District 9

Chapter 560 The sound of gunshots


Seeing that the brakes were useless, the driver immediately applied the handbrake, causing the anti-skid chains of all four tires to get stuck, pushing the snow on the ground and rushing directly into the ditch.

The front of the car hit the right side of the ditch, and the car body shook violently twice before it came to a complete stop.

Qin Yu's head was hit so hard that he was stunned and his ears were ringing.

On the side of the road, several cars came quickly. A man wearing a leather bomber jacket leaned half out of the passenger window, holding a bicycle in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Yo ho! Eight hundred More than ten thousand, I want half of it."

"Da da da!"

Gunfire suddenly appeared, and the guns swept across, like a pouring rain hitting Wu Tianyin's motorcade.

In the trench car, Anzi was the first to react. After lowering his head and flicking the bolt of the gun, he looked at Qin Yu with scarlet eyes: "Damn, you are so shameless, aren't you?!"


After the gun was pressed against Qin Yu's head, he suddenly woke up: "Holy shit, are you a tiger? It's not me!"

"Don't kill him, take him as a hostage." The driver who was driving also shouted.

"It's not me, fuck!" Qin Yu's face turned pale with anxiety: "Think about it with your butt, do the police handle the case like this? They shot the hostages in the car?!"

Anzi was stunned.


Wu Tianyin reached out and pushed open the car door, put the gun directly on the front of the car and shouted: "Come out first, come out."

Anzi hesitated briefly, then pushed Qin Yu and shouted: "Get out! Get out!"

In the area to be planned for thousands of kilometers, there is no village in front of it, no shop in the back, and only the outline of the nearest living village can be seen here. Therefore, there are no legal restrictions on crime here, and the surging gunfire is like a small military conflict, ringing through the night.

After Qin Yu got out of the car, he squatted on the butt of the car very timidly, waved his hands and shouted: "Zhu Wei, get out of the car."

"Squeak, squeak!"

Wu Tianyin's motorcade was caught off guard. The driver of the second car didn't even have a chance to react and was shot to death with two shots.


Another car lost control, rushed down the roadbed diagonally, crossed a trench more than one meter long, and fell with a clang in the field. But fortunately, the snow below was thick, and the car body did not completely lose its balance when rushing down, so it did not cause a rollover.


The car door popped open, and Zhu Wei crawled out with blood on his face, shouting loudly: "Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu!"

As soon as Qin Yu saw that Zhu Wei was injured, he immediately rushed over, stood in the ditch, grabbed the opponent's hand, and pulled him down hard.

Zhu Wei climbed out of the car, panting heavily and asked, "What's going on?"

"have no idea."

Qin Yu dragged Zhu Wei back to the ditch alive from the heavy snow shell: "Get down, don't move."

On the road, gunfire rang out non-stop. When Wu Tianyin lowered his head to replace the D-clip, he looked back and saw that two or three of his brothers had been knocked down on the roadside.

Although Wu Tianyin has never been a soldier and has no military qualities, he needs someone at this moment to keep everyone calm. Even if the command is wrong, it is still better than everyone being confused.

"Don't panic, don't panic." Wu Tianyin finished changing the D-clip and shouted with eyes wide open: "Anzai, Anzai, go get the money. Erhe, Wang Teng, and Han Bin got out of the car and shot to cover. The others Don't panic, slowly retreat into the snow."

The more than 8 million in cash in the trunk was obtained by everyone risking their lives, so there is no reason to ignore it. So Anzi immediately opened the trunk and pulled out three money bags.


Han Bin, Wang Teng, Er He and others also all got out of the car at this moment, holding long guns and driving towards the opponent's convoy.

In the trench.

Qin Yu randomly checked Zhu Wei's body and found that he was not shot, but simply hit his face when the car rushed down, and he was knocked unconscious.

"No...it's okay!" Zhu Wei wiped his cheeks and said in a weak voice: "Let's find...find an opportunity to escape, brother."


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of self-propelled gunfire rang out on the road. The windshield of the off-road vehicle in the field was cracked, and bursts of white smoke rose from the mechanical cover.


A strong man rushed down, holding a gun and was about to fight back when two bullets were fired on the way, hitting him directly in the upper body.


A woman's scream erupted from inside the off-road vehicle, and Jin Yuting was about to rush out of the vehicle with disheveled hair.


The gunshot rang out, and a cloud of blood mist instantly erupted in the car. Jin Yuting's beaten body stagnated, and he lay on his side on the back seat of the car.

Qin Yu looked up when he heard the screams and glanced at Jin Yuting in the car.

"Help...save me...save me!" Jin Yuting covered his shoulder with his left hand and shouted helplessly.

Qin Yu looked at Jin Yuting and hesitated for a moment before preparing to save her. On the one hand, it's because he is a police officer and has this responsibility; on the other hand, if Jin Yuting dies, Lao Wang will definitely have to use the excuse to tease him.

"Give me a gun." Qin Yu turned around and shouted.

Wang Teng, who had just come over, was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Job, give me a gun!" Qin Yu roared again.

"give him."

Wu Tianyin shouted without even turning his head.


Anzi took out a long gun from the trunk and threw it over.

Qin Yu lowered his head to check the akm system rifle, skillfully adjusted the automatic mode to single-point mode, and then stood up and raised the gun.


Several gunshots rang out, and Qin Yu pushed back a person hiding behind a car on the road, then immediately turned around and ran away.

on the road.

Eight vehicles on the other side came to a standstill and formed a row. The leading man, wearing a bomber jacket, raised his gun and shouted: "Pounce down, everything will collapse."

"Did you take the money? Take it and leave." After Wu Tianyin saw that all eight of the opponent's cars were fully loaded, he immediately shouted: "I don't want the cars anymore, run into the fields."

Qin Yu set up his gun and ran while fighting, and soon came to the back of Jin Yuting's off-road vehicle, and then shouted loudly: "Stop fucking howling, listen to me!"

When Jin Yuting heard the shouting, he stopped shouting immediately.

Qin Yu looked up at the situation on the road, and said quickly with sweat on his forehead: "You touch the door handle on the right side and open the door, hurry up."

Jin Yuting gritted his teeth and was about to get up.

"Don't get up, I can hit you." Qin Yu roared again: "Lie down and touch me."

Jin Yu stopped hearing the sound and obeyed.

Qin Yu held a single point with his gun, looking at the opponent on the one hand, and on the other hand to see if Wu Tianyin and the others had escaped. But while he was observing, he accidentally noticed a scene.

Next to the trench, one of Wu Tianyin's brothers squatted at the rear of the car, reached out and took off his coat, and threw it on the ground.

"Kang Kang!"

Two bullets were fired, and the off-road vehicle erupted into bursts of sparks.

Qin Yu was startled and stopped paying attention to the other party. Instead, he shouted at Jin Yuting: "Did you touch it?"

"Can't open."

"The car door has been deformed, please hit it!" Qin Yu really felt that the other person was going to be stupid.

"Bang, bang bang!"

There were several muffled sounds, and the car door popped open.

city ​​center.

Xiaoxing held the phone and said with murderous intent in her eyes: "Before the police arrive, you must finish the matter for me."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoxing strode out the door.

"Brother Xing, 8.88 million is not a small amount. If the old man in the planning area has other ideas and withholds the money, but the matter has not been completed, what should we do?" The young man asked.

"I'm such a fool. How dare I use someone who can't control me?!" Xiaoxing replied briefly: "Before Zihan did anything, I asked his wife and brother to come to Songjiang. How dare he be greedy for this money? I let his whole family ascend to heaven.”

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