District 9

Chapter 488 Someone has to take the blame

In the early morning, the Superintendent of Kaiyuan District, Songjiang City.

Captain Ou walked into the deputy director's office and said in an urgent voice: "Now we should make a proposal to the police station and ask them to contact the exit to completely block Wu Tianyin..."

The deputy director smoothed his thinning hair, took a sip of brown tea and replied, "Let me make you a suggestion."

"What?" Captain Ou was stunned.

"You should seize the time and ask your relatives and friends to see if they have any suitable jobs to introduce to you." The deputy director replied expressionlessly.

"No, what do you mean?" Captain Ou was confused.

"The police station issued the first batch of punishment notices half an hour ago." The deputy director stood up, licked the bubbles on his mouth and replied: "You have been dismissed from your post. You will be punished to the end. Your identity as the police chief will be displayed in the department. Three years, but you can only receive 200 yuan a month in living expenses. This is the biggest right I can get for you."

Captain Ou's head was buzzing and his eyes were red.

"I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while..."

"Why? Why?!" Captain Ou asked angrily: "Did I make any big mistakes in this case? Lao Guo himself refused to listen to the police officer's dissuasion and insisted on going to the hospital. What happened to me? Does it matter?"

"You didn't make any mistakes, it's just that the superintendent needs someone to take the blame." The deputy director explained concisely: "It's that simple, understand?"

"Haha!" Captain Ou was speechless when he heard this: "Director, I will risk my life to fight you. Isn't the pot you gave me a bit heavy?!"

"Not only do you have the blame, but so do I." The deputy director clasped his hands behind his back and sighed: "I was suspended for a month. After returning to work, my title will be retained, but I will go to the Special First Prison to be the Chief of Logistics."

Captain Ou was speechless upon hearing this.

"Is my pot lighter than yours?" The deputy director curled his lips and said, "Guo Xing has died and someone has to be buried with him. Let's be more liberal. It's not just you and me."

Captain Ou wanted to get angry, but he didn't know how. He was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent it.

After the two were silent for a long time, Captain Ou shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether you quit or not. I've long had enough of this servant girl."

The deputy director did not respond.

That night, the police station issued three batches of punishment notices in succession. The Kaiyuan District Police Chief was transferred due to improper handling of the parade incident, two deputy directors were demoted, and the captain of the first police team was directly beaten to the end.

Perhaps the public demonstration affected the decision-making of the superintendent and the police station, but everyone has been making trouble for nearly half a month, and no one has been as happy and direct as Guo Xingsheng.

urban area.

After Xiaohu's mother heard that her husband had been shot, she fainted and was admitted to the intensive care unit. And this time... no big leaders came to visit, and some just made symbolic inquiries on the phone.

The warmth and coldness of human relationships are so realistic. Before the corpse is hardened, the human heart is already hardened.

Inside the clubhouse.

The Third Young Master convened the company's staff to conduct an urgent study on the accidental incident of President Guo's tragic death.

The think tanks raised by this company were all professionals who knew Songjiang's politics, economy, and people's livelihood very well, so they quickly came up with a plan.

A gentle young man stood up and said to the Third Young Master: "Guo Xing's death can make use of the people."

"How to use it?" asked the third young master.

"People are stealing money from Xiaohu Company. We can cooperate with the police station and claim that the cause of Guo Xing's death was because he had publicly supported the tax increase policy, which angered the criminals who led the trouble and was shot. "The young man said with a cold tone and clear thinking: "Wu Tianyin can be one of the representatives among the people. Whether he robbed Xiaohu or shot Guo Xing, it was all for revenge."

The third young master's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Also, Wu Tianyin has a record of organizing riots, so we say that he is one of the leaders among the people. It is not abrupt and very reasonable." The young man continued to talk: "If things go according to this The direction office, the city must take a stand and quell the demonstration as soon as possible. In this way, we can use our strength to reduce the pressure on your father's side."

"I agree." A woman nodded in agreement: "The president of a well-known bank was shot to death for openly supporting political f*ck behavior. The top management must take a strong stance and calm down the incident as soon as possible."

"There is another advantage to doing this." The young man added in a low voice: "When the upper management is angry, those who secretly tease the people to do small things will feel very uncomfortable. Using the power of the system to suppress them is the right way."

After pondering for a long time, the Third Young Master frowned and replied, "Okay, let's follow this direction. Contact the police department, put the blame for Guo Xing's death on the people, and let the higher-ups express their stance."

"Also, Wu Tianyin must be arrested." The young man reminded: "Only when he is caught, the people and the upper class will find an outlet to vent, and negotiate and reconcile."

"The new director of Kaiyuan District has a good relationship with me. He will do his best to arrest Wu Tianyin."

"That's no problem." After the young man finished speaking, he immediately sat back down.

Next to him, Xiaoxing was silent for a while and then said: "Guo Xing is gone this time, what should we do? Do you want to find out in Fengbei who is the new bank president?"

"Of course we have to explore this situation." The third young master stood up and responded: "With Guo Xing gone, the capital chain in my hand is broken. The new supplier still needs money... so we must do our best. to find a new purse."

"Okay, I'll go inquire about this matter." Xiaoxing nodded.

After the third young master took two steps back and forth in the room, he immediately ordered: "You continue to do what you are doing, I will go out."


"Goodbye, Mr. Xu."


Everyone stood up and responded.

A few minutes later.

The exhausted Third Young Master left the club, stepped into his car, and reached out to dial Ye Lin's phone.


"Where are you? I'll go find you and tell you something." The third young master said bluntly.

"In the Happy Palace." Ye Lin thought for a moment and replied.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll be there soon."


After the two communicated, the third young master raised his head and told the driver: "Go to the Joy Palace."


The driver responded and drove towards Tuzhu Street.

in the car.

The third young master's mental fatigue has reached the extreme. He feels that he has been particularly depressed recently, and no move has gone smoothly and in the expected direction.

Xiaohu had an accident and Guo Xing died tragically. Now, with the public demonstration, the sword is pointed at his father who seems to be stable but is actually already standing on the tightrope.

Each one of these things forced the Third Young Master to constantly adjust his strategy, so he was really tired. But the good thing about him is that his personality is relatively flexible, his personal abilities are not at the same level as Xiaohu's, and he can always handle his emotions well at critical moments.

The other end.

Qin Yu met Wu Di privately on a street near Kaiyuan District.

"You're in such a hurry, why do you want to see me?"

"Did you ask Xu Wei to do Xiaohu?" Qin Yu asked bluntly.

Wu Di was stunned.

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