District 9

Chapter 39: Brother Cat, who even the director wants to activate

The next day, early in the morning.

The shooting case on the second floor of the Century Avenue detached building has been officially taken over by the Underworld Police Superintendent. However, after such a big incident, Director Li rarely showed up. He found an excuse to go to Fengbei for a meeting and left. . In the end, the highest official in charge of this case was just a deputy director of the superintendent who was about to retire.

As a result, the captain of the second team responsible for investigating the case was confused. He couldn't figure out what it meant, so he could only waste time and didn't follow the clues at all.

It's half past nine in the morning.

Lao Mao's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Director Li's voice sounded.

"Do you know?" Old Cat lowered his head and asked.

After being silent for a while, Director Li said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "I don't care what you think, but don't get involved in Qi Lin's matter. Return to my work immediately and stay in the office these days."

"No." The old cat simply refused.

"Are you a fool who has no brains?" Director Li said anxiously: "I have stayed out of the drug trafficking case, what are you mixing in? You know the supply channels in Qi Lin's hands, will How much benefit will it bring? How many pairs of eyes are watching this matter internally and externally? What role can you, a small deputy captain, play, ah? "

"Lao Li, I am me and you are you. What I do by myself has nothing to do with you. You don't have to worry. Even if things get unmanageable in the end, I will take the blame myself and it will not affect you at all. "Old Mao said something against his will.

"Fart!" Director Li scolded angrily: "You are you and I am me. How can you say this with shame? Without me, you would use Mao as the deputy captain, and you would use Mao to fool around as the superintendent? "

"Then if you say that, I can only show my hand." Lao Mao responded shamelessly: "Either you leave me alone, or you take care of me and Qi Lin as well."

"Are you stupid for farting like crazy?"

"Old Li, you have been too comfortable recently. Yuan Ke used his elder brother's money and connections to make friends like crazy in the superintendent. Is he just trying to be a squad leader? Is this possible? Yuan Ke wants to be in the superintendent. Look up, this is an obvious thing, do you think you will be pulled down just because you stay out of it? Sitting in your position, there is no possibility for it to have both sides." The old cat seemed stunned, but he stretched his neck with strange ideas and roared: "Don't hesitate to make a choice, I'll activate you too."

"I'll use you to activate a JB, and you ride on the horse...!"


Halfway through, Lao Mao hung up the phone. Director Li called him twice, but he didn't answer the call.

in the car.

Director Li frowned and considered for a long time, then immediately dialed Qin Yu's number: "Hello? Xiao Qin."

"Hello, Li Si."

"Old Cat seems to be going astray. You and him have been getting along pretty well lately. You give him a call..."

"Li Si, Lao Mao and I have just reached an agreement on some things, and I just wanted to call you to tell you." Qin Yu was already ready to start chatting.

When Director Li heard this, he sat up angrily and said, "You young people, can you be more steady on the horse? Old Mao is a person who gets drunk even if he doesn't drink. You and he can reach a consensus..." …?!”

"No, Li Si, please listen to me first." Qin Yu interrupted the other party tentatively.

"you say."

"I just met the people across from the Yuan family..." Qin Yu lowered his head and spoke his thoughts softly.

Century Avenue, on the second floor of a single-family building.

Yuan Ke put his left hand in his pocket and held the phone in his right hand. He stood at the window and said, "Lao Li hid today. He didn't even go to the superintendent."

"What do you think he means?" Yuan Hua asked.

"Obviously, he didn't want to get involved in this matter, so he found an excuse to avoid it. But from the side, he gave us enough face in this matter." Yuan Ke responded in a low voice: "It's out of the question. For such a big case, Superintendent Lao Li doesn’t have the final say, and the people below don’t know how to handle the case, so he wants to give us some time to find Qi Lin quickly.”

"Lao Li handled this matter wisely." Yuan Hua said with a sullen face: "Since the other party gives us space, let's get the matter done quickly."

"Don't worry, Qi Lin can't run away."

"that's all."

The two brothers ended the call. Just as Yuan Ke was about to walk out the door, the third brother opened the door and came in.

"How is it?" Yuan Ke asked with a frown.

"A black doctor on Tuzh Street was called out last night, but he never came home." Lao San responded easily: "The people who put goods at the corner of the street didn't see him leave the street. I guess Ah, he’s still in the street, and he’s probably treating Qi Lin’s injuries because he was shot.”

Yuan Ke walked around the room, turned around and asked again: "Is there any news about the old cat?"

"He was originally arrested at the district border yesterday, but he took a call and left, and never showed up again." Lao San responded well-informed: "And he didn't come to the work today."

"He is with Qi Lin." Yuan Ke made a judgment.

"You also know the relationship between Lao Mao and Director Li." Lao San reminded softly: "Facing him, we are a little constrained."

"This kid has no brains." Yuan Ke lowered his head and deliberated for a long time before ordering: "Find someone first. Just touch the right place. You can just go over the old cat. Don't touch him."

"Okay." The third child nodded.

Half past six in the evening.

In the "fast food restaurant" in the red light district of Tuzh Street, a wretched-looking young man turned around and spat and said: "I went to Dr. Hei's house, and his assistant told me that the medical equipment and medical equipment that this boy took when he left. Medications are all used to treat gunshot wounds.”

"anything else?"

"I checked the call records and found that the last person who called Doctor Hei was Wu Long, a minor player at the card table." The wretched young man said with a smile: "He is on Tuzh Street. Our brother has already touched him. , he didn’t leave the house all day.”

"Confirm again, I will take people to Trash Street right away."


after an hour.

There were more than twenty cars parked on the street full of ice skates.

Yuan Ke and the third child were sitting in the car. After waiting for less than ten minutes, the wretched young man ran over with his clothes tight, nodded and stood outside the car window and said, "The person is inside."


"At least three or four." The wretched young man responded in a low voice: "Our brother saw it from the window, so he couldn't see very clearly."

The third child heard the sound and pushed open the car door, waved his hand and shouted: "Get out of the car."

"One piece." Yuan Ke also opened the car door.

The third child was stunned and immediately reminded: "It's not convenient for you to show up for this kind of thing, right?"

"Old Li has already acquiesced. What else can he pretend to do? It's a showdown." Yuan Ke frowned and replied, stepping out of the car.

The other end.

In a warehouse on a black street, an old man sat on a worn-out wooden chair, drinking tea and said: "It's time to count the cards. Let's inform those who are dining with us. It has been quiet for so long. Let's make some noise tonight."

p.s.: Thanks to Jin Xianjiahe, Benben丨尨尨尨尨尨, Nuanxinya and others for their rewards, thank you all!

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