District 9

Chapter 539: High-profile press conference

In the evening, around nine o'clock.

A group of idle people suddenly gathered in front of the Black Street Superintendent's door. Their arms were wrapped in white cloth, and they held paper figures and horses in their hands, and they burned across the road.

The news quickly reached Qin Yu, and he led a dozen police officers out of the main entrance.

Dozens of idle members of society looked at Qin Yu and the others coldly. They did not leave or make a fuss, but continued to gather together to burn the coins and objects of the underworld.

"Stop burning, what are you doing? Demonstration?" Zhu Wei pointed at the crowd and shouted.


At this moment, an off-road vehicle on the roadside opened its door, and a familiar figure stepped out.

Qin Yu looked back: "Zhang Liang, why are you here?"

Zhang Liang once stood up to Qin Yu on the matter of medicine lines, and also fucked the third son's white-glove Liu Zhixiong and others. They are also doing business in Pingdao District with Qin Yu's medicines, so the two of them are familiar with each other.

"How did you handle the case?" Zhang Liang walked to Qin Yu and asked with a frown: "The person was released on bail just after being arrested. Did you collect the money?"

"Brother Yu, who died, did you know him?" Qin Yu asked, stunned for a moment.

"He used to be with me." Zhang Liang said with dissatisfaction in his heart: "I went to Changji yesterday, and I didn't hear about it until I came back today. Xiaoyu has seven brothers, but they don't work anymore. He said he would organize an organization tomorrow. strike."

Qin Yu was speechless.

"They just started a small business with their brothers. They didn't hire anyone, messed with anyone, or bullied anyone. Why did they kill anyone just because they said they were going to kill him?" Zhang Liang frowned and asked Qin Yu: "The ground on the black street The brother above praises you so much, but this is your attitude on this matter?"

"Brother, it was the people from the embassy who gave him bail, and it was the police station who gave the order personally. What can I do?" Qin Yu also responded helplessly: "In order to arrest these people last night, I went to the police station Lao Wang fell out. He was brought back and the criminal detention was completed in less than half an hour. But today the police station directly passed us and released the person. What do you want me to do?"

Zhang Liang's expression softened a bit after hearing this.

"Xiao Liang, listen to me. Don't go on strikes or parades right now." Qin Yu frowned and persuaded, "This will only intensify conflicts."

"I can't be attracted to attracting investment, so what am I afraid of intensifying the conflict?" Zhang Liang responded with a squinted look: "I just don't accept this matter. Foreigners killed our own compatriots, and they didn't even receive any criminal punishment. Is this reasonable?"

"Don't mess around, I will follow this case." Qin Yu repeatedly emphasized: "Now they are just on bail, and there is no guarantee that they will be acquitted. As long as I complete the evidence chain, he will go back to the court. The same sentence will apply."

"Pull him down." Zhang Liang shook his head: "I believe you, but I don't believe those idiots."

"I told you, don't intensify the conflict now. If you organize demonstrations or strikes, you will have to get involved yourself." Qin Yu persuaded in a low voice: "You have to use your brain for this matter."

Zhang Liang pondered for a while, then turned to Qin Yu and said: "Let me tell you this, if the murderer is not sentenced to death, I can control myself, but I may not be able to control the people below. Xiaoyu has seven brothers, When the time comes, if someone gets excited and throws some money on the road to get him, I won’t be able to control him.”

"I will definitely sentence him, okay?!" Qin Yu said with a serious face.

"Okay." Zhang Liang nodded.

"Don't let them talk nonsense here, and disperse quickly." Qin Yu pointed at Zhang Liang's brother and said.

"It's all burned." Zhang Liang frowned and sighed: "Xiaoyu has no family and has been miserable for more than ten years. Now he has some capital, and he still has someone to kill him..."

Qin Yu felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Chalke Investment Bank held a press conference at the famous Financial Building in Songjiang.

At the press conference, James wore a well-dressed suit and an exquisite hairstyle. He had a kind face and a voice full of affinity and said: "I love the land of the Special Administrative Region because it has been full of infinite possibilities since its birth... My uncle once He participated in the war before the establishment of the district. He was a good man and a soldier. Like your martyrs, he sacrificed his precious life for the people to build a new home... Therefore, I not only want to get business returns for the company here, but also boost Songjiang's economy. , I will try my best to build this place...I really love it here."

The reporters heard the news and took pictures frantically.

James is a good showman. He looked at the reporter as sincerely as possible and continued: "We, Chalke, have approved the Songjiang New Airport Project through the Bei Investment Bank, with the first batch of investment of 50 million Asian dollars... ….”

"Bah bang bang!"

On the seats below, many leaders and reporters clapped their hands.

"Mr. James, I am the news anchor of Songjiang Internet Radio. I want to ask you a question." A woman raised her hand and said.

"Beautiful lady, I am very happy to answer your questions."

"Yesterday, there was a shooting at your company's office. Someone with knowledge of the matter posted a post on the Internet with the title: Gathering people to have sex...Have you seen this post? Do you have anything to say about it? "The female reporter asked very bluntly.

James pondered for a few seconds after hearing the sound, and answered very positively: "I'm sorry, there was indeed a shooting in our company's office building last night. But the cause was a conflict between a few gangsters who blackmailed our company's employees. So that post on the Internet is a slander. The poster even hid his IP address, which shows that the other party has a guilty conscience... There were indeed casualties at the scene, but the Songjiang Police Department has intervened in the case. So, I have nothing to say, we All the staff of Chalke Investment Bank believe in Songjiang’s judicial institutions and believe that the ruling in this case will be very fair.”

"Has Tony, the person involved in the case, been released on bail?"

"Yes, Tony has a serious heart disease. He is an unfortunate person and meets the basic conditions for release on parole..." James responded lightly.

Inside the clubhouse.

Tony knelt on the carpet, with a pile of documents on his head, and cursed fiercely: "I am willing to spend money, as long as I can kill that Qin Yu..."

In an empty room in the planning area, Wu Tianyin slowly stood up after watching the press conference broadcast live on the webcast station.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Wu Tianyin shouted.


The door opened and Xiaoxun walked in with bared teeth: "Brother Yin, what are you doing?"

"I was just looking for you." Wu Tianyin poured a glass of water and said concisely: "Go and call Anzi, let's study something."

"What are you studying?"

"Go and call him." Wu Tianyin urged with a smile.

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