District 9

Chapter 591 Sitting and looking at Songjiang in the north (lead update)

In the courtyard.

The two police officers held explosion-proof shields and directly opened the iron door of the main room. Qin Yu then set up a gun at the door and shot him with a rifle.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three gunshots were fired, and a middle-aged man who was about to climb onto the window sill was knocked down on the spot.

At the same time, three police officers waiting to besieged on the street outside the window hid behind the car and began to shoot suppressively, suffocating the strong man who was about to rush out alive.

"Don't move. If you move again, it will be your fault." Qin Yu shouted loudly.

"Bang, bang!"

The other three police officers smashed the window glass with batons, pointed their guns and shouted: "Hold your head and squat on the ground."

After the situation at the scene was brought under control, Qin Yu led the team and rushed into the house.

At the entrance of Yuan Ke's company in the city, Xiao Jiu opened the door and was about to get out of the car when the phone in his pocket rang.


"Hurry up, Qin Yu is going to arrest you..." A man's voice rang on the phone.

Xiao Jiu was stunned when he heard the sound: "Catch me, why are you arresting me?"

"Stop nagging, just leave quickly." The other party urged.

Xiao Jiu was stunned for a moment, and immediately parked the car on the side of the road. Holding the phone in his right hand, he started running wildly along the alley, looking as embarrassed as possible.

In the main room of the courtyard.

Of the three gangsters, one was injured and two were pinned to the concrete floor.

"What's going on? Why did you shoot the police when you saw them?" Qin Yu asked, grabbing a strong man's hair.

"Open it if you want." The strong man tilted his neck and looked at Qin Yu: "Why, you want to sentence me to death?!"

"Where's Xiao Jiu?" Qin Yu asked.

"Who is Xiao Jiu, your father?" The strong man was extremely arrogant.


Qin Yu smiled, turned around and shouted to his own people: "Come on, turn off the recorders on your bodies."

When the police officers heard the sound, they immediately turned off their law enforcement recorders.


Qin Yu put the muzzle of his gun on the opponent's arm, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are so damn fierce, are you a tough bandit?"


Gunshots rang out and the ground was red.


The strong man screamed and rolled on the ground.


Qin Yu put the gun on the opponent's head again, and suddenly shouted: "Damn, are you pretending to be cruel to me?! I will kill you in vain, do you believe it or not?"

The strong man's right arm was bleeding profusely, and veins were popping out of his forehead as he looked at Qin Yu: "...I...I'm not pretending to be cruel."

"What the fuck, where's Xiao Jiu?" Qin Yu asked with eyes wide.

"He left, not long after he left." The strong man knew very well that he had just resisted arrest with a gun, and Qin Yu was obviously a ruthless old man, so if he shot him now, it would be absolutely useless. die.

"Where have you gone?"

"I really don't know. He just said he was going out to do some errands and would be back later. I was sleeping, so he didn't ask any questions." The strong man replied with a red face.

When Qin Yu heard this, his heart froze: "Do you know about the kidnapping case in Songbei?"

The strong man paused obviously when he heard the sound: "I don't know."

Qin Yu stared into his eyes, hope rising in his heart again, stood up directly, pointed the gun at his head and shouted: "I'll ask you one last time, do you know about the kidnapping case in Songbei?!"


The old cat pulled the trigger without any warning, and the bullet hit the strong man not far from his head, sending up bursts of sparks.

"I know, I know." The strong man immediately surrendered, slapped the ground with his left hand and shouted: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced!"

When Qin Yu saw that he had gained something, he stood up and said to the other police officers: "Come on, turn on the law enforcement device again, go back and edit it again."

"Brother, you are so dark!" The strong man gasped and said to Qin Yu.

"Take him to my car alone, hurry up." Qin Yu pointed at the strong man and ordered the others.

Next to the private swimming pool of a well-known gym in Fengbei, Lao Xu and a middle-aged man slightly younger than him were talking softly.

"Old Xu, given your way of dealing with people and having stayed in Songjiang for so long, why didn't you get on well with Lao Tong (the mayor)?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"The relationship can't be said to be good, nor can it be said to be bad." Lao Xu replied softly: "He is an authentic military and political person who used to be in the army, and I am an academic person. So I am restricted everywhere, not because I and I It’s not his relationship, but their faction, that doesn’t want me to come up.”

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded, opened the specially provided drinking water and said, "You are a little too hasty about the pharmaceutical factory."

"I don't think so." Lao Xu shook his head: "For the people, any pain of reform will damage their immediate interests, so they want to cause trouble. But for policymakers and the overall situation of Songjiang, you don't Without change, there will be no future for District 9, and there will be no possibility for our homeland to become strong. From a political standpoint, District 9 is too independent. Districts 7 and 8 want to absorb us, and the European Union is eyeing us. They are very afraid that we will be included in the ASEAN system and take an opposing position with them in the coalition government. Therefore, if we want to have a say, we must consolidate internal affairs and develop the economy. But economic development requires economic promotion, so we must increase taxes. , we need to develop businesses and attract investment.”

Middle-aged silence.

"I have been waiting for seven or eight years. If I don't work hard, I will have no chance. Because no one knows whether the next leader wants an official position or wants to rise in Songjiang." Lao Xu sighed and said, "I'm not too anxious. It’s because we can’t see the pattern and ambition of latecomers.”

"Old Xu, the structure, ambition, and future direction are not ours to worry about."

"I, the deputy mayor, and the princes of this party can't worry about this matter. Isn't that even more sad?" Old Xu said with a slightly numb look: "Whose hands does the power belong to? Alas...!"

The middle-aged man stood up slowly, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic with Lao Xu anymore, and only replied softly: "The key point in your matter lies in Chalke Investment Bank. If they withdraw their investment, Lao Tong will definitely touch you, then At that point, there’s not much I can do.”

"The mistress is wrapping things up in Songjiang. If the scandal ends with the resignation of some senior managers of the project team, then Chalke Investment Bank will definitely come back. By then, the airport project will be promoted again, and Lao Tong probably won't touch me again. "Old Xu said with a very clear mind: "But if the scandal cannot be overcome, then my situation will be worrying. Our academic faction will have to consider reorganizing the layout in Songjiang."

"I'll invite two friends over for dinner tonight. Let's wait for news from Songjiang." The middle-aged man nodded.


Inside the Black Street Superintendent.


Qin Yu kicked over the office chair and cursed angrily: "What on earth do you want to do to the bastard Jiangnan Superintendent?!"

"What's wrong?" the captain of the second team walked in and asked, "Why are you so angry?"

"The person we captured vomited." Lao Mao explained with a sullen face: "According to the criminal's confession, Niu Zhen and the others were probably harbored by the Jiangnan District Superintendent."


The second captain was completely confused when he heard this.

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