District 9

Chapter 339 There are always soldiers, rushing towards the dawn

To be outside the planning area.

Ma Laoer and others took two off-road vehicles and drove at high speed for more than two hours before arriving on a road outside the nearby Changji District.

In the car, Uncle Liu used an old-fashioned map to navigate. After identifying them for a long time, he pointed to the left: "Drive over there. If you drive another seven or eight kilometers, you should be able to see them."

The driver heard the sound and adjusted the direction. Taking advantage of the anti-skid chains installed on all four tires, he stepped on the accelerator and sped in the direction Liu Zishu pointed.

After more than twenty minutes, the two off-road vehicles finally came to a fork in the road.

Ma Laoer was sitting in the passenger seat and looked up towards the roadside, where he saw a half-truck full of frost and snow parked there.


Ma Laoer lowered his head and flicked the bolt of the gun, and ordered concisely: "Take out the gun, sit in the car and don't move."

Everyone listened and obeyed.

Ma Laoer opened the car door and rushed to the side of the road wearing a thick sheepskin jacket.

After the distance between the two parties quickly closed, the door of half the truck suddenly opened. A middle-aged man wrapped in a military coat and a woolen hat shouted with a pale face and a cry: "Brother, come here quickly... He may want to No more."

Ma Laoer was stunned when he heard the sound, then rushed over with a gun.

In the cab of the semi-truck, Dahuang was half lying on the passenger seat, holding a gun in his right hand, with chapped lips and dazed eyes.

"You squat down."

Ma Laoer shouted at the driver with a gun, and the latter immediately squatted on the ground with his head in his hands.

Behind the passenger seat, Simaozi's hands and feet were handcuffed, and he was lying on the narrow bed in the car in an awkward position. He could not speak or move at will.

"How are you?!" Ma Laoer asked Dahuang anxiously.

"For me... thank this driver for me." After Dahuang saw Ma Laoer, his consciousness immediately blurred, his eyelids drooped, and even the hand holding the gun trembled: "Without him... I'll reply Not coming."

As soon as Ma Laoer saw his state, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Come here, everyone come and help."

In two cars not far away, Liu Zishu and others heard Ma Laoer's shouting and immediately rushed down.

Ma Laoer put the gun on his waist, held Dahuang with both hands and dragged him out of the car. He clamped him with his own body and pushed him against the door panel: "Are you injured?"

Dahuang lowered his head and didn't reply.

Ma Laoer saw that his expression was wrong, so he reached out and put his hand on his forehead and found that his skin was hot and his whole body was shivering.

"Are you injured?!" Ma Laoer asked again, then lowered his head to check Dahuang's body, but unexpectedly saw a large pool of blood on the ground.

Blood flowed from the pants on Dahuang's legs and had stained the frozen ground red.

Ma Laoer bent down with astonished eyes and reached out to lift up Dahuang's trouser leg. He found that his right leg was wrapped with dirty gauze full of blood. His whole calf was swollen like a watermelon and became oval. .


Liu Zishu rushed up, supported the crumbling Dahuang, lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Don't move."

Without raising his head, Ma Laoer reached out and untied the gauze on Dahuang's right leg. He looked closer and saw that the gunshot wound on his calf had suppurated and perforated. The originally small hole had become the size of a walnut, and the surrounding skin had also become Pale.

After Brother Xiao and others were arrested, Dahuang's first reaction was that he could no longer return to Changji City. But he didn't know if anyone outside the zone was continuing the search. In desperation, he and Si Maozi smashed open the secret door of the special zone wall, hid in the wall and waited for more than ten hours before choosing to come out.

If it were an ordinary Lei Zi, he might choose to leave by himself immediately after coming out. Because at this time, Silly B also knew that the matter was serious and he could not escape his involvement, so he might as well just leave.

But Dahuang didn't. He was thinking about the few "comrades" and relatives in this world. He knew that he had no other bargaining chips, and the only valuable thing in his hand was four cents.

So he chose to be alone and led Si Maozi through the joint defense and security area outside the city, which was full of soldiers with guns.

Dahuang didn't dare to walk on the main road and was afraid of losing his way on the small road. Dahuang had no choice but to walk across the heavy snow. Because it can be hidden here at any time, and you can also see the landmark buildings on both sides of the road at any time.

While walking across the snow, his pants were soaked bit by bit by the melting snow. His gauze could not withstand the snow water flowing into his legs, so the wound became infected.

Who knows how Dahuang insisted on walking in the snow for several hours, and even took Si Maozi with him who wanted to run away at any time.

Perhaps, his belief is not about money or status, but maybe just a few friends who hang out together all day long and can live together. Because without these people, he would have nothing.

Therefore, Dahuang survived, hijacked the truck delivering food to the boarding and lodging shop on the way, and used the driver's phone to contact Ma Laoer.

At the fork in the road.

Although Ma Laoer was not familiar with Dahuang, he was convinced of this tough guy. He stood up, turned to Uncle Liu and shouted: "Get him in the car, clean the wound immediately, we will rush back as fast as possible."

"Brother, I..." The driver squatted on the ground and raised his hand obediently, indicating that he wanted to speak.

Ma Laoer lowered his head: "Brother, send us away for an hour, and I'll get you five thousand yuan."

The driver was stunned.

"You definitely can't leave now." Ma Laoer patted the other party's head: "Just leave the car here. You can stop one on the way and come back. Be obedient!"

The driver looked at Ma Laoer, gritted his teeth and nodded: "That... okay."

five minutes later.

The two off-road vehicles set off again.

Another little while passed.

Lao Li answered the phone in the car: "Hello?"

"Uncle, I'm back safely, Si Maozi is intact." Ma Laoer's voice sounded.

Lao Li was silent for a long time and said three good words in a row.

Information room.

After Brother Xiao was played with the pipa for half an hour, both of his ribs seemed to be completely shattered. The excruciating pain caused this experienced tough guy to gradually collapse mentally.

Brother Xiao was lying on the ground, looking blankly at the wooden door, and then at the gun on the waist of the sergeant on the left.

He wanted to commit suicide.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

Brother Xiao's head was covered with sweat. He raised his head and shouted with a hoarse voice: "Don't... don't stop the treatment. I've taken it. Isn't it okay after taking it?"

Li Chu wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve and asked breathlessly: "Are you really convinced? Can we talk?"

"Yes, yes." Brother Xiao nodded: "Help me up and give me a whole cigarette to smoke."

"Come on, you guys cooperate with him." Li Chu waved his hand in greeting.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two young and strong guys next to him reached out and helped Brother Xiao up.


Brother Xiao bumped into the chin of the boy on the left. The latter was caught off guard and fell on his back with a grunt.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

There were shouts in the house.

Brother Xiao had his hands cuffed behind his back, so he could only press the opponent sideways and touch his waist with his hands.

"damn it!"

Li Chu's eyes were red, and he picked up the bench and was about to smash it.


At this moment, the wooden door of the interrogation room was pulled open, and a middle-aged man with the rank of a school officer on his shoulders shouted expressionlessly: "Stop it."

Li Chu turned around and looked back in shock: "Headquarters?!"

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