District 9

Chapter 469 Young Master Hu with an explosive mentality

It's about 11 o'clock in the evening.

Xiaohu left the club first and drove back to his investment company in Kaiyuan District.

Going upstairs, along the quiet and dimly lit corridor, Xiaohu quickly came to the door of his office, but saw brightly lit lights inside and a moving figure.

Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly opened the office door, frowned and looked inside, only to see a middle-aged man sitting in his chair, leading three or four staff members, and flipping through a lot of information.

"Yamamoto, why are you here?" Xiaohu instantly recognized the middle-aged man sitting in the chair. He was the senior financial consultant of his mother's company.

The middle-aged man stood up after hearing the sound, bowed respectfully to Xiaohu, and replied in a formal tone: "Mr. Guo, I was entrusted by your mother to check the company's large capital expenditures in the past year, as well as the return on investment."

"Entrusted by my mother?!" Xiaohu became anxious and yelled with his eyes wide open: "This is my company. Why did you come into my office privately without even saying hello to check the accounts?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guo, I called beforehand but couldn't get through." The middle-aged man bowed again.

Xiaohu's brain was numb with anger. He walked around the hall with his hands on his hips and shouted: "Get out of here."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guo, I can't go out, I have to continue investigating." The middle-aged man replied very dull and serious.

"I told you to get out, do you understand? Get out!" Xiaohu felt that he had been violated, pointed at the door with a ferocious face and shouted: "Disappear!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guo, I have to check the accounts." The middle-aged man bowed again, but said without giving up: "And for a period of time in the future, I will serve as your investment consultant, and you must take me to participate in the pharmaceutical factory project."

When Xiaohu heard this, his chest felt tight, but he was speechless.

"I will evaluate the pharmaceutical factory project in an all-round way and hand over a very professional investment report to your mother." The middle-aged man put his hands on both sides of his legs and bent down and said: "I implore you to fully cooperate."

"I'll cooperate with your mother!"

Xiaohu cursed, turned around and left.

A few minutes later.

Xiaohu returned to his car angrily. He didn't care whether his mother was resting or not, and just made a phone call.

Tens of seconds later, the mother answered the phone with a tired voice and asked: "What's wrong, son?"

"Who asked you to get a police dog to come to my company to check the accounts? What does this mean?" Xiaohu is afraid of his father, but not his mother. How humble he is in front of his father is how willful he is in front of his mother.

"That's what your dad meant."

"Then what does my dad mean?" Xiaohu asked with eyes wide open.

"Your dad thinks... you may be a little unsure about your mistress's plan to build a pharmaceutical factory, so he asked me to find an expert to check it for you." Mother said as tactfully as possible: "Mr. Yamamoto has a lot of experience in the financial field. He has been working hard for many years, and he has a lot of experience and can help you... Take him with you whenever you have contact with mistresses in the future."

"Bullshit!" Xiaohu said angrily: "Xiaosan and I are ferromagnets and buddies. If you get such a person to follow you, what will he think of me? Moreover, my father agreed to invest in this pharmaceutical company in the first place. , and now he's causing trouble like this again. Then if you don't believe Xiaosan, why did you let me get involved in this matter in the first place?"

"It's not that your dad doesn't believe in the mistress, but he wants to know where the money is spent. We have spent so much money, so we still need to have the right to know, right?" The mother patiently persuaded: "Son, there is nothing between friends. It's all about being vague... When it comes to money, being clearer will make the friendship last longer."

"Mom, reality is different from what you think. Every time we talk to Mistress, it's always a group of young people in the circle who get together. Isn't it strange that you brought Yamamoto in?" Xiaohu felt that he I had no freedom and said in a very shameless manner: "Furthermore, all my friends know that I have started a company by myself. So if you put such a thing around me, what will people think of me? I started my own business, and I still have someone with me A government official? How do you want me to contact people in the future?!"

"I can't persuade your father to do what he wants." The mother sighed: "I think you should follow his instructions for the time being. Otherwise... then tell him yourself? Or you can explore the third young master's tone and ask him in advance. Send him a message that before the company is established, we need to set up a financial office."

"I can't talk to the mistress about this." Xiaohu refused without hesitation: "If Yamamoto is willing to follow, just follow him. Anyway, I haven't gotten any human rights from him since I was a child!"

"How do you talk?"

"I have nothing to say, that's it." Xiaohu gritted his teeth and hung up the phone.

After less than twenty seconds, the mother called again, but Xiaohu hung up immediately and turned off the phone.

The next night, it was around nine o'clock.

While Wu Tianyin was frying snacks at the stall, he received a call from his mother.

"Hello? Mom."

"Xiaoyin, where are you?"

"Ah, I'm working, what's wrong?" Wu Tianyin turned off the bellows and walked aside and asked.

"It's like this. Today your dad went to the superintendent to go through the procedures for poor households. Your name is hanging at home. You need to come back and fill out a form." The mother said in a loud voice: "Please come back and put this It’s done.”

Wu Tianyin was stunned: "How do you go through the procedures for households in need?"

"Isn't this a tax increase? Charge more money. If you are a household with difficulties, you can pay a little less. Our family's situation is enough to say it's enough, but it's not enough to say it's not enough. Your father asked someone to find connections to get this quota. Come down." Mother urged and shouted: "Come back quickly and fill out the form."

"I'm working, I don't have time now."

"You should work one less day. This procedure will be used tomorrow."

"...Then can I go back later," Wu Tianyin frowned and asked, "Around twelve o'clock?"

"Everyone in the family is asleep. If you come back and cause trouble, your father will be unhappy again." Mother replied with a grunt.

Wu Tianyin sighed and patiently compromised: "Okay, I'll pack up and go back."

"Hurry up. Don't knock on the door when you get home. If your phone rings, I'll go out and open it for you." Mother reminded her urgently, "Don't wake your dad and the others up."


Wu Tianyin responded and hung up the phone.

After standing in front of the stall for a while, Wu Tianyin could only quickly clean up the stall and close down early.

About twenty minutes later, Wu Tianyin left Phoenix Entertainment City on a tricycle. And he never imagined that what awaited him when he got off work early today was not rest, but a turning point in the rest of his life...


Qin Yu got on the helicopter, waved to Coco and said, "I hope everything goes well and we can work together in Songjiang in the future."

"I'm waiting for your good news." Coco nodded with a smile.

"Take off." Qin Yu sat in his seat, put on his seat belt and shouted.

The pilot turned to look at Qin Yu and asked briefly: "Brother, do you still need to hover?"

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