District 9

Chapter 443: There is always a little warm sunshine in the gloomy sky

On the cold street, Wu Tianyin walked out of his home, carrying simple luggage and heading south.

Wu Tianyin had an uncle who lived on Yuanbao Street in Kaiyuan District. When he was young, this uncle took good care of Wu Tianyin, but his health was not very good. He died of illness while Wu Tianyin was in prison. However, the two sons left behind by the old man are still in Songjiang. It is said that although they are not doing very well, at least they will not have a problem in supporting the family.

Wu Tianyin was completely desperate at this time. He had no money in his pocket and no place to live. All he could think of was asking for help from his uncle's eldest son, his cousin.

Relying on the address left by his uncle when he visited him in prison, Wu Tianyin quickly came to Yuanbao Street and found his home according to the house number.

This is a small courtyard with three rooms. The front looks shabby, but the courtyard is quite lively. There are three or four women gathering together with their children, making adult clothes.

Wu Tianyin carried his luggage bag and walked into the hospital and asked: "Hello, is Wu Tianming at home?"

One of the women turned around, sat on a broken wooden chair and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Wu Tianyin, and I am Tianming's younger brother."

The other party was stunned for a moment, then turned around and shouted: "Wu Tianming, your family is here to find you."

After about two or three minutes, a middle-aged man in his forties came out of the main room. He looked up and saw Wu Tianyin. He was stunned for a long time, wiped his palms and asked, "Holy shit, why are you here?"

"Haha, brother." Wu Tianyin called out.

Wu Tianming is thin, not tall, and bald. All in all, he is an unattractive person: "What's going on? You're here suddenly. What's wrong?"

"Well, let's take a look, haha." Wu Tianyin felt guilty. He hadn't seen his cousin in many years, and he didn't even get any gifts when he came, so he seemed very reserved.

"Why do you look dead now?" Wu Tianming walked over and asked again: "Come here, are you okay?"

"I just came to see you." Wu Tianyin's face turned red, and he told people shyly that he was here to borrow money.

"I'm in such good health, why don't you come and see me fuck me?" Wu Tianming replied casually, then opened his mouth and shouted: "Xiaohong, go make some food."

"No, no need." Wu Tianyin hurriedly waved his hand: "I'll come and sit for a while, and then I'll leave."

"It's almost time. Even if you can't leave, we have to eat." Wu Tianming glanced sideways at his brother, opened his mouth and shouted: "Two more dishes."


The daughter-in-law got up and immediately started working.

"This is your eldest nephew." Wu Tianming grabbed the teenage boy next to him, bared his teeth and shouted: "Son, call me uncle."

"Hello, uncle." The tough-headed kid bared his teeth and shouted.

"Hey!" Wu Tianyin clenched his fists, feeling even more ashamed because he couldn't even get the money to buy some snacks for his children.

"Come in." Wu Tianming greeted and stepped up the steps.

Ten minutes later.

In the main room, Wu Tianming sat on a wooden chair, looked up at his brother and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Wu Tianyin lowered his head and said nothing.

"If you have anything to do, just tell me, you're hesitating like a bitch!" Wu Tianming cursed and picked up the wine glass.

Wu Tianyin scratched his head, frowned and said: "I came out to find a job, but because of my criminal record, I was fired... The old man at home had a problem with me, so I had a few quarrels with him and then came out."

"Do you want to borrow money?" asked my cousin.

Wu Tianyin raised his head and said in a hoarse voice: "I want to set up a roadside stall and sell some snacks. But I really don't have any money in my pocket. I don't know who to look for... just... just..."

"How much to borrow?" my cousin asked again.

"Two hundred, maybe. If you can buy some kitchen utensils, just buy a tricycle." When Wu Tianyin said this, his head lowered even further.

Wu Tianming thought about it for a long time, got up and walked to the cabinet. He reached inside and fumbled around for a long time before taking out a small black bag.

Wu Tianyin looked up at the other party, his heart beating loudly.

Wu Tianming reached out to open the bag and took out less than four hundred yuan in front of his cousin. He immediately ordered three hundred yuan and threw it on the table: "That's it. The rest must be used for the family to eat."

When Wu Tianyin heard this, his eyes instantly turned red.

"You bastard, you didn't come to see me when you came out. You fucking thought of me when you borrowed money." Wu Tianming bent down and sat down again, pointed at an electric tricycle outside the door and said, "What the hell are you doing?" When the time comes, take that car too, so you don’t have to buy it.”

"Brother, I will pay you back the money soon."

"I'm afraid you won't pay it back, so I won't borrow it." Wu Tianming intervened and said: "You have no place to live, so just stay at home for a while. When you have some spare money, you can move out. Otherwise, my father-in-law, mother-in-law, and the others It’s been in this courtyard for a long time... and you won’t feel comfortable either.”

"I don't live here." Wu Tianyin responded: "I'll go out and find a solution."

"You can think of a way." Wu Tianming smiled and scolded: "If you have a way, you can't come here. You have no place to live for the time being, so just sleep with me!"

Wu Tianyin hasn't felt the warmth of family affection for an unknown amount of time since his father and uncle died.

My cousin actually didn't live a very good life. The whole family only had more than 400 yuan in cash. But even so, when he opened his mouth, his cousin told him to shut it.

The meal prepared by Xiaohong was a very ordinary home-cooked meal, but this was the most delicious meal Wu Tianyin had ever eaten, and he also drank some wine with his cousin.

The cousin did not criticize Wu Tianyin's situation because he borrowed money from him. Instead, he only drank and boasted about his superior status in Phoenix Entertainment City, Kaiyuan District.

In this way, Wu Tianyin temporarily lived in his cousin's house and started preparing to set up a small stall to support himself.

The days passed by, and in the blink of an eye Wu Tianyin had been staying at his cousin's house for more than ten days. He also got the stall and shed built by someone else and was ready to start work at any time.

That night, Wu Tianming was working the night shift and went to Phoenix Entertainment City early.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

Xiaohu, one of the brothers of the Third Young Master, drove an expensive off-road vehicle to the entrance of the entertainment city.

On the third floor of Phoenix Entertainment City L, Wu Tianming nodded and bowed and asked Xiaohu: "Boss Guo, are you looking for Xu Wei?"

"Well, you can ask her to come." Xiaohu nodded and said briefly: "Get me some food."

"Okay." Wu Tianming responded and quickly went downstairs.

As soon as Xiaohu entered the private room and sat down, his cell phone rang.


"...Xiaohu, something is wrong with Ma Laoer these days." A young man on the phone said in a low voice: "He contacted many people on the ground in other districts and said he wanted to attract new partners. I I heard that Panasonic from Jiangnan has almost reached an agreement with him, and Xiao Zhang from Pingdao... seems to want to get involved too."

After Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, he twisted his eyebrows and cursed: "What the fuck, why don't these people open their eyes! They don't know about the medicine line, who is going to do it?"

"Do you think you need to say hello to Third Brother?" the other party asked.

At the same time, Wu Di strolled into Phoenix Entertainment City, lowering his head and sending text messages non-stop.

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