District 9

Chapter 778 Analysis of Gold Water

Early the next morning, in a community near the exit, a young man whispered to Jin Shui: "Brother, this is a room that I wanted to pay back a few years ago. No one usually lives in it. It’s a little dirty in there. Just bear with it for now, and we’ll find a way to get out of the area and find a better place.”

This brother used to help Jin Shui sell goods outside the district. Later, because Qin Yu and others also got involved in Xiang'er's business, Liu Ye and others had no more dishes outside the district. The brother had no choice but to start a new business and stock up on gasoline, coal, and other supplies that were in short supply. When he left, Jin Shui lent him 100,000 yuan as working capital. The brothers kept this in mind. After receiving a call from Jin Shui last night, they took the two brothers back to the district.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter where you live." Jin Shui no longer cared about those poor and fastidious habits at this moment, and only asked in a hoarse voice: "I asked you to call Xiao Wu, did you do it?"

The little brother scratched his head and looked a little embarrassed but did not reply.

"Isn't he coming?" Jin Shui asked, stunned.

"...The blind man has already announced that as long as someone can catch you, the company will give you 200,000 yuan." The little brother said euphemistically: "Brother, these days...people's hearts are complicated. If we have to let Xiao Wu Come on, I may have tricked him, or I may have tricked you.”

When Jin Shui heard this, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart. When he was in power, not counting the pony boys outside the district who helped him deliver goods, there were more than a dozen brothers around him who were in charge of things and operations. But now, apart from finding this person who had already left the company, he never dared to contact anyone else. Thinking back carefully, he had saved a lot of money over the years, but he had very few friends who could really help him tide over the difficulties.

"Brother, if you have anything to do, just tell me and I will help you." The little brother smoked a cigarette and replied softly: "You helped me when no one else helped me. I will remember this!"

After Jin Shui was silent for a few seconds, he slowly stood up and said, "After we finish this, I will take you all away together. I am not short of money. We can be masters wherever we go!"

If it were in the past, what Jin Shui said would definitely be to fool Ma Zai below to do something for him. But it was different now. He was moved by the friendship in his heart, so he spoke very sincerely.

"Brother, just tell me what to do." The little brother asked while smoking.

"I asked you to inquire about Lao Liu's death, have you inquired?" Jin Shui asked.

"I asked a few of my former friends in the company, and they said that Lao Liu was not dead and had been sent to the hospital." The little brother responded truthfully.

"What nonsense!" Jin Shui said in disbelief: "Lao Liu is gone. When the two thugs I found went in to kill him, they saw his body with their own eyes. I guess the blind man is making trouble. He said Lao Liu If I'm not dead, the people below won't dare to move, and they will have the opportunity to get rid of me completely."

"You said this was done by a blind man, is that impossible?" The little brother shook his head and replied: "He... doesn't seem to be capable of such a thing."

"What kind of person he is will not show on his face." Jin Shui said with a gloomy look: "I also misjudged him."

"What do you say?" asked the little brother.

"Han Yu and I finished talking that day and when I was about to walk back, I saw a car passing by me. I was afraid of being stared at and felt a little guilty, so I turned around and avoided it." Jin Shuidian He lit up a cigarette and said: "Who knew that after the car passed by, it stopped at the entrance of the Pearl Tower Hotel, and a man got out of the car, quite far away from me. At that time, I only felt a little familiar, but I didn't see clearly who he was. "

The little brother didn't answer.

"Last night when I was doing errands, my two brothers called me back as soon as they entered the house, saying that the sixth brother was dead. Then, before I could leave, the blind man showed up. Don't you think this is really weird? ?" Jin Shui said with a gloomy face: "Who did it, the sixth one? Why didn't you do it earlier, later, but you did it before me?"

The little brother was stunned.

"After the incident happened, I called Han Yu, but he didn't answer the phone. Haha, these people really think I'm stupid!" Jin Shui added with a sneer.

"you mean……?"

"Obviously, the blind man is more popular than me in the company, and he is also the most favored by the sixth man, so if the sixth man suddenly disappears, the blind man will take over because everyone expects him to take over, and no one can say anything." Jin Shui said in a low voice: "Han Yu should have gotten along with the blind man a long time ago. On the surface, he asked me to fuck Mr. Six, but in fact he wanted to pass the blame to me. In this way, the blind man can get rid of me legitimately, and not only can he take control immediately The company also took advantage of the situation to disintegrate the grouping forces below. Because after all, I am here, and it is not so comfortable for a blind man to be the boss. "

"But since the blind man is so important to Master Liu, then even if Master Six dies, he is most likely to be the eldest brother?" the little brother asked with some confusion.

"You don't understand. This bastard, Lao Liu, is smarter than a monkey. He doesn't want the blind man to come to power because the latter does not have the support of Yang Kaishan. In addition, Qin Yu and Zhan Nan also want to help Qiu Wu come up, so Lao Liu wants to If you want to get a few more years of dividends for nothing and gain good popularity before stepping down, the best way is to go with the flow and let Qiu Wu take over." Jin Shui narrowed his eyes and cursed: "The blind man has been a dog to him for so many years. , what he said is what he said, but in the end Lao Liu didn't support him for some money...who can have a balance in his heart? Therefore, the blind man had a motive to do it to him. As long as Lao Liu dies, I will take the blame. , then he can definitely fool most people into cooperating with Han Yu...because after all, Qiu Wu is not very popular."

"Is it so complicated?" The little brother had no access to this level at all, so he was extremely shocked when he heard it.

"This circle is too dirty." Jin Shui sighed and said, "It's all about intrigues and framing, haha, if you're not careful, you'll be shattered to pieces."

"Brother, what are you going to do next?" the little brother asked.

"We can't let this matter go like this." Jin Shui gritted his teeth and said, "I've been working hard in Nanhu for so long, and I'm not willing to let Han Yu, a little brat, play with me."

"Kill Han Yu?"

"Haha, it's not that easy. He must be hiding now, waiting for the result." Jin Shui shook his head.

"What should we do?"

"You do this..." Jin Shui lay next to the little brother's ear and whispered a few words softly.

In an apartment in the city.

Han Yu took the phone and tried his best to explain: "Brother, what happened to the sixth child really has nothing to do with me. I promise you, I have not been involved in this matter, and I have never contacted the other party."

"I'm telling you, Han Yu, if you dare to lie about this, I'll fucking fall out with you!" Han Tong said in a very serious tone on the phone.

"I really didn't get involved. They started it themselves. I heard that Qiu Wu wanted to seize power." Han Yuyan replied firmly.

Han Tong thought for a few seconds and said: "Then you leave Nanhu quickly and go to stay at Li's house in Jiangzhou, so that Lao Liu's side won't get anxious and involve you. Let's just watch the excitement and let them do this. Fight it yourself."

"Yeah." Han Yu nodded.

"that's all."

After saying that, the two brothers hung up the phone, and Han Yu walked around the house with his hands behind his back and said, "Damn it, give Wang Tian a call and ask him to come out for a meeting in the evening, and then I'll leave the area. "

"Okay." The attendant next to him nodded.

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