District 9

Chapter 531 Important clues

Feng Yunian's order to Qin Yu was that no matter what method he used, he had to solve this case.

On the surface, if Qin Yu catches the direct murderer, the case may be solved, but the hidden meaning behind Feng Yunian's words is that this case must be investigated to the end and the culprit behind the scenes must be found. Therefore, Qin Yu not only had to catch the criminal suspect, but also ensure that he would not be silenced. He also had to bite the Third Young Master and the others.

As a result, the case became more difficult because he had to quickly identify the suspect.

It's about ten o'clock in the evening.

Qin Yu was sitting in the office with red eyes, looking at the pictures of the scene and thinking about the breakthrough point.

"Dip Lingling!"

A phone rang.

"Hello?" Qin Yu answered the phone.

"Grandma, my sister landed in Songjiang, and you disappeared, right?!" Keke yelled dissatisfied: "I ran business all day today, and my feet were bruised and blistered. Why don't you treat me to something?" It’s delicious.”

"I'm too busy here. It's hard enough to go back tonight." Qin Yu replied with a headache: "You can lead the team out and all the expenses will be mine."

"Aren't you the captain? What's there to do as an official?"

"...I am a responsible captain, okay." Qin Yu rolled his eyes: "There is a big case, and the director named me to handle it. But now that I am the superintendent, my father is gone, so I have to lick the new one. Dad, do you understand?"

"Well, what you said is so true, I can't refute it." Coco sighed and replied, "Forget it, I'll take them to have a bite at home."

"Okay, let's do this for now. I'll call you when I'm done."


After that, the two ended the call. Qin Yu lit a cigarette and continued to look at photos of the scene.

After a while, Lao Mao opened the door and walked in first. He sat on the sofa with a tired face and said, "The motorcycle was found outside a community. I did a preliminary check and found no fingerprints or blood. Then, I I asked someone to search through the theft information in the past week and found that the car was lost on Nanyang Road this morning. The owner is a small business owner with a clean background and has nothing to do with this case."

Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette: "There's not even a damn blood stain left. This gunman is too slippery."

"There are blood stains in the alley. I also sent it to the hospital for comparison." Old Mao sat up straight and replied: "But I think this clue is of little significance."

"What's going on?" Qin Yu asked.

"Judging from the professionalism of this gunman, he may have been called back from another place." Lao Mao frowned and responded: "And with the relationship with the mistress, I think he should have no criminal record or even identity, so Let’s check the DNV and compare it in the library, it shouldn’t have much effect.”

Qin Yu rubbed his cheeks when he heard the sound: "Damn, this is so difficult."

"What do you think about going past him and directly investigating the person who may have instigated him?" Lao Mao asked smartly.

Qin Yu pondered for a while and shook his head: "It's useless. The gunman committed the crime alone. His confession and testimony are very important, so if you cross him, even if the person who instigated it is found, we can't convict him."

"That will be difficult." Old Mao took out his cigarette case and said, "Several major clues have been broken."

"Come, come over and help me look at the photos of the scene and see if I can learn anything." Qin Yu waved his hand in greeting.

When Lao Mao heard the sound, he stood up, pulled a chair, and sat next to the desk. He lowered his head and looked at the photos with Qin Yu.

at the same time.

At the door of an apartment in the city, Fu Xiaohao pulled the door open and got into Ding Guozhen's car.

"Aren't you coming?" Ding Guozhen asked sideways.

"I can't fucking think about it." Fu Xiaohao curled his lips and responded: "Brother Yu said that since Lao Yang was killed, Jin Yuting's line cannot be let go. Let me keep an eye on it with you these days. Keep an eye on her and see if you can dig out any clues."

Ding Guozhen heard this and sighed: "Why are these people so cruel? After all, Lao Yang is a well-known figure. He killed them when they said they would. This is too courageous."

Fu Xiaohao picked up a bottle of water and responded expressionlessly: "What's this? You saw the killing of Lao Yang, but how many people like Lao Yang were killed that you didn't see? Do you think Have you passed?"

Ding Guozhen was stunned.

"There are too many things like this that we may not understand." Fu Xiaohao said coldly: "In these days, you have no power and power, and you may lose your head even if you say one more word... Haha, This is the time we’re in.”

"If there is a dark side, there must be a sunny side." Ding Guozhen retorted: "Isn't Lao Yang an example? We should still be optimistic."

"You can be optimistic, but I can't be optimistic." Fu Xiaohao said seriously: "...I was really stimulated during this time in Songjiang."

"Fortunately we are following Brother Yu, at least he is better than others."

"That's true." Fu Xiaohao said in agreement: "He is as good to me as he is to you, but I am more grateful to him than you are. Do you believe it?"

Ding Guozhen was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Because I have a lower starting point than you." Fu Xiaohao replied concisely.

While the two were chatting, a commercial vehicle suddenly drove out from behind the apartment.

"Stop talking, it's Jin Yu's car that's parked," Ding Guozhen shouted immediately, "She might be going out."

"I'll drive and follow her." Fu Xiaohao immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

About an hour later, in the office of the captain of the Superintendent's First Team, Qin Yu and Lao Mao were studying photos of the scene when they suddenly heard the door open.

"You're back, how's the situation?" Qin Yu asked immediately after looking up and seeing Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei picked up a bottle of water at the door, raised his neck and drank most of it. Then he gasped and replied: "The comparison of bullet casings and warheads has revealed the results."

"How is it?" Qin Yu immediately stood up and asked.

"I stayed in the technical department for two hours. They took the existing comparison results and looked through the information on previous cases, and finally came up with a unified result." Zhu Wei said in a hurried tone: "This cartridge case and warhead, in a few months, They were used in the two previous shooting cases and were privately manufactured low-quality sub-ds. Our technical department also numbered them."

"In the two previous cases, firearms were locked. Did the gun come from?" Lao Mao also asked excitedly.

"It's locked." Zhu Wei nodded: "It's not just one gun, but I bought it through a man named Anzi, who is a gun dealer."

"Anzai, why are you so familiar?" Lao Mao was stunned for a moment and replied.

"Anzi was also involved in Wu Tianyin's case." Qin Yu said with a good memory: "The Kaiyuan District Superintendent shared information with us at the beginning, and this man and Wu Tianyin were together."

"Yes!" Zhu Wei nodded immediately: "I verified it and it is one piece."

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