District 9

Chapter 709 Qiu Wu’s Persuasion

An hour later, Mr. Liu left Tianhong Building with Qiu Wu, his old face showing some grievance.

On the way back, the driver said angrily: "Since the first day of this Xiang'er business, we have been contributing to it. Not to mention how well we have done over the years, but it is too damn hard for some people to completely It emboldens my own pocket... Now that the two juniors have just emerged, it’s a bit unfair that the higher-ups give them such a large share!"

Mr. Liu said nothing.

"If you ask me, you have to continue talking to the boss." The driver was holding back his anger and continued with a frown: "If they just give us such a big plate, then why don't we just stop doing it? Look at Zhan Nan and Qin Can Yu start playing in Nanhu! If we meet the Han family in the future, see if they can do it!"

"It makes no sense to say this now." Qiu Wu intervened and replied: "The purpose of using Qin Yu above is to take Songjiang's plate, and Qin Yu has proved that he has this ability by touching us. Then face him It is expected that resources will be skewed.”

"He took Songjiang's plate, I agree, that's no problem." The driver retorted excitedly: "But don't you understand what Qin Yu means today? Not only does he want Songjiang's plate, but he also doesn't allow us to drive in Changji , Fengbei, and the surrounding areas to be planned are looking for partners. What does this mean? Doesn’t this mean that he doesn’t allow us to touch the market in District 9? He can’t do it so big now, but he won’t let us do it. What the hell It’s the overlord clause!”

"I don't think this is anything." Qiu Wu responded relatively objectively: "Qin Yu's advantage lies in his influence on the ground in Songjiang. Then if you secretly plant flags in Changji and Fengbei, there are still unplanned areas. , then his advantage will be infinitely weakened. If one day, we win the market except Songjiang with our price advantage, will the superiors still value him? Definitely not!"

The driver was speechless.

"When it comes to negotiation, no one will speak to themselves." Qiu Wu commented sharply: "Qin Yu has an advantage now, so it is only human nature to expand his advantage along the way!"

"The area within District 7 belongs to us, and the surrounding area outside District 7 belongs to Zhan Nan. This is equivalent to reducing our previous market." Master Liu sighed, turned to look at Qiu Wu and asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Zhan Nan is also a smart man. He has started to operate this thing a long time ago. In addition, he himself has a certain relationship with it, so I am not surprised that the result of this secret discussion was reached." Qiu Wu said in a low voice: "Besides, I think the current division of territory is very reasonable. We should follow the current model..."

"Reasonable? How is it reasonable?!" the driver said grumpily: "Your territory is smaller, which means the market has shrunk and the profit income has become smaller. Can you still support so many brothers in the future?"

Qiu Wu frowned and looked at him: "Are you ready to go out and join the company management now?"

The driver was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Just drive your car and remember the path you should take." Qiu Wu reminded him in a low voice.

The driver gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"Master Liu, we have to figure out the key points of the matter." Qiu Wu turned to Lao Liu and continued: "First, who provides our resources? That's from the top, the military. So the managers we come into contact with The leader is the absolute overlord of this business. They say whoever they want to live a better life will live a better life. Secondly, since the military has the absolute say in this business, then if we want to get more In fact, you don’t have to compete with Zhan Nan and Qin Yu for resources, you just need to make the people above you think you are more important.”

Liu Ye heard the sound and fell into deep thought.

"Qin Yu has the advantage of the Nine Districts, and Zhan Nan has the advantage of connections and capital, so what do we have?" Qiu Wu continued in a low voice: "...Our advantage lies in our influence on the ground in Nanhu. In the future, the Han family will If we continue to sell goods to the EU area, sooner or later we will form a team and meet people on our line in Nanhu. Because the goods have to come in from here, you understand."

When Master Liu heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

"So, I don't want to think about fighting in the nest and causing trouble for Qin Yu and Zhan Nan. That would be too petty." Qiu Wu said with a very serious face: "If we fight back and forth, the one who will be affected in the end must be Xiang'er. Business. If your business is not doing well, will the higher-ups be satisfied? If the higher-ups are not satisfied, how can you still ask for resources and the right to speak?"

"Yes." Mr. Liu nodded.

"We will form an alliance with Qin Yu and Zhan Nan. When the conflict begins, we will do our best to snipe our opponents in Nanhu. As long as you show your own value, the higher authorities will naturally favor you in terms of resources." Qiu Wu spread his palms and said with a very clear mind: "...Also, if the goods from the EU area are blocked by us and can no longer come in, then from another perspective, is our market? Has it also expanded invisibly?"

The Sixth Master looked at Qiu Wu, thought for a long time and said: "From now on, you will be responsible for dealing with Qin Yu and Zhan Nan. I, the Sixth, dare to win as well as lose. Since Qin Yu has this strength, then everyone should work together. Good business. If you say it’s a new chapter, then it’s a new chapter!”

"That's what I mean." Qiu Wu smiled and nodded.

The driver glanced at Qiu Wu in the rearview mirror angrily, but in the end did not dare to say anything.

Inside the Rainbow Building.

Qin Yu sat on the chair, looked at Zhan Nan with a rosy face and said, "Will Mr. Liu be unbalanced if he reduces his right to speak in this way?"

"What the boss wants to see is that the three of us work together to get things done, so whoever gets into internal strife will die first." Zhan Nan said succinctly: "Sixth Master has been around for half his life, he should still be able to see this. "

"Yeah." Qin Yu nodded, took his cell phone and said, "I'll make a call."

"To whom?"

"...Give me a...very fierce big brother, haha!" Qin Yu joked with a smile, lowered his head and dialed a number.

Songjiang and Erlonggang are in the planned area.

Wu Tianyin sat indoors and whispered to Anzi: "Take half of the money you have left and use it to buy daily necessities."

"Brother, you really can't make much money from this game. You have to go big to get a big profit margin." Anzi advised softly.

"Is anyone currently making daily necessities?" Wu Tianyin asked with a smile.

"There must be. The old guys in the north have been doing this for several years. And they sell at fixed prices. Anyone who is in this business must have the same price as them." Anzi responded without thinking. .

"Someone does it, so I do it. This is not about making money." Wu Tianyin waved his hand and said: "You can contact me to see if there is any supply."

Anzi was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Dip Lingling!"

A phone rang.


"Mr. Wu?!" Qin Yu asked teasingly.

"Don't call me Mr. Wu, it sounds awkward to me." Wu Tianyin smiled: "Are you okay?"

"The Xiang'er matter has been settled. Come to Jiangzhou and let's talk?" Qin Yu said bluntly.

Wu Tianyin considered for a few seconds: "Okay, I'll go to Jiangzhou."

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