District 9

Chapter 645 The confusing source of goods

Within the planning area.

Qi Lin frowned and looked at Yinzi and said, "If there is a problem with your supply, then I will definitely not dare to accept it!"

"Who told you that there is a problem with my supply of goods?" Yinzi replied with eyes wide open: "Our boss has already finished talking with your boss, but you are just an errand boy, why do you have so many things going on?"

Qi Lin's face darkened when he heard this: "You know best where your goods come from. I don't want to say more, okay?! Now I can't contact the friend who asked me to pick up the goods, so I can't Pick up these four trucks, do you understand?"

"Call Qin Yu," Yinzi pointed out directly: "I'll talk to him."

"You'd better have a guard over your mouth. You don't know what to say and what shouldn't be said?" Qi Lin was disgusted with the other party mentioning Qin Yu's name, so he just said it coldly, turned around and left.

"Hey, what the hell are you going to do if you leave?" Yinzi was completely anxious: "I have already pulled out all my stuff, and you left me hanging here, what should I do?"

"Then I can't take the goods now, what do you want me to do?" Qi Lin turned around and replied: "You can take the goods away first. When my friend contacts me, I will consider whether I can take the goods away."

After saying that, Qi Lin opened the car door and was about to get in.

"You can't leave. You have to take the goods away, otherwise I won't be able to handle it." Yinzi grabbed Qi Lin's arm, frowned and said, "I've given you all the money, and the deal is done."

Qi Lin glanced at the other person's hand holding his arm with a cold look, and said concisely: "Let go of your hand."

Yinzi was startled for a moment: "I'll say it again, take the goods away quickly."

"Bang!" Qi Lin punched the other person in the neck and pushed him two or three meters away: "If you have something to say, don't touch me. I definitely can't pull the goods. Let your boss contact you." My friend."

"You're riding a horse!" Yinzi stepped forward to drag Qi Lin again.


At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on the side of the mountain, and two young men who were responsible for looking out ran over and said to Yinzi in a hurried tone: "Two inspection vehicles were parked on the roadside, and several people got out of the car and were talking on the phone. "

"Which inspection team?" Yinzi immediately turned around and asked.

"I don't know." The young man shook his head and replied: "They seemed to be passing by at first. Seeing so many cars parked here, they must have noticed something."

"What the fuck!" Yinzi yelled at Qi Lin in frustration: "You would have pulled me away early, but now you are on the line, what should I do?!"

Qi Lin raised his head and glanced at the other party, and said to Cha Meng expressionlessly: "Notify our car and leave quickly."

Upon hearing the sound, Cha Meng immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered in a low voice: "If the food is not on the car, lock the channel and evacuate."

"Copy that!" the driver quickly replied.


Qi Lin started the car and ran away first.

On the side of the road, Yinzi glanced at the main road. When he saw that the two inspection cars had not left, he immediately cursed anxiously: "Hurry, hurry up, get the convoy out of here, don't hang around here."

About ten minutes later, as soon as the convoy drove out of the fork in the road, four or five vehicles inspecting the convoy drove up and stopped the convoy on the road.

Yinzi, who was sitting in the military truck in the middle, felt that something was not going well. He immediately opened the door and got out of the car, took two young men with him, and ran away across the field.

On the outskirts of the city, in a warehouse in a shantytown with relatively chaotic security.

"Bang bang bang!"

The blind man led two strong men with their hands wrapped in clothes, and they beat Qin Yu violently at Qin Yu who was tied to the cement pillar.

Qin Yu couldn't move his limbs, let alone make defensive movements, so after being punched for more than a dozen times, he couldn't hold it back and vomited on the ground with a loud sound.

The blind man shook his neck, stretched out his hand to grab Qin Yu's hair, suddenly raised his knees, and bumped into his abdomen again with a grunt.



There was a muffled sound, and Qin Yu retched again, spraying very thick acidic water from his mouth.

"Damn it, you thought this was Songjiang, didn't you?!" The blind man was very fierce. He raised his right arm and punched Qin Yu's head twice again.

Qin Yu's nostrils were bleeding from the blow, and his brain was dizzy.

On a shabby sofa not far away, a middle-aged man wearing a leather jacket crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette while waving his hands and shouting: "Okay, you guys take a break."

The blind man and others heard the sound and dispersed.

After Qin Yu calmed down for two or three minutes, he turned his head and rubbed his bleeding nose on his shoulder.

"You have a good physique?" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Qin Yu felt so depressed that he exploded, but he still controlled his emotions. He slowly raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man and asked: "Brother, if there are festivals and festivals, we can solve them if we can. If we can't solve them, I will admit it." .You don’t need to harm a few brothers to harm me.”

"I still don't understand, what is it?" the middle-aged man asked while smoking a cigarette.

"I'm confused." Qin Yu replied very sincerely.

"Did you buy Xiang'er?" the middle-aged man asked calmly.

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"What you kid is doing is a bit too stupid. Do you know the market situation in District 7, and you dare to accept the goods casually?" The middle-aged man tilted his neck and said in a magnetic voice: "You have eaten two million in low prices. Didn’t you consider the price and the possibility that others might have nothing to eat?”

Qin Yu swallowed his saliva, looked at the middle-aged man with a very shocked face and said, "Brother, you have misunderstood this matter. That batch of rings is going to Songjiang and will not be dispersed locally at all. And the goods were released to me. People, those are the ones carrying stars and bars on their shoulders... This shouldn’t affect you, right?”

The middle-aged man was startled when he heard the sound: "Didn't Huang Yongli tell you where that batch of goods came from?"

When Qin Yu heard this, he was a little confused: "It's made locally!"

"Do you believe it when he says it's made locally?" the blind man asked with a sideways glance.

"...There is someone among us who can vouch for it." Qin Yu looked at the blind man more doubtfully: "Isn't this batch of goods local?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." The middle-aged man directly interrupted the conversation between the two, looked up at Qin Yu and said, "Call the person below you who receives the goods. I want to know the location of the transaction."

Qin Yu was stunned for a long time, then immediately shook his head and refused: "This is not possible."

"Baby, are you testing my patience?" the middle-aged man asked with a cold face.

"...Brother, my people are also here!" Qin Yu refused without hesitation.

"You think we are having a good negotiation with you, don't you?" The blind man said with a sullen face, waving his hands and shouting: "Take a hammer and break one of his legs."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sturdy young man, carrying a sledgehammer weighing dozens of kilograms, walked directly towards Qin Yu and raised his arm in an instant.

After Qin Yu turned to look at the other party, he was sweating profusely and shouted with a pale face: "...Wait a minute!"

"Wait a minute." The young man didn't stop what he was doing. He looked at Qin Yu's thigh fiercely and directly raised the hammer.


At this moment, the warehouse door opened, and a tall young man walked in and shouted: "Wait a minute, don't move yet!"

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