District 9

Chapter 492: A distinguished guest is coming

Qin Yu had been busy in the unit for nearly two days before he had completely compiled all the suspects' confessions and evidence. However, just after the intensive work ended, he fell ill and caught a cold.

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Yu fell on the bed at home and was wiping his nose when his cell phone suddenly rang.


"What are you doing? Busy man!?" Ye Lin's crisp voice sounded.

"I have a cold. I'm staying at home." Qin Yu asked with a red face, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?" ’

"Well, if something happens, call a few of your friends and come to the Joy Palace to find me. I will take you to pick up a friend!" Ye Lin lowered her head and glanced at her watch: "Come now."

"Who are you meeting?" Qin Yu said, not wanting to move, "I feel really uncomfortable, my bones are hurting, why don't you guys go there?"

"The person here is very important. You'd better meet him." Ye Lin responded softly: "He is from the trading company in Fengbei. In the future, you will have to go through him to send money to suppliers."

"The people around Han Sanqian?" Qin Yu asked in shock.

"That's right." Ye Lin nodded: "He is one of your Gods of Wealth, so you still have to be polite."

"All right."

When Qin Yu heard this, he could only force himself to get up: "I'll call you Lao Er, Xu Yang, and Lao Mao and the others."

"Well, let's get together at my place tonight."

"Okay, that's it!"

After the two finished communicating, they ended the call.

After Qin Yu finished washing briefly, he drove to the superintendent's building and dialed Lao Mao's number.

Tens of seconds later, the old cat's lazy voice sounded: "What do you want to call me for?"

"Go downstairs and follow me to meet someone."

"Who are you meeting?" asked the old cat.

"Our future money bag." Qin Yu wiped his nose and said, "Ye Lin just called me and wanted to get together in the evening."

The old cat was silent for three or four seconds: "I won't go, you can get together."


"I'm a little tired from all the hard work these days and I don't like to move. You can go ahead."

"Don't talk nonsense. I, a person with a severe cold, insisted on getting up. Why are you so special?" Qin Yu urged without any doubt: "Hurry up, I'll wait for you downstairs!"

"Brother, I really don't want to go!" Old Cat insisted: "Let's get together!"

"What do you mean?!" Qin Yu paused for a while and then suddenly asked: "What's going on? Are you going to fly solo now? Can't I call you out?"


"Then what do you want to do?"

"...!" The old cat was speechless.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you for five minutes. If you don't come down, we'll break up." After Qin Yu said this, he hung up the phone.

Less than ten minutes later, the old cat, wearing a purple woolen hat, got into Qin Yu's car with a helpless expression.

"I gave you five minutes to come down, but you took so long? What do you mean?" Qin Yu stretched out his hand to grab the old cat, and immediately inserted his cold palm into his collar.

"Oh my god!" the old cat scolded angrily: "Are you sick?! Do you know that this will cause menstrual cramps?"

"Haha!" Qin Yu laughed when he heard the sound.

"You're so stupid!" Old Mao opened Qin Yu's palm and cursed with a naive expression: "No, I don't understand. Why did you have to ask me to go?"

"I can't live without you!"

"You go away." The old cat frowned slightly, rubbed his palms and responded: "I will make an exception today. If this happens in the future, please try not to call me."

Qin Yu started the car and said softly to the old cat while driving, "I know what you are thinking, but there is no need."

The old cat was silent.

"Uncle Li's position really makes it difficult for you. I also know that you took the initiative not to get involved in these things to avoid suspicion and not to let other brothers think too much." Qin Yu said with a serious expression: "But I feel that you yourself I think too much. The fact that the medicine line can be connected is the result of you, me, and Qi Lin risking their lives in Jiangzhou, so we will always be grasshoppers on the same line, unless one day, you feel that this The line is boring and I want to leave on my own initiative... then I have nothing to say."


Old Mao sighed: "I am really upset by this matter. You said that I worked hard on the medicine line and helped everyone get the Third Young Master, and then Old Li suffered, but you asked me to help I can’t do anything to fuck you with the Third Young Master, so I’ve been really fucking upset these days.”

Qin Yu was silent for a long time: "Uncle Li hasn't called me for a long time."

The old cat was speechless.

"Old Cat, let me express my attitude to you." Qin Yu turned to look at Old Cat and said with a very serious face: "If we fail this time, then Uncle Li will definitely escape while sitting on the Third Young Master's rocket. Get up. But if we are lucky enough to win this time...then whether it is Wu Di or Han Sanqian, I will not let them suppress Uncle Li."

The old cat was stunned.

"I did this not because of our relationship, but because Uncle Li was kind to me." Qin Yu said with a serious face: "From the area to be planned to Songjiang, there are only a handful of people who have been kind to me, and I will remember them all. Still waiting."

Lao Mao rubbed his palms: "I hope we and Lao Li can survive this."

"Definitely." Qin Yu replied with great energy.

Inside the Kaiyuan District Superintendent’s Office, the Second Team’s interrogation room.

A man with big muscles and a round waist grabbed his chest with sweaty hands: "...Give me an injection of Diazepam, I beg you, give me an injection...!"

The captain of the second team crossed his legs and asked with a smile: "Do you always smoke? How long have you been smoking?"

The man kept swallowing his saliva: "I beg you, brother, give me a shot...!"

"If you drop the case, I will send you to the hospital for injections."

"...!" The man's eyes were blurred, and he shook his head vigorously and replied: "I said it, I said it!"

"Who asked you to organize the parade?" the captain of the second team asked.

"Member Liu of the Kaiyuan District Council... was the one who found me."

"Did he directly give you money to organize a parade?!" the captain of the second team immediately asked.

"No, he was the one who talked to me, but the money came from a company in Fengbei." The man gasped and said, "Give me 50,000 yuan and let me organize people, buy guns, and cause trouble."

Songjiang North Station.

Several cars were parked on the side of the road. Ye Lin, Qin Yu, Lao Mao, Xu Yang, Ma Laoer and others were gathered together and waiting.

Ten minutes later, a train from Fengbei pulled into the station. A young man wearing a light blue trench coat and leather gloves led a dozen people and strode out of the train.

After a while, a group of spirited young men came out of the station and saw Ye Lin and others.

"Come on, Qin Yu, let me introduce you. This is Cai Xuxu, a person assigned to Fengbei Branch by our head office." Ye Lin introduced with a smile: "Xuxu, this is Qin Yu! Our new one's business Patner."

Qin Yu was suffering from a severe cold, so he stretched out his hand and said with a heavy nasal voice: "Hello, pee!"

Next to him, the old cat rolled his eyes: "Hush? My name is Si Si! This name is really not good at all!"

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