District 9

Chapter 331 Li Si’s reaction to the battle

Jiangnan District Council, in the chairman’s office.

Director Li took the phone and asked: "Yes, yes, please help me find out the details. The more detailed the better. Okay, okay, sorry for the trouble, I'll wait for your news."

Just as Li Si hung up the phone at the window, Zhu Wei opened the door in a panic and walked in. He immediately greeted the people he knew: "Li Si, Dong Si!"

"Have you checked clearly?" Li Si asked with his hands behind his back.

"It's clear." Zhu Wei immediately nodded and responded: "The cars all drove out from the checkpoint garrison compound, and then went to Qin Yu's residence. After taking the people away, they immediately returned to the compound and left by helicopter. "

"This battle is quite big." Li Si frowned upon hearing this.

Dong Si also looked confused: "No, what does the garrison mean? They helped arrest our people, why didn't they give us a break in advance? Is it to retaliate for what happened outside the area last time?"

"Not necessarily." After Li Si pondered for a while, he shook his head with very sharp thinking: "We are all confused now, and Mao may not even know about the garrison. They have to execute an order from above, and they may even arrest No one knows.”

Zhu Wei was anxious and panicked at the moment, because what happened with Qin Yu this time was obviously different from the past. The initial energy shown by the other party even surprised Dong Si and Lao Li, so he was a little excited. Said: "Li Si, let's just talk about this without considering who is on the other side! The garrison didn't even say hello, but they arrested our superintendent's captain for no reason. This can't be justified! They This is intentional to create friction between the military and police!”

Li Si raised his head and glanced at Zhu Wei without saying a word.

"Otherwise, I'll ask the people in the garrison to see where Qin Yu is being held. Then our superintendent's people will rush over immediately," Zhu Wei said with eyes wide open: "Confront them. This will ensure Qin Yu's safety!"

"You have been with Qin Yu for so long, why are you still so arrogant?" Li Si frowned and reprimanded: "Can you use your brain to think about the problem?! Qin Yu must be no longer in Songjiang, otherwise there is no need to fly away by helicopter. That one If people from the local police system go to the local army to question other people, will they get something good to eat?! People from the joint defense outside the city came to our place to make nonsense. Didn't you see the consequences?"

Zhu Wei was stunned when he was scolded.

"The more urgent it is, the more stable you must be. You must have a clear idea and come up with a solution!" Li Si continued to point out: "If you do things with passion, you will hit a big wall sooner or later."

"I'm just anxious..."

"I'm not in a hurry?!" Li Si clasped his hands behind his back and walked in the hall with a frown: "Wait a moment for a call."

After the words fell, everyone fell silent and stopped talking, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Twenty minutes later, Lao Li's phone rang: "Hello? Old classmate, have you found out the news for me?"

"I don't have deep connections in the army, so I haven't heard about the situation there." The other party responded in a low voice: "However, I still have some friends in the police system."

"Then tell me the situation."

"The person who arrested the person was the Third Field Army and people from the Changji Military Intelligence Office. The whole case was jointly handled by them and the Superintendent of Fenglin District. However, the Superintendent also received verbal instructions from the police station, so I was able to inquire from the police station. There is news." The other party's words were concise: "Among the people who died in the welfare home, there are two people with special status. One is the former director of the Education Department of Changji City, and the other is the executive director of the European Union Bank in District 9."

After hearing this, Lao Li was stunned: "A laid-off old man and an executive director of a bank, although they have some background, they will not let people from the Military Intelligence Department come forward to handle such a case!"

"This matter is more complicated to talk about." After the other party organized his words, he explained as briefly as possible: "The orphanage is a place for eating, drinking, having fun, and engaging in bribery. There are three bosses, and one of them is the dead Fourth. Maozi. The former director of the Department of Education and the executive director are friends. The current second-in-command in Changji wants to move up a level, but he lacks political achievements and needs money to clear the way and launch some projects."

"I understand. Is Si Maozi entertaining those two old guys to pave the way for the second in command to get money from the EU bank?" Li Si said clearly.

"Yes." The old classmate nodded and replied: "But I didn't expect that when these two old guys were playing, they encountered a professional kill and they were all killed."

"So the second-in-command was angry, so he went to the Military Intelligence Agency?" Li Si asked.

"It's not that he is looking for it, but there are people from the Military Intelligence Department in the background of this orphanage." The old classmate responded softly: "It is more troublesome to explain this level of things. Anyway, you know two things. First, there is no second-in-command in the Military Intelligence Department to say hello, and they will also cover the welfare home, because they are connected. Second, the two people who died are old guys that the second-in-command currently wants to win over, so The Changji City Police System is paying close attention to this case."

"I understand." Li Si nodded.

"Also, I asked my friends at the police station. They don't know that the Military Intelligence Agency went to Songjiang and arrested a police officer." The old classmate reminded him generously: "They all think that this police officer is He is an accomplice of the gangsters, and the purpose of arresting him is to confirm whether Si Maozi is really dead. At the same time, we must find out the cause of the case and forcibly sentence the gunmen, do you understand?"

"I understand, thank you very much." Li Si responded with great gratitude in his heart.

"Okay, that's all I have to say, you can do the work."

"Okay, let's talk on the phone later." Li Si was eager to plan the next move, so he didn't exchange too many greetings with the other party. He just said hello and hung up the phone.

Zhu Wei stood aside and immediately stepped forward and asked, "How are you, Li Si?"

After Li Si figured out the general outline of the matter, his eyes immediately brightened up. He turned around to look at Dong Si and said, "Go back immediately and submit a report to the police station. Tell us that our important chief sergeant, the captain of the first team, arrived early this morning. Missing and kidnapped.”

"Keep talking." Director Dong nodded.

"After the report was handed in," Li Si turned around: "Zhu Wei immediately called the police station again and said that you found out that the person who arrested Qin Yu was the Changji Military Intelligence Agency. The reason was unknown and he did not say hello. You actively communicated with the other party, Then they completely ignored our inquiries."

"Understood." Zhu Wei nodded.

"After you two hand in the report, the police station will definitely not dare to express its position and will definitely be in conflict." Old Li said with clear eyes: "Then, you find a new person and ask him to use a phone outside the system to call Feng Bei directly. The police station said that their captain was kidnapped for no apparent reason and it was the Military Intelligence Agency that did it. Now the brothers in the first team have quit and they want an explanation."

"Does this kind of ignore the feelings of the police station?" Dong Si reminded cautiously.

"Go to hell." Lao Li cursed with his hands behind his back: "If you work in the garrison, the police department may help you, but if you work in Changji's military intelligence department, they won't support you! We are going to do it now If the intelligence on the other side is insufficient, reveal the matter and ask the General Administration to call the Military Intelligence Office in person. In this way, the other side will be under pressure, because after all, they kidnapped a sergeant-level police officer without saying hello, and there is no solid evidence in hand. Evidence, then we dare to speak loudly and first ensure that Qin Yu will not be sentenced."

"Understood." Dong Si nodded.

"After the matter is settled, we will go to Changji immediately to see how the situation is, and then decide where to start." After Lao Li said this, he reached for the phone.

"Li Si, do you think we need to notify reporters?!" Zhu Wei suddenly reminded.

Lao Li was stunned: "Why inform reporters?"

"Because Lin Nianlei was also arrested, I was wondering if I could use the power of the media." Zhu Wei responded simply.

Li Si was stunned for a long time, then immediately stared and shouted: "Lin Nianlei's arrest is so important, why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Zhu Wei's eyes were confused. After thinking for a long time, he weakly replied: "She... why is she important? Isn't she from the online broadcast station? The family has some connections in Fengbei, but this can't affect Changji?!"

"You know nothing!" Li Si cursed angrily and walked out: "I'm going out for a while, you guys go and do things quickly."

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