District 9

Chapter 383 Feng Yunian

If Feng Yunian is not dressed normally, he looks quite low-key. However, as soon as he puts on the police uniform, his whole temperament immediately changes. His face is serious, his walk is windy, and his speech is concise and clear, making it difficult to figure out his intentions.

After the group of people arrived at the superintendent's gate, Feng Yunian turned his head and glanced at the six police officers who were applauding to welcome him, and immediately asked: "Who arranged it?"

"No one arranged it, they all came here spontaneously to greet us." Director Wen grinned.

"Director Feng, these are the flowers from the team..." A young man carrying the trainee police officer's shoulder straps stepped forward and handed out the flowers.

After Feng Yunian hesitated for a moment, he reached out to take the flowers, looked at everyone with an expressionless face and said, "I can feel the enthusiasm. Thank you everyone. Let's all leave. Half an hour later, in the director's office, I talked alone with the rank of police chief and above. cadres, others work normally."

Wen Yonggang shook his bangs out of habit and said with a chuckle: "The team also organized a brief welcome meeting, and I would like you to say a few words."

"The welcome party has been cancelled." After Feng Yunian took the flowers, he did not give Wen Yonggang any more face. He only said briefly: "I will speak at the regular meeting tomorrow morning."

When Wen Yonggang saw that the other party's attitude towards him was completely different from when they met in private, he thought to himself that the new Feng Yunian was also a fucking old fox, and thieves knew how to show off.

"It's over, everyone goes about their duties and starts working." After Feng Yunian shouted, he said to Wen Yonggang: "I don't know where the office is yet, please give me a guide, Secretary Wen."

"Haha, this way." Wen Yonggang immediately stretched out his hand and said.

About half a minute later, Qin Yu and others hurried down, but did not see Feng Yunian.

"Where are the people?" Qin Yu, wearing a new uniform, asked the police officer next to him with a puzzled expression.

"Everything has been cancelled. Let's go directly to the conversation." The police officer responded in a low voice: "I guess the deputy directors will call you after they finish talking. You'd better prepare, Captain Qin."

"Is it so neat?" Qin Yu was a little surprised: "The welcome party has also been cancelled?"

"Yes." The police officer nodded nervously and replied, "I think this new Director Feng is quite ferocious. He will probably start a few fires in the dark streets."

When the old cat heard this, he sneered and cursed: "Stop being alarmist, you are the only one who talks a lot. Why, he came from the crematorium? No one provoked him, why did he make a big fire?"

"Look, you still don't believe me after I told him." The police officer responded speechlessly: "Then just wait and see what his attitude is when he talks to you."

"Don't stop nagging. If the superiors hear your nonsense, you will cause trouble." Although the old cat said something stinky, he kindly reminded: "Okay, let's all disperse. Go to work."

"Everyone from Team 123 should go back to their respective posts, hurry up." Qin Yu clapped his hands and roared.

Qin Yu has never really experienced a leadership change within the system, so if he says he is not nervous at this moment, it must be a lie. Because this change of immediate boss means that some of my previous privileges and habits may be affected, and may even become a small excuse for being punished.

Sitting in the office, Qin Yu drank two large jars of tea before the deputy director of the logistics department came over and shouted: "Xiao Qin, it's your turn."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yu immediately came over and asked with a smile: "Master Chen, what did the new leader say?"

"You'll know after you feel it." The newly appointed deputy director of the Logistics Department had a good relationship with Qin Yu, so he smiled and said, "He's a nice guy. I have nothing to say."


"Go, go." Lao Chen said, turned around and left.

Qin Yu stood at the door, took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and went to the director's office.

A few minutes later, in the director's office.

Feng Yunian stepped in and sat at the desk, looked at Qin Yu expressionlessly and said, "Sit down."

"Hey!" Qin Yu nodded and sat down.

"Do you have some business in the underworld?" Feng Yunian suddenly asked.

When Qin Yu heard this, he was instantly confused. He didn't know how to respond because the other party's question was too straightforward.

"Is it still an illegal business?" Feng Yunian lowered his head and took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

Qin Yu frowned and said nothing.

Feng Yunian picked up the cigarette, lowered his head and lit it with a lighter, then said: "The business is not your own, I know it, but there is one thing we must agree on in advance. In the past, you used the power of the superintendent to suppress your opponents, it must be It won’t be allowed to happen again.”

Qin Yu still didn't answer.

"I am telling you directly to tell you where my bottom line is." Feng Yunian took a puff of cigarette and added expressionlessly: "I will always communicate with you in this way in the future."

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded.

"Do you think you can do a good job as the captain of the first team?" Feng Yunian asked again.

Qin Yu smiled when he heard this: "I don't think anyone can do it better than me."

After Feng Yunian was stunned for a moment, he looked at Qin Yu again and said, "I am not Old Dong or Old Li, and I will not spoil you. I hope your confidence can match your ability. You must attend the regular meeting tomorrow morning. "

Qin Yu felt inexplicably disgusted when he heard Feng Yunian's condescending words, but after all, his level was here, so he could only nod and reply: "Okay, I understand."

"I need a detailed report on the case of Wu Wensheng and Pei Deyong. You must bring it to me at the regular meeting tomorrow morning." Feng Yunyan ordered in a loud voice.

"Tomorrow morning?" Qin Yu almost exploded when he heard this: "Their case is very complicated. Just one link requires a lot of information to be used as testimony. You want it in such detail. It's difficult for me here."

"Making case file reports is the basic quality of a basic police officer. What's so hard about it?" Feng Yunian asked expressionlessly.

Qin Yu looked at the other party, clenched his fists and said, "Okay, I understand."

"You go ahead." Feng Yunian waved his hand.

A few minutes later.

Old Mao stood in the corridor and asked Qin Yu in a low voice: "What's the way?"

"I can't understand, it's too cold." Qin Yu shook his head: "But this new director must not be from the old Li faction."

"Yeah, I fucking heard about it. The new director's face is a bit dark." Old Mao nodded a little and agreed: "He chatted with Lao He for less than five minutes just now, and he was already sweating because of it. Even He asked about Lao He's search for a young wife, and said that dereliction of duty is a crime... Damn it, what about someone like me who prostitutes every day and sometimes doesn't clock in on time... Isn't that enough to be shot? ?”

"I'm looking at you...Xuan Na!" Qin Yu nodded.

"Damn it, I see that this old Feng is not old, and his style of doing things is so cool. I guess he is just a young soldier from a high-ranking compound in Fengbei." Old Mao analyzed in a low voice: " Otherwise, none of the people who come up from the grassroots level are as tough as him."

"That makes sense."

"Okay, I won't beep anymore with you,? I'm going..." The old cat wiped the sweat on his forehead and said: "If he wants to talk to me about something else, I will definitely fight with him. I won't accept it. If he is so angry, I will go to Jiangnan District to work as Lao Li's secretary."

"You're so fucking promising."

"I will not wrong myself." The old cat said this and turned around to leave.

A few minutes later, in the director's office, Lao Mao stood next to the desk with a silly smile on his face and said: "Feng Si, I heard that you love cigarettes, so I asked a friend to get some special supplies from outside the district. , you take it and taste it..."

Feng Yunian took a pack of cigarettes and did not refuse. He lowered his head and opened the envelope: "You sit down."

"Hey, hey, hey!" The old cat nodded in an awkward manner and sat on the chair very obediently.


Qin Yu left the superintendent with a lot of information and dialed Ma Laoer's cell phone.


"Go pick up Keke and the others outside the district. They are here." Qin Yu said concisely: "I'll go to Lao Li's place first and I'll be there soon."

"Okay." Ma Laoer nodded.

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