District 9

Chapter 546: Raising money

What is the concept of a ransom of 8.88 million?

The initial investment for the first batch of the Songjiang new airport project is only 50 million. Qin Yu deceived the Yu family into starting a new pharmaceutical factory, and verbally agreed to pay upfront, which was only five million.

Since the establishment of District 9, kidnapping and extortion cases have occurred frequently, and only a handful of them can demand ransoms of more than one million yuan. Because today’s per capita wages, the overall economic environment, and the purchasing power of money are completely different from those before the epoch. One hundred yuan can help an ordinary family live for two or three months, but Wu Tianyin paid 8.88 million for one mouthful. This was the first time since the establishment of the district.

That's why the third young master was confused. He calculated that the kidnappers must be here for money, but he didn't expect that he could offer such a price.

Inside the clubhouse.

The third young master sat on the sofa with a splitting headache and dialed Lao Wang's number immediately.


"Director Wang, the kidnapper called."

"How to say?"

"Want money."

"How much?" Wang Shu asked urgently.

The Third Young Master was silent for a while, lowered his head and replied, "He wants 8.88 million."

"What?!" Director Wang was also confused.

"He said that even one point less is not enough. This is the number." The third young master loosened his collar and asked, "Is there any solution at the police station? Can the suspect be identified immediately?"

Director Wang sighed slightly: "It's difficult in a short time. The person has already run out of the district. The Kaiyuan District Superintendent and the police station have contacted the joint defense department to inquire about the information. However, there has been no reply so far, so it is impossible to determine the identity of the kidnapper."

The third young master's head was buzzing and he was at a loss for what to do.

"In this case, don't worry, wait for him to contact you again." Director Wang frowned and ordered: "I will have someone contact the communications company immediately, and try to locate his location as soon as possible when he calls you."

"It's useless. The other party is so well-prepared, how can they just let the police station locate it?" The third young master shook his head and asked briefly: "If you spend money to ransom someone, can the police station come up with a safe plan to catch the gangster?" , rescue Bruna?”

When Director Wang heard this, he couldn't respond for a while. Because the kidnappers are outside the area, anything can happen when it comes time to ransom someone. He's an office worker, how can he give such a shitty guarantee?

"Is it possible?" Third Young Master asked with a frown.

"We need to hold a meeting immediately to study it and formulate a solid plan." Director Wang thought for a while and replied.

The Third Young Master let out a tight gasp in his chest: "Does that mean we still have to get money?"

"...How much time do the gangsters give to collect money?" Director Wang asked.

"one day."

"...Xiaosan, it's too difficult to identify the gangster's identity and location within a day and arrest him outside the district." Director Wang replied without hesitation: "So the police station has to contact the gangster in a short time. , the safer way is to prepare a ransom."

"Okay, I understand." The third young master hung up the phone directly.

"How's it going?" James immediately stepped forward and asked.

The Third Young Master pondered for a while: "We still need to prepare a ransom."

"Oh, God, your police system is too exaggerated." James put his hands on his waist and cursed in disbelief: "Are those fat leaders all trash?!"

When the Third Young Master heard this, he replied extremely upset: "Mr. James, is there any point in talking about this now? If you don't hold that press conference, will the gangsters target you?"

James had never seen the third young master talking to him in such a tone, so he was confused.

"The information about the thugs, gangsters, and desperadoes in the planning area is very limited. If you didn't hold that press conference to clean up Tony's murder, how could they keep an eye on you? How would they know that you were very powerful? Money?" The third young master could hardly control his emotions at this moment: "You should know that the areas to be planned are all in the same chaos all over the world. The Songjiang Police Department is already doing its best to investigate this matter. At this time, it is already complaining. It doesn’t make any sense anymore.”

After James heard the sound, he inserted his waist and let out two long breaths.

The third young master walked around the house, frowned and added: "The suggestion given by the police station is that we first collect the ransom, and then they formulate a ransom plan."

"Oh, my God, 8.88 million!" James shook his head in collapse: "I can't make the decision, I have to discuss it with the board of directors."

The third young master was silent.

"Oh, by the way, Jin was also kidnapped. Does her company also have to bear part of the ransom? There is no reason for us to bear her part?" When James said this, his whole body was already There is no elitist demeanor, just shamelessness and vulgarity.

The Third Young Master was stunned for a long time, looking at him with his chest heaving, frowning and replying: "Jin Yuting is a star, the news of her kidnapping cannot be leaked, otherwise the media will investigate the cause and effect, and her future will be lost. I will bear the burden for her. Two million ransom."

"That's great," James had forgotten the story of the cowboy and the hostess at this moment, and just nodded frequently and said, "This makes more sense."

"Combine the money!" The third young master said this and walked out.

Early the next morning.

In three banks in Songjiang, European personnel withdrew large amounts of cash under the protection of police officers. After the boxes of banknotes were delivered back to the club, they were filled with three and a half person-high long tube bags, weighing more than two hundred kilograms.

Except for the two million that the third young master brought, the rest of the money was basically from Chalke Investment Bank Fengbei Company and had nothing to do with James. This was also the most efficient time for Chalke Investment Bank to handle matters. Less than an hour after the meeting, the company decided to take the ransom.

Once the money was collected, a meeting was immediately held at the police station to study how to pay the money and how to save people.

A certain mountain in Erlonggang.

Wu Tianyin was sitting in the brick house, slurping water noodles.

Jin Yu rested on the wall, her legs and feet were all tied up. Looking up from the face, she was quite calm. After all, she can be considered a self-made person, and she has seen some of the world until today.

"Brother, how much do you plan to ask for?" Jin Yuting looked at the Buddha mask half-worn on Wu Tianyin's face and asked tentatively.

Wu Tianyin paused: "You are such a big star, why are you hanging out with them?"

"...For the sake of life." Jin Yu stopped and responded cheerfully.

"Are people like you still short of money? Is it for living?" Wu Tianyin was a little confused.

"I have a core team of more than thirty people. My company is a small company, and I have been the only one who has been promoted in the past few years." Jin Yuting replied softly: "I am just a person with a reputation."

Wu Tianyin was silent for a long time: "Speak less and ask less. I am not targeting you."

Jin Yu stopped for a moment and then shut up.


At this moment, one of Anzi's brothers pushed open the door and walked in. He smelled of alcohol and said to Wu Tianyin with a smile: "Brother, do I want to discuss something with you?"

"What?" Wu Tianyin looked up.

"Women have played, but big stars have never played." Anzi's brother asked bluntly: "If you don't have that intention, I will take her away, right?"

When Jin Yuting heard this, the sweat pores all over his body stood up.

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