District 9

Chapter 388 Suspension

Black Street Superintendent, in the office area of ​​the First Brigade.

"Hey, Xiao Qin, I don't go to work until the afternoon, so I came very early." Wen Yonggang shook his slightly messy bangs and walked up to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu looked up at Wen Yonggang without saying a word.

"Don't look at me, look at what I'm doing." Wen Yonggang said in a weird voice: "Director Feng called you. Haha, I found that you are really popular. No matter which director takes over, he will be willing to talk to you."

Qin Yu suddenly stood up and replied with a smile: "What's the use of my popularity? I can't even give flowers."

Just as Wen Yong was stunned, Qin Yu turned around and left.

A few minutes later, in the director's office.

Qin Yu closed the door and asked softly: "Director, did you call me?"

"Well, come and sit." Feng Yunian raised his head and greeted.

Qin Yu heard the sound and walked to the desk and sat down. He put his hands in his hands and said nothing.

"You have made a lot of enemies within the superintendent, haven't you?" Feng Yunian closed the documents on the table, picked up the tea cup and said.

"I just do my own thing, and I don't feel like I've offended anyone." Qin Yu responded calmly.

Feng Yunian took a sip of water and said expressionlessly: "You are in trouble."

Qin Yu frowned and didn't reply.

"Someone in the department reported you, saying that you had many violations of regulations and disciplinary actions in Pei Deyong's case." Feng Yunian put down his cup and said with a slight frown: "The police inspector also called just now and wanted to file a case. Investigate you."

Qin Yu clenched his fists: "Where did I violate discipline?"

"Didn't you violate any discipline regarding the Changji Welfare Institute?" Feng Yunian asked bluntly.

When Qin Yu heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

"We found people on the ground to catch the suspect, and even shot and killed him. The most important thing is that after Lei Zi who went to Changji was arrested, you were also arrested. Is this true?" Feng Yunian intervened and asked.

"This matter has been overturned. What does it mean to bring it out now?!"

"Who told you that this matter has been overturned? Pei Deyong has not been executed yet, so his case is not closed." Feng Yunian said calmly: "If you have something to do with this matter, let someone find it out Isn’t that normal?”

"I would like to ask, who can prove that I was the one who found those thugs who went to the orphanage? Is there any evidence?" Qin Yu asked with a sullen face.

"If there was evidence, if you went in now, you wouldn't have opened a case for investigation!" Feng Yuyan responded in a low voice.

Qin Yu was speechless.

"Have you offended anyone on the road recently? Think about it carefully." Feng Yunian reminded.

When Qin Yu heard this, he already understood what the problem was.

"The police inspector is going to open a case for investigation, and we must cooperate." Feng Yunian looked at Qin Yu with a serious expression and said: "I will now announce the internal treatment of you. First of all, your meritorious service report for detecting Pei Deyong's case must be for the time being. Press it down and stop thinking about rewards and promotions in a short period of time... Secondly, all the cases you are responsible for will be handed over to the second team and the third team first. You will be suspended for a week and fully cooperate with the police inspector. Investigations on the side. We must tell everything we know and tell everything we know.”

After Qin Yu gritted his teeth, he slowly stood up from the chair, put his hands on the desk, and said with a smile: "I didn't agree in the morning, and you started to punish me in the afternoon, right?"

Feng Yunian tilted his head and looked at Qin Yu: "You don't have to tell me this, this matter has nothing to do with me. Whatever you commit, I will deal with you how you want. There is no problem at all."

"Everyone in the superintendent is guessing what the new director's position is." Qin Yu replied with a smile: "Now I know what your position is."

"Haha." Feng Yunian smiled and did not reply.

"I will accept the processing." Qin Yu said this and turned around to leave.

"Wait a moment." Feng Yunian shouted.

Qin Yu turned around.

"Put your gun and work ID here." Feng Yunian pointed at the desk and said.

Qin Yu paused for two seconds, lowered his head, took out his gun and ID, and threw them on the table with a quick movement.

"It's hard for you to lose your privileges, right?" Feng Yunian asked with a smile.

"Haha." Qin Yu smiled and strode out of the superintendent's office.

Twenty minutes later, a team arrived at the office area.

"Don't even think about it. It must be Liu Zhixiong and the others who are looking for connections to deliberately beat you." Zhu Wei said with a sullen face: "These dogs are too damaging. Even a matter that has already been overturned can be dug up by them to tease you. .”

Qin Yu sat on the chair and said nothing.

"I said you have to contact Changji and ask Si Maozi to keep his mouth shut, otherwise he will bite you back and it will be really troublesome." Zhu Wei reminded: "After all, people died in the welfare home. .”

"They won't go to Changji to interrogate Simaozi. They just want to scare me." Qin Yu held his chin and replied: "You will keep an eye on the first team these days. You can do whatever you have to do."

"What about you?" Zhu Wei asked.

"I'm going to accompany Keke and the others to Fengbei for a walk." Qin Yu stood up, picked up his coat and replied, "I'm also tired during this period. It's good to rest for a week."

"No, didn't Lao Feng tell you? You have to cooperate with the police inspector's investigation." Zhu Wei stopped him.

"I cooperated with you so much!" Qin Yu scolded with a sullen face: "My phone is turned off, I'm just wondering if Liu Zhixiong dares to quarrel with us on his own initiative."

After saying that, Qin Yu left the unit feeling extremely angry.

Night, in hotel room.

Old Mao frowned and looked at Qin Yu and asked, "Did you have a fight with Old Li? What happened?"

"No." Qin Yu shook his head.

"No shit." Lao Mao said in disbelief: "If you hadn't quarreled with Lao Li, how could you have said you were suspended just because you were suspended? And Lao Li hasn't done anything yet?"

"Stop asking." Qin Yu replied impatiently: "Go and call Keke and the others. Let's go to Xile Palace to sit in the evening. It will be considered as fulfilling our friendship as landlords."

"No, the more you act like this, the less sure I feel." Old Cat said worriedly.

Qin Yu looked up at Lao Mao and said briefly: "How do Lao Li and I get along? If you have any questions, don't ask or talk too much. This is good for both of us. Do you understand?"

The old cat sighed and said no more.

"Believe me, we can handle it." Qin Yu reassured.

"I'm really convinced. Why are things getting better and better as we work harder, but the contradictions are getting bigger and bigger." The old cat muttered helplessly, turned around and left the room.

In the Palace of Joy.

Liu Zhixiong raised his glass to Wen Yonggang: "Si Wen, thank you for your help in this matter today."

"Oh, this is all a trivial matter. That guy and I didn't get along at all." Wen Yonggang also picked up the wine glass: "Done."


After the two clinked glasses, they drank it all in one gulp.

In the office on the top floor of Xile Palace, Brother Feng asked Ye Lin: "Wen Yong has just arrived, why don't you go down and take a look?"

"No." Ye Lin frowned and replied, "I'm annoying him."

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