District 9

Chapter 369 The attitude of the old man

The next day, at two o'clock in the afternoon.

After Qin Yu and Director Dong went to the police station to hold a case report meeting, they immediately returned to the police chief and took the initiative to convene a multi-team meeting of Team 123.

Logically speaking, the host of such a meeting should be at the deputy superintendent level, but no one was surprised that this happened on a dark street. Because Dong Si obviously wanted to establish influence on Qin Yu before leaving, everyone was accustomed to this kind of privilege.

After the meeting started, Lao Mao was the first to say to Qin Yu: "I went to communicate with Jiangnan and wanted to get Yuan Ke back directly, but they found various excuses. They said that Yuan Ke attacked with a gun last night The suspect of Superintendent Jiangnan also said that the police officers were slightly injured when they arrested him... In short, they are not handing him over now."

"This is expected." Qin Yu was not surprised at all, and responded with his usual expression: "Yuan Ke is so filial to the Bai family, but now that he is in trouble, can the Bai family not take it easy?"

"Xiao Yu, if Yuan Ke comes back, we can sentence him." The captain of the second team reminded him.

"The problem is that you can't come back now." Qin Yu shook his head and replied: "Superintendent Jiangnan is blocking you, you can't just rob someone by force, right?"

"How about asking the police station to mediate?" Zhu Wei asked.

"Stop talking nonsense." Qin Yu waved his hand: "The police department's professionalism in this kind of matter is no less than that of a thirty-year-old bricklayer. It will be in vain for you to contact them."

"Then what are you going to do? Jiangnan is dragging away the evidence of Yuan Ke's crime. Isn't it in vain for us to do this to him?" The captain of the second team was a little angry.

Qin Yu blinked his eyes and immediately said to everyone: "Adjust your thinking and ignore Yuan Ke for the time being, and only focus on attacking Yuan Kemazai who was caught on the spot last night. I don't believe that so many people are willing to do it for him." Take care of the matter. In addition, quickly organize people to interrogate Bai Yan with me. If he can't hold on and gives up, then this matter will be easier to handle. "

"This idea is okay." Old Cat nodded.

"In addition, immediately sort out Pei Deyong's criminal evidence and submit it to the prosecutor as soon as possible." Qin Yu frowned and said, "The only purpose is to sentence him quickly."



Everyone nodded in response.

In the Bai family compound in Jiangnan District.

Old Baitou sat on the sofa, with his palms clasped in his hands, his skinny legs crossed, and he asked slowly: "One is in Jiangnan and the other is in the underworld, right?"

"Yes, Yuan Ke is equivalent to semi-surrendering." The middle-aged man in charge of the family, wearing a simple cloth shirt, nodded and replied.

"Yeah." The old man pondered for a long time: "Say hello and let Yuan Ke stay in there relaxedly."

"Isn't it working?" the middle-aged man asked.

"He won't be able to come out in a short time." Old Baitou said in a calm voice, "He knows this in his heart."

"You mean, Qin Yu will bite him to death?"

"That's for sure." Lao Baitou picked up the tea cup: "Pei Deyong has exhausted himself. It will take time for Qin Yu to return to the underworld. Then Yuan Ke is not sentenced to death. It is best to just squat for a while."

"In this case, do we still need to help Yuan Ke?" The middle-aged man was a little confused.

"I have been in contact with this kid several times," Old Baitou said softly: "In the long run, he is better than Yuan Hua, and it doesn't take much effort to help him."

"Where is Xiaoyan?" The middle-aged man nodded and asked tentatively.

"This kid is too stupid, he needs some help." Old Baitou frowned: "Don't care about the case, just take care of the people."

The middle-aged man thought about it for a long time: "Then I understand. You rest, I will go do some things first."

After saying that, the middle-aged man turned around and left.

The old man took a sip of tea and suddenly shouted: "Zhongcai."

"Hey, here you are." Zhongcai turned around.

"Should the underworld police chief be replaced?" Lao Baitou suddenly asked.

"Yes." Zhong Cai nodded immediately and responded: "We tried our best, but it is difficult for our own people to occupy this position. After all, Lao Li has been eyeing this position."

Lao Baitou put down his tea cup: "Who will replace Lao Dong? Do you have any confidence?"

"The police station and Mud should be airborne."

"...Yeah." Lao Bai nodded, pointed at Zhongcai and said, "Take a calligraphy and painting from my room and give it to Lao Li when you have time."

Zhongcai was stunned.

"The chief councilor's matter is already a fait accompli." Old Baitou said softly: "We must have some grace and not be too petty, haha."

"I understand." Zhongcai nodded.

It's about six o'clock in the evening.

Qin Yu took Lao Mao, Ding Guozhen and others to the hospital affiliated to the police station, and met Bai Yan in the interrogation room.

On the iron chair with cotton padding, Bai Yan tilted his head and was soundly asleep.

"Damn, you're so arrogant." Ding Guozhen's eyes were shocked: "Now that we're here, how can we still sleep like a dead pig?"


The old cat kicked the opponent with his back hand, frowned and yelled: "Hey, don't sleep anymore, your head is so low that you're about to gag yourself!"

Bai Yan was kicked so hard that he sat upright and looked around blankly.

"Are you confused?" Old Mao asked with his hands behind his back.

Bai Yan reacted for a long time, and instinctively wanted to reach out and wipe his hair.


As soon as his arms were raised halfway, the shackles on his hands were straightened, and there was a rubbing sound.

Bai Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered where he was.

"You are so fierce." Qin Yu stepped forward, pulled up a bench and sat next to Bai Yan: "I heard that last night, you were the one who beat the hardest, and you got angry with everyone, right?"

Bai Yan yawned, looked up and asked, "Are you Qin Yu?!"

"Ah, that's me." Qin Yu nodded.

"Are you awesome?" Bai Yan may be a good person in terms of courage, but his thinking and brains are a bit weak, and sometimes he speaks incoherently and too arrogantly.

Qin Yu looked at him with a smile: "Why am I so awesome? I don't have the good father, brother, grandpa you have."

"Do you know who Yuan Ke is?" Bai Yan asked again with a cold face.

"Whose person is he?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

"If you can't get along with him, you can't get along with us." Bai Yan leaned forward, looked at Qin Yu fiercely, and slowly raised his shackled hands: "Hey, do you think you can sentence me? "

Qin Yu frowned and looked at him without saying a word.

"If you don't sentence me to death, I will take revenge on him when I get out." Bai Yan said in a low voice, word for word: "Remember, I will let you personally inspect Xu Yang's death scene."

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Who has made you accustomed to pretending to be like a meal, right?"

"Haha." Bai Yan smiled relaxedly, looked at Qin Yu carelessly, and cursed every word: "Fuck you! It's just a matter of firing a few shots. Who else do you want to kill?"

Qin Yu stood up slowly, turned around and looked around and shouted: "Zhenzhen, go and call the doctor."

Ding Guozhen was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Qin Yu was going to do, but still turned around and left.

Qin Yu pinched Bai Yan's right arm, suddenly bent down and asked, "Is there a relationship at home? You think I don't dare to punish you, right?"

Bai Yan was stunned.

"Where is it hurt?" Qin Yu pinched Bai Yan's arm little by little and asked expressionlessly: "Is it here? Is it here?"

"Fuck you!"

"Ah, it's right here." Qin Yu rolled off the gauze on Bai Yan's arm and touched the wound he had just sutured with one hand: "It's not deep at all."

"Qin Yu, what are you doing for fun?!" The doctor who had been helping Qin Yu walked in and asked.


Qin Yu pressed his right index finger directly into Bai Yan's wound, and still bent down and said expressionlessly: "Youpo, don't shout, do you hear me? If you shout, I will put another bullet in you."


The newly sutured wound on Bai Yan's right arm tore instantly, spurting blood.

Qin Yu dug his whole finger in, pointed at his nose with his left hand and said: "Master, the sky you have seen is too narrow. If you have time, walk into the no-man's land. If there are ten people with guns, ten of them will dare to It will kill you!"

Bai Yan sweated instantly and trembled in pain, but he didn't make a sound.

Qin Yu pulled out his finger, turned around and said to the doctor: "What kind of skill do you have? Why did the stitches just open when you sewed them?"

"I'm sleepy too." The doctor glanced at Qin Yu speechlessly, stepped forward and said to Bai Yan: "Here, you lift your arm, this time I will sew it directly to your armpit. The sew will be longer. Two whole floors.”

Bai Yan clenched his hands in pain, looked at the doctor and cursed: "Fuck me!"

"What are you talking about?!" The doctor was not angry. He pointed at Bai Yan and said, "You have a bad temper. No wonder the wound is stretched open. Forget it, I'll sew it up for you with eight-inch nails."

Gangnam District Council.

As soon as Lao Li was about to leave the office, he received a message. He lowered his head and glanced at the content: "In the near future, the higher-ups will send a new leader to the Black Street Police."

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