were that when an enemy falls, the next enemy will naturally be born within. This is human nature."

"What do you think?" Han Sanqian asked.

"I personally don't agree with what he said, but if he wants to do it, I will cooperate with him." Ye Lin replied very calmly.

"I won't give you any advice. Just do whatever you decide." Han Sanqian finished a bowl of tripe, looked up at Ye Lin and said, "Xiaotong has changed a bit after being injured this time. If he withdraws his shares Now, I’m going to let you stay by his side for a long time and take the helm at critical moments.”

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"I'm not ready to give up on Songjiang. Expanding the Xinyuan District is an opportunity." Han Sanqian thought about it and said, "I'll think about this matter and tell you the direction."

Ye Lin thought about it for a long time: "I have something I have always wanted to ask you."

"What?" Han Sanqian asked.

"Have you ever thought about getting rid of capital in the EU area?" Ye Lin asked very directly.

"Haha!" Han Sanqian smiled helplessly and replied with a rare expression of true feelings: "I came up with a truth after two ups and downs."


"When you are in the arena, you can't help yourself." Han Sanqian sighed lightly and said nothing more.

Ye Lin looked at his expression and knew that she had already asked his bottom line, so she said nothing.

Three days later, at night.

After Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, he suddenly called Coco.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Coco asked.

"No wait, hang them," Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "Let's start with the people in the company."

"No problem." Coco nodded.

"Starting from tomorrow, all suggestions put forward by the Korean side at the meeting will be rejected; any projects that the Korean side's senior leaders are working on will be blocked at all links and let other departments of the company isolate them." Qin Yu said. detail.

"I know how to do it."

"Well, I'll trouble you anyway." Qin Yu lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "I just came back recently and I have something to tell you. Do you have...?"

"I don't have time for the moment. There are many things in the company. Let's wait another day." Coco declined politely.

"All right."

After the two finished speaking, they ended the call.

More than a month passed in a flash, and Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Group was in turmoil. A large number of senior officials sent by the Han family were isolated by various departments. People whose hands and feet are not very clean are also fired or taken away by the economic supervision department.

At this moment, Ye Lin, who had stayed in Yanbei for more than a month, quietly returned to Songjiang and made an appointment with Wu Di.

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