District 9

Chapter 885: Sharing life and death, moving forward indomitable (Leader update)

In the courtyard of the mansion, Xiaobai rushed to the door of the villa first, raised his gun towards the door and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da……!"

Several gunshots pierced the night, and the lock on the front door cracked.


Qi Lin pulled open the main door from the side, and Xiaobai bent down and got in.

Several white men were sitting on the sofa in the hall, all looking in the direction of the main entrance with confused expressions.

"cnm, I know you, you were there that night."

Xiaobai stepped forward quickly, raised his arms to hold the gun, and pulled the trigger in the direction of the sofa to sweep.

"Attack!" The white man in the corner was the first to react, pulling his neck and shouting in English.

"Da da da da...!"

Xiao Bai stood on the side of the hall, pulled the gun line horizontally, and swept a row of guns across. The four or five white men on the sofa were fucked into sieves on the spot.

"Kang Kang!"

Qin Yu stood behind Xiao Bai and fired several more shots at the person on the sofa.

In the corridor on the first floor on the left, bursts of footsteps suddenly erupted.

Brother Xiao lowered the muzzle of his gun, bent forward, and waved his hand to direct Qi Lin: "Left side, left side, press up."

Qi Lin heard the sound and moved forward. He leaned against the entrance of the corridor on the left, covering his body with the wall. He stretched out the muzzle of the gun with both hands. He didn't look at anyone at all and only pulled the trigger to shoot.


Su Zhengdong was startled when he heard the gunfire: "Damn, what happened downstairs? Where are the people?!"

On the first floor, after Qin Yu finished replenishing his gun, he rushed upstairs immediately: "Xiao Bai, follow me."

Xiao Bai passed by the sofa, his feet covered in blood, and rushed up the stairs with bloody footprints, like a god of war.

"Don't be stunned, there are people upstairs." Qin Yu stopped him at the top of the stairs.


Xiaobai pulled Lei from his waist with his right hand, stood next to the handrail, and threw it along the wall diagonally above.


Lei bounced off the wall and rolled directly into the second floor.

"I'm in front."

After Xiaobai threw the thunder, before it exploded, he squeezed past Qin Yu and ran upstairs.


There was an explosion, and the handrail of the stairs on the second floor was blown to pieces. In a burst of thick smoke, Xiaobai came out with a gun and swept through the corridor on the second floor.

"Brother, there is someone in the room on the left," Xiao Bai Ka yelled at the top of the stairs, "I'll get over there."

"Look to the side...!" Qin Yu wanted to remind.


Sure enough, the door of the room behind Xiaobai suddenly opened a gap, and a Chinese young man shot him in the back.

Xiaobai was beaten and staggered forward, a burst of white smoke rising from the bulletproof vest on his back.

"Da da da!"

Qin Yu staggered and fired, punching through the door panel and knocking the opponent down.

Xiaobai kept walking, came to the door of the room on the left, and kicked the door open with a bang.

There was no luck in refuting the fire at close range. The two strong men in the room fought back the moment they saw the door being kicked open.

"Kang Kang!"

Two gunshots rang out, and Xiaobai couldn't dodge. He was hit by the quilt on his left calf, and blood spurted out instantly.

"Da da da da!"

A brother of Yao Guang rushed up from behind, raised his rifle and helped Xiao Bai cover. He beat two men with S-guns in the room and instantly spread out to avoid them.

Xiaobai was shot and kept walking, rushing forward side by side with Qin Yu who had just rushed into the house.

Two black brothers were beaten unconscious. The other side kept firing, kept walking, and was shot in the leg. They didn't even adjust their body shape, and they just rushed in. Who wouldn't be confused?

Having skills, experience, and quality does not mean that you also have absolute courage. There are always two different mentalities: taking money to do things, and failing to do things and then falling down.

After the two entered the house, Yaoguang's brother also came in and shouted in English: "Kneel down, kneel down!"

The two black men hesitated for a moment and saw Qin Yu and Xiao Bai rushing over. They immediately raised their hands and knelt on the spot.

"Surrender, surrender (surrender)..." The kneeling black man immediately raised his hands and shouted.

"What a shame for calling your mother!" Xiaobai couldn't understand what the other party was saying at all, so he pressed the muzzle of his gun and swept away the shuttle.

"Gudong, Gudong!"

They both fell to the ground.


There was a muffled sound in the room on the left, and a figure decisively jumped out of the window.

Xiaobai and Qin Yu didn't communicate at all, and chased after him with a gun.


Qi Lin turned around and shouted: "There are a lot of people in the corridor. It will be difficult to get in in a short time."

"You press it and I'll go in." Brother Xiao bent down and shouted.

"Don't talk nonsense, I told you, there are a lot of people!" Qi Lin shouted anxiously.

"If we can't defeat him in a short time, we will all die here." Brother Xiao shouted with squinting eyes: "Press down!"

Qi Lin gritted his teeth, hid behind the corner of the corridor, and fired wildly inside again.

Gunshots rang out, and the corridor walls were riddled with holes. The group of extremely professional EU area thugs in the innermost room had already put on bulletproof vests and were holding explosion-proof shields to go out, but as soon as they showed their heads, they were temporarily suppressed by Qi Lin.

Seeing the opportunity, Brother Xiao rushed into the corridor blankly wearing only a bulletproof vest that could protect his chest.

The two black men were knocked down by the quilt. They fell to the ground and were trying to crawl back. When they heard the sound of footsteps, they turned around and were about to shoot.

"Hang, huh!"

Brother Xiao lowered his head and shot twice, killing the man at the front. He grabbed the thigh of the man behind him with his left hand and pulled him back hard.

"Da da, da da...!"

The thunder in the corridor fired rhythmically outside.

Sparks were flying on both sides of the wall. Brother Xiao bent down, gritted his teeth and pulled the black man out by his legs.

"Are you okay?" Qi Lin turned around and asked.

"It's okay." Brother Xiao gasped and dragged the black man to a blind corner, stepped on his head with his right leg, and asked in the simple English he just learned: "Where is lu xiaofeng? (Where is Lu Xiaofeng?)"

"No, no...!" The black man shook his head repeatedly.

"No, what the fuck!" Brother Xiao scolded, lowering his head and hugging the fire.



The sub-d penetrated the black man's leg bone, and blood spurted out.

"Where is lu xiaofeng?!" Brother Xiao repeated again.

The black man twitched in pain and pointed to the place under the stairs on the left.

Brother Xiao glanced there, immediately pointed at another Yaoguang brother and said, "You stay."

Brother Xiao left, and only Qi Lin and Yaoguang's brother were left at the entrance of the corridor.

Inside, seven or eight Lei Zi held two folding explosion-proof shields and pushed forward forcefully!

"Qi Lin, hold back for a while!" Brother Xiao shouted.

Qi Lin quickly took a look inside, and when he saw that the other party had immediately advanced to the entrance of the corridor, he immediately said to the Yaoguang brother: "Don't go in!"

"Brother Lin, don't...!" The young man wanted to stop him.

"Stop and don't move!" Qi Lin pointed at him and unbuttoned his coat.

The footsteps got closer and closer. Lei Zi, who was holding two explosion-proof shields, blocked the Yao Guang guy's crotch and was already very close to the entrance of the corridor!

Qi Lin suddenly rushed out from the corner, holding a gun in his right hand and a loose-fire grenade in his left hand, blocking directly in front of the opponent!


Lei Zi, who was behind the explosion-proof shield, reacted very quickly and raised his gun!

Qi Lin had no less than twenty grenades hanging all over his body, and his body was holding up two explosion-proof shields. He held the gun and shouted: "cnm!!! Kneeldown (kneeldown)"

The desperadoes squatting behind the explosion-proof shield collectively raised their heads and were stunned when they saw more than twenty grenades dangling slightly on Qi Lin's body!

One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it.

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