District 9

Chapter 576: There is a tiger in my heart, sit north and look south

Erlonggang Mountain.

"Did someone say something to Brother Yin?" Anzi turned his head and glanced at the brothers on the table and asked.

"Oh, why do you talk so much?" Wu Tianyin frowned and reprimanded: "If we say we're going to break up, we'll break up. Isn't it a matter of time?"

"How to divide it?" Wang Teng asked.

"How should we divide it? Didn't we agree before that each person has 300,000 yuan, and the rest belongs to Brother Yin." Erhe interjected.

"Yes, it was agreed at the beginning, but don't we wonder if we can really ask for 8.88 million?" Another young man said with a smile: "I have no other intention, that is...this money... .”

Wu Tianyin smoked a cigarette and looked at everyone without saying a word.

"You have been in Erlonggang for so many years, have you ever earned three hundred thousand?" Anzi is not only a solid-minded person, but also a discerning person. At this moment, he has made up his mind to fight Wu Tianyin, so when it comes to money, his attitude is very clear: "Brother Yin started this thing, and it was him who killed Zihan in revenge. We can run away." Come out, thanks to Brother Yin talking to the police officer, right?"

Everyone was speechless.

"Just follow the previous score," Anzi frowned and said, "Just do whatever you want."

"I agree too." Erhe nodded.

"Then let's divide it according to what you said." Wang Teng also agreed.

Wu Tianyin turned to look at everyone and said lightly: "This money is not easy to come by. After you divide it, you can spend it on useful places and don't cause harm."

After saying that, Wu Tianyin stood up and said: "Erhe, you give the big guy money. If it's gone... give him an extra 100,000 yuan."

"Okay." Erhe nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go out and take a breath." Wu Tianyin didn't even look at the money bag containing the huge amount of money, and just walked away with a smile.

A few minutes later.

Anzi stepped out of the wooden house, opened his mouth and shouted: "Brother!"

"Ah." Wu Tianyin turned around.

"Did someone tell you something?" Anzi asked with a frown.

"Haha," Wu Tianyin smiled: "Someone wants to leave."

"Who? What do you mean?" Anzi asked, stunned.

"I won't tell you who it is, but if someone asks you to leave in the next two days, don't stop him." Wu Tianyin said with a serious face: "Some people have the courage to do this with us only once in their lives." Son. Once you have the money, you will have more thoughts in your mind. This is normal."

"Damn, I'll go ask." Anzi had a bad temper and turned around to enter the house.


Wu Tianyin immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and said with a speechless expression: "You can't stop people who want to leave."

Anzi clenched his fists and said nothing.

"Find a reliable living village, buy a courtyard, and let's settle down first." Wu Tianyin ordered.

"Okay." After Anzi nodded, he also changed the subject and said, "I was just about to mention it to you. There are many people in the area who want to come over and work with you."

"Really? Haha." Wu Tianyin smiled.

"You broke Guo Xing and kidnapped Bruna. Now you want fame and money. Many people want to meet you." Anzi said with a smile: "You can earn more than eight million yuan with just one job. Who wouldn’t be jealous after seeing this!”

"Okay, if there is someone, just ask him to come over. As long as his character is okay, then come to my place and I will take care of all the food, drink and expenses." Wu Tianyin immediately nodded and replied.

"Brother, isn't this inappropriate? We can't do this now even if we have money?!" Anzi replied in a low voice: "There are all kinds of people running on the ground, and some of them are very fierce, but when they meet It’s all nonsense, you think this kind of person...?"

"Money is nothing to me." Wu Tianyin waved his hand and replied: "If you don't spend this, it will just be paper in your hand. It doesn't matter, just do as I say."

"Okay." Anzi nodded and then said: "One more thing. I have a friend in the planning area. In the past few days, he asked me if he could contact me. I thought... I can make money from this. Pay some money, how about I contact him?"

"Is he selling it himself?" Wu Tianyin asked.

"No." Anzi shook his head: "He is in charge of a living village, and many people there are sick. He can't get the supply, so he wants me to help. Didn't I work as a ringer before? He thinks I have the skills in this area. Connections.”

"I won't make any money, so just help if you can." Wu Tianyin smiled and pointed at Anzi's chest: "Go to Qin Yu to buy medicine. Isn't this kid the king of medicine now? Haha."

"If we don't make money, why should we contact him about this?" Anzi was speechless.

"Do you know why you couldn't get along before?" Wu Tianyin suddenly asked.

Anzi was stunned.

"You all take money too seriously." Wu Tianyin frowned and said, "This thing is also important, but it's not important either."

Anzi nodded and said nothing.

"If you really want to help him buy medicine, let him go and pay for it himself." Wu Tianyin whispered: "Be clear about the purchase price and the shipping price. Don't be greedy for such small profits."

"I know, brother."

"Okay, that's it."

Two hours after dividing the money, Wang Teng led the young man who wanted to share more money to find Anzi and said frankly that he wanted to leave.

Anzi wanted to get angry, but after remembering Wu Tianyin's words, he finally said nothing, nodded and let them leave.

After Wang Teng left, Wu Tianyin and others did not stay here long. Only three or five brothers were left, and they went down the mountain together.

The mountain wind howled, blowing up the white snow all over the ground. Several people seemed lonely, but they seemed to be full of hope.

Inside Songjiang City No. 3 Prison.

A guard, holding a bunch of keys in his hand, walked to the production workshop where the prison worked.

"Yuan Ke!" the guard shouted.

"What's wrong?"

Yuan Ke held an embroidery needle in his right hand and an unfinished pillow towel in his left hand, and raised his head with a cute expression on his face.

"Appointment," shouted the guard, "come to the door."

"Okay, okay." Yuan Ke walked over immediately after hearing the sound.

Ten minutes later, the reception room.

Yuan Ke bent over and sat on the chair, lowered his head and smoked a cigarette.

Songjiang city center.

Ding Guozhen was sitting in the car and asked Director Pi in a polite tone: "Who do you usually have in your family?"

"Just me, my wife, and my son." Director Pi replied softly.

"Don't let them wander around during this period." Ding Guozhen nodded and said: "We, the few of us, are responsible for protecting your safety recently."

Director Pi asked with an uneasy look on his face: "Do you think they...will...do something outrageous?"

"Don't worry, there are many pairs of eyes staring at them now, they may not dare to do anything." Ding Guozhen persuaded softly: "Our role is to be prepared."

"That's right." Director Pi nodded.

Inside the reception room.

After waiting for a short while, Yuan Ke suddenly heard the door open, and then saw two figures walking in together.

"Hello." The leading young man smiled and waved to Yuan Ke.

Yuan Ke looked at the other person in shock for a long time, then replied with surprised eyes: "Oh, what a big shot!"


There will be a big explosion on Monday, don’t rush me, don’t rush me, let me save my manuscripts. Please vote for recommendations and subscribe.

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