District 9

Chapter 669: The local dragon is domineering

In the reception room of Tiancheng Baofeng Company, Qin Yu was leaning on the window sill, drinking tea and thinking about things, when there was another knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Qin Yu raised his head and shouted.

"Mr. Qin, three people came downstairs and said they wanted to see you." The department manager walked in hurriedly.

"Who?" Qin Yu asked.

"I don't know him. He said he was Liu Ye's brother." The department manager's tone was a little hasty.

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time: "Send them away without seeing them first."

"...No...there is no way to send him away. The leader looks very fierce and even has his gun exposed." The department manager replied in a low voice.

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard the sound: "You also showed your gun?"

"Yes, I won't leave until I see you." The department manager nodded.

Qin Yu replied with an ugly expression: "Bring him in."

"Okay." The department manager turned and left.

About ten minutes later, the blind man led the two brothers into the reception room.

Qin Yu sat on the sofa and greeted with a smile: "Come on, come on, sit down!"

"It's too difficult to find you." The blind man glanced at Qin Yu, bent down and sat across from him, while the two people he brought stood beside the round table.

"Come, have some tea." Qin Yu greeted him with a normal expression.

"Let's stop drinking the tea and talk about business." The blind man waved his hand and asked bluntly: "Has Zhan Nan told you about cooperation?"

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, nodded and said, "Yes, I have said it."

"Then what do you mean? Can you give me an attitude?" The blind man looked at Qin Yu expressionlessly and asked.

"Haha." Qin Yu rubbed his palms and smiled: "The Han family is also looking for me, and the price they offered me is not low..."

"Do you want to increase the price because you don't express your opinion?" The blind man asked aggressively: "If so, tell us the number and we will see if we can be satisfied."

"No, you misunderstood me. Gu Yan is in the middle..."

"Don't mention Gu Yan, just tell me your own attitude." The blind man interrupted Qin Yu again: "Just tell me, do you want to increase the price? If so, tell me the number."

Qin Yu frowned: "No. I didn't express my position because the Han family cooperates with us in the pharmaceutical factory. I need to consider the other party's feelings on this matter."

"How long do you need to think about it?"

"If you want to cooperate with me, do I have to reply to you immediately?" Qin Yu responded somewhat unhappily: "You don't understand the situation on my side. I need some time."

"Okay, Qin Yu, I'll give you the time, but I'll also tell you about the second cooperation plan." The blind man stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers: "Give him the thing."

Ma Zai, who was standing next to him, immediately bent down and placed the small suitcase he had been carrying on the coffee table.

"This is...?" Qin Yu was a little confused.

The blind man bent down and opened the suitcase, revealing about four to five million in cash inside.

"Haha, I don't understand," Qin Yu pointed at the money and asked, "What does this mean?"

"If you agree to cooperate with us, then everything will be easy." The blind man also pointed to the money and said: "However, if you are unable to cooperate with us because of the Han family's face, then I will give you half a million in one go. From now on, please don’t get involved in Paixiang’er’s affairs.”

Qin Yu lowered his head and looked at the five hundred thousand on the table. The unhappiness on his face became more and more obvious: "You are forcing me. I must give you an explanation today, right?"

The blind man looked at Qin Yu and nodded: "Yes."

"I can't give you an explanation now." Qin Yu directly pushed the money back: "I told you that the Han family and I are cooperating in the pharmaceutical factory. We have a common handler. I have to consider his situation. I can't give you an accurate answer..."

"What you mean is that you may cooperate with the Han family, so you don't dare to accept the money now, right?" The blind man has the same style as Liu Ye, speaking very directly and somewhat domineeringly.

Qin Yu looked at him with his neck tilted and replied expressionlessly: "I will tell Gu Yan what I decide in the future."

The meaning of Qin Yu's words is already obvious. Even if I want to cooperate, it is because of Gu Yan's face. Don't try to make excuses with me here.

The blind man stared at Qin Yu for a few seconds, then pointed at the money and said, "We are not as rich as the Han family. I can tell you clearly that if Zhan Nan and Gu Yan weren't in the middle, we wouldn't even have the five hundred thousand today."

"Then what do you mean? Tell me clearly." Qin Yu asked with a sullen face.

"If you want to touch Xiang'er's business, you can only cooperate with us, or not with the Han family. So, do you understand?" The blind man said very clearly with one eye open.

"Haha." Qin Yu smiled broadly: "Whoever I want to do has to follow your orders, right?"

"There is no double-dealing in this matter. You are either an accomplice or an opponent." The blind man responded coldly.

After Qin Yu was silent for a few seconds, he stood up and closed the box with one hand: "Hurry up and deposit these five hundred thousand in the bank, and you can earn hundreds of dollars in interest a year. I am too small to accept this money. .”

"You mean, you are bound to be tied to the Han family." The blind man squinted at Qin Yu: "Have you forgotten how you walked out of the warehouse last time?!"

Qin Yu lowered his head and looked down at the blind man, and said expressionlessly: "Go back and tell Mr. Liu that the premise for me to respect him is that he must also respect me. As far as JB is concerned, I don't think cooperation is meaningful! You take the money back , I don’t need you to teach me what I want to do.”

"You still didn't understand what Mr. Liu said last time." The blind man stood up directly: "This is not Songjiang, you have nothing here."

"When I first entered Songjiang a year ago, I had nothing." Qin Yu stepped out and walked out: "But now, you have to pay 500,000 to get my attitude!"


After saying that, Qin Yu slammed the door and left.

Ten minutes later.

The blind man sat in the car and dialed Master Liu's number directly: "I'm done talking to him."

"What did he say?" Liu Ye asked.

"Still don't express my position. Even if I give him money, he won't take it." The blind man responded coldly: "I think this kid is probably already inclined to wear the same pants as the Han family."

Mr. Liu said with a gloomy face: "I just heard the news that Qin Yu joined that alliance and became an honorary vice president."

"Then there will be results. He must have finished talking to the Han family." The blind man frowned and said, "I think we can touch him, no need to wait."

Mr. Liu thought about it for a long time: "You should give him a warning and tell him that if I want to touch him in Nanhu, it will be useless for the Han family to protect him."

"Okay." The blind man nodded immediately.

Inside Tiancheng Baofeng Company, Cha Meng curled his lips and said, "This Sixth Master is too damn crazy. He still negotiates while holding other people's heads?!"

"This old guy is bullying me into having no voice in Nanhu." Qin Yu scolded with a sullen face: "Adjust your thinking."

"How to adjust?"

"I think things are almost done and it might ring." Qin Yu took out his phone and immediately dialed Coco's number.

"Hello!? What are you doing, you idiot!"

"There is something urgent. I beg you to go back to Jiangzhou immediately..." Qin Yu walked to the window and told Coco on the phone in a serious tone.

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