District 9

Chapter 681: Crazy CS

Han Tong and others were not at the scene, so he had no idea that the so-called person who defeated Liu Ye in five minutes was not as simple as it sounded.

Eight people died on Yaoguang's side, more than a dozen were seriously injured, and dozens more were slightly injured. Even Xiao Qi, Xiao Bai, and Cha Meng who came to help, as well as Cha Meng who was following Qin Yu, were all slashed and beaten. The collapse of the collapse.

If Yaoguang and Qin Yu hadn't been cooperating for nearly a year, and both parties had benefited from the pharmaceutical industry, would Yaoguang be able to help you so hard? If Xiao Qi hadn't brought people all the way here, risked his life to help Qin Yu rush in, and captured the blind man, Qiu Wu, the thin middle-aged and other absolute backbones alive, how would the two sides fight with hundreds of people each, and what would be the result? What counts as victory?

This battle was a battle in which Qin Yu spent all his family wealth and raised his "body and bones" in Songjiang for a year before finally winning with great difficulty. And as Su Zhengdong said, if Master Liu didn't take the initiative, Qin Yutuo would also be dragged to death.

late at night.

After the team returned to Jiangzhou, Qin Yu rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. After confirming that the seriously injured Xiaobai was only disfigured and not life-threatening, he was completely relieved.

After leaving the hospital, the general manager of Yaoguang Company called Qin Yu and told him that the chief of staff of a garrison regiment asked him to go to the regiment to "drink tea" immediately.

Qin Yu sat in the car and asked nervously: "How big of a side effect do you think there will be?"

"Lao Liu is from the garrison. If he gets beaten, the higher-ups will definitely come to beat us." The general manager pondered for a while and then replied: "But we should still be able to talk, because after all, the area to be planned is not under the jurisdiction of any political party. They don’t dare to use too much force for fear of causing a backlash.”

"Yeah." Qin Yu nodded.

"That's fine. I've been interviewed. It's probably going to be even worse for Lao Liu. He clamored to be beaten, but in the end this was the result. The higher-ups will definitely have to deal with him."

"You must remember and tell the garrison truthfully what I told you before." Qin Yu immediately gave instructions.

"Don't worry, I know how to tell the boss." The general manager smiled and nodded.

Early in the morning, around two o'clock.

Inside the headquarters of Yaoguang Company, Qin Yu asked Qi Lin, "Forget it, how much money do we have to pay in total?"

"A total of eight people from the Fourth Brigade died. According to the employment contract, compensation for each person is 50,000, and an additional yuan is 400,000. For seriously injured people, according to the disability assessment, we will have to pay about 20,000 to 30,000 per person. This is another Nearly 400,000. In addition to minor injuries, damage to equipment, and firearms, we have nearly a hundred more to accompany us." Qi Lin whispered: "Half of the Yu family's five million will be lost in five minutes of fighting."

Qin Yu took a long puff of cigarette and said nothing.

"This money can be delayed for a while. After all, our relationship with Yaoguang is here. There is no need to give it immediately." Qi Lin thought Qin Yu kept the money for other purposes.

"No! The money must be paid immediately. This is bloody compensation and cannot be owed to others." Qin Yu stood up and replied: "From the five million, you can give 600,000 and 400,000 to Xiao Qi. Give 100,000 to Xiaobai and let them manage it themselves. Then you can calculate everything clearly. No matter what I do, I have to get this money back!"

"Okay." Qi Lin nodded.

"Also, you immediately notify the other three captains. If you don't rest tonight, you will give me a good beating outside the waiting area. The gun dealer who cooperated with Lao Liu. They shouted for submission and stopped cooperating. It's okay. Fight. But those who pretend to be old and have tough mouths will be punished!" Qin Yuhu said with eyes wide.

"The general manager has just been interviewed, and if we make another move, will it cause dissatisfaction from above?" Qi Lin asked with a frown.

"We just talked about it, haven't we finished it yet? Let's finish it first." Qin Yu responded decisively: "The key point now is that we don't have the money to fight a second battle. If we want to win, we have to collapse the opponent. .”

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

"Call anytime."

Early morning.

In the office of the head of a certain garrison regiment, a fat man in casual clothes pointed at Lao Liu and cursed: "Are you a waste?! You can't control a few outsiders, what else can you do? Can this business still be done? I left it to you?!"

Mr. Liu sat in a wheelchair and said nothing.

"Speak," the fat captain slapped the table and yelled, "You're mute again!"

Liu Ye, who was making waves on the ground, was listening to the fat man's curses at the moment, but he didn't dare to say a word to contradict him: "...I didn't expect that Yaoguang could help him like this, and I didn't expect that they don't even have the dignity of the garrison. Come on, just put on a pair of pants with Qin Yu and start fighting. But in this matter, I made a wrong decision..."

"Whatever mistakes you make now are all bullshit!" Captain Fatty pointed at Mr. Liu and said in a serious voice: "If the other party is cooperating with the Han family, then now that you are knocked down, have you considered how much ground will be lost? Customers?”

Master Liu was silent again.

"Take care of the aftermath immediately and come up with a plan within a day, otherwise you won't do it." The fat man said without any doubt.

In another room, the chief of general staff looked at the general manager of Yaoguang Company, drank tea and asked, "Are you Yaoguang losing your mind?"

"How could you not count?!" The general manager immediately said with a smile: "Before the fight, I really didn't know that the sixth child was taken care of by our garrison."

"Fart!" the chief of general staff scolded with a smile: "Can you not know whose goods the sixth is eating?"

"We have no interaction with him. We have only heard about it, but we really don't know the specifics." The general manager insisted on denying it.

"Okay, let's talk directly." The chief of general staff put his palms in his hands and asked with a smile: "Is the man named Qin Yu determined to wear a pair of pants with the Han family?"

"No, absolutely not!" The general manager shook his head.

"Don't lie to me." The Chief of General Staff drank tea and said briefly: "You and Qin Yu, it's one thing to make some noise in the area to be planned, but if you want to take over the EU area Goods, that’s a different nature.”

"No, I can assure you about this. Qin Yu has said more than once that it is impossible for him to receive goods from the EU area and sell them in Songjiang. He said this is an act of traitor!" the general manager said with a very serious face.

"Did he really say that?"

"Let me tell you this, if Qin Yu wants to receive goods from the European Union, we at Yaoguang will definitely not be able to help him." The general manager expressed his stance seriously again.

"Then if that's the case, why did Qin Yu get involved with Lao Liu? Doesn't he want to get involved in Xiang'er's matter?" The chief of general staff was a little confused.

"Oh, this is all the fault of Lao Liu! Qin Yu cooperates with the Han family in the pharmaceutical factory, so he can't express his rejection of the Han family right away. But Lao Liu keeps forcing him, forcing him again and again. Qin Yu talked with him and finally found a gunman to kill him, which made Qin Yu anxious." Following the idea that Qin Yu had agreed with him in advance, the general manager began to apply eye drops to Lao Liu without hesitation.

"Are you sure Qin Yu won't take goods from the EU area?" the General Staff asked again.

"No." The general manager nodded.

"Okay, I already know this." The general staff nodded.

Half an hour later.

As soon as Lao Liu left the garrison, the people below called.


"Yaoguang is going crazy outside the district to deal with our distributors. Many people have said they will not cooperate in the future." The man on the phone said in a hurry: "Sixth Master, please find a solution quickly!"

When Mr. Liu heard this, he covered his chest with his right hand. After a long silence, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't panic, I'll be right back."

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Zhan Nan's call came to Qin Yu's mobile phone.


"Lao Liu wants to talk to you."

"Don't talk, let's fight." Qin Yu replied with firm words: "I want to make sure that no one from all the gun dealers outside the area dares to accept his goods!"

"Qin Yu, please forgive me if you have to!" Zhan Nan was a little anxious.

"Did he take me seriously when I gave him face? Huh?!" Qin Yu shouted with his eyes wide open: "If you don't talk about it, just keep on beating me!"

Next to him, Coco rolled his eyes when he heard Qin Yu's words and cursed: "A skinny donkey pulls a hard daddy, pretending to be poor!"

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