District 9

Chapter 305: A Trap Full of Patience


When Zhu Wei and others saw that the other party fired first, they immediately retreated to the room on the right, took out their firearms, and began to fire back.

Outside the door, there was a wooden door wrapped in iron sheets, with debris flying from the beating. The five masked Lei Zi were trapped outside for a while and could not get in. They could only temporarily avoid the sharp attack and retreated to both sides of the door.

"Their firepower has been exposed," the leading man shouted in a hoarse voice: "There are only six or seven people, don't control them, hurry up and get in."

"I'll go first." Lei Zi on the left replied, holding a large spray gun in both hands, bending down and shrinking his neck in a professional manner, and stepped back into the room in two or three steps.


The sound of gunfire rang out again. Lei Zi, who entered the house at the front, was shot several times in the chest. Not only did he not fall down, but he started to hold fire with a big spray gun.

The barrel of the large-caliber spray gun roared with flames, and the dull and ear-piercing sound of the gunfire was accompanied by countless lead bullets sprayed in. Two holes as big as a basin were instantly punched out of the bedroom door on the back.

"He has a bulletproof vest." Zhu Wei reminded.

"Kang Kang!"

Fu Xiaohao fired twice. Lei Zi at the door was shot in the leg and staggered to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the other four people outside the house entered the living room. Two of them held guns and set fire to the door to cover, while the leading strong man ran to the left with another person.

"Damn it, we can't let them go to that room." Fu Xiaohao's eyes turned red and he was about to rush out.

"Don't move," Zhu Wei pressed his shoulders and shouted, "Don't move!"

The leading strong man has been squatting here for a day. He is very clear about the structure of the main room, and through careful observation, he found that most of the police officers squatting here are active in the living room and the room on the right. That is to say, the suspect was probably hidden in the room on the left side, so he immediately moved closer to this side after entering the house.

Gunshots still rang out violently in the room. Zhu Wei and others were suppressed in the room on the right, unable to show their heads for the time being.

The ferocity of the five Leizi was far beyond the imagination of Zhu Wei and others. Not only did they dare to hit them hard while wearing body armor, but they also held the Leizi in their hands and flipped the safety, ready to pour it into the room on the right at any time.


Zhu Wei changed his ammunition indoors, lowered his head and shouted: "Defense, no one can go out."

"If you don't go out, you'll miss it." Fu Xiaohao reminded with red eyes.

"The person on the other side is not a fool. If you can't get out, no one can use it twice." Zhu Wei commanded in a solemn tone: "Hold the fire and defend."

In the corridor on the left, the leading strong man raised his head and glanced at the kitchen. After confirming that no one was there, he reached out and pushed open the door of the house next to him.

The door was open, and the room was dark and filled with a pungent musty smell.

After the leading strong man glanced outside, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Tomoko, big brother asked me to rescue you."

In the room, two young men who were tied to chairs looked blankly at the strong man at the door without saying anything.

After the leading strong man was stunned for a moment, he immediately raised his arm and touched the wall at the door twice, then clicked on the light.

The room suddenly became bright, and the faces of the two suspects were exposed. The leading strong man looked at them blankly, and immediately shouted: "The CNM is not the driver, get out quickly!"

After saying that, the leading strong man turned around and ran outside. At the same time, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Fire thunder, fill the house with thunder."

At the door, there were three Lei Zi who were responsible for suppressing him with guns. Two of them pinched Lei Zi, swung their arms and threw him out.


Zhu Wei jumped up on the spot, grabbed the standing cabinet next to him with his right hand, and pulled it down diagonally: "Back away."


There was a muffled sound, and the cabinet fell down instantly, catching the thunder that had just been thrown between the door and the bed in the distance.

In two breaths, the room on the right exploded, and the thick-skinned large cabinet was instantly shattered to pieces. But fortunately, there was a lot of space in the house and everyone evaded it in time, so there were no casualties. Only Ding Guozhen reacted slower, and his right leg was injured by the debris.

After the explosion, the four Leizi had already run out of the main room with their injured companions, and retreated out of the door in an orderly manner.

After Zhu Wei got up from the house, he kicked open the broken parts of the standing cabinet and rushed to the house on the left as soon as possible. When he entered the door, he shouted: "Give me the thunder, give it to me!"

The suspect in the chair on the right swallowed, immediately released his right hand from the chair leg, revealed a police mine and said: "I... I didn't even open the insurance... Brother, it's really... it's really... I was scared shitless.”

"Throw the thunder to the ground," Zhu Wei yelled, "kick it over."

The suspect did as he was told, and after Zhu Wei picked up Lei, he immediately ran to the living room and shouted: "Chase."

outside the door.

Lei Zi, who was supporting the wounded, took a walkie-talkie and shouted: "This is a trap. The people arrested on the other side are not Tomoko and the others at all. Come and pick us up quickly."

at the same time.

The strong man running at the front lowered his head and picked up his cell phone, reaching out to make a call.


At this moment, in a courtyard less than twenty meters away diagonally opposite, the sound of a door opening suddenly rang out.


The old cat flicked the bolt of the gun and cursed with squinty eyes: "Cnm, I have been squatting in this damn place for three or four days, and you are here."

The leading strong man froze on the spot.

"Call me."

The old cat jumped and roared.

As soon as he finished speaking, twenty or thirty police officers in the compound rushed out, fully armed, and instantly set up strong flashlights.

On the narrow street, when the leading strong man saw so many police officers appearing together, he immediately turned pale and said, "Damn, it's a serial trap. We were able to get in just now because they deliberately let it go..."

In the compound where the suspect was detained, Zhu Wei dialed Qin Yu's number and hurried out while saying, "There are five or six people here."

"You shot me just because you showed up?" Qin Yu suddenly stood up from his desk and asked.

"No, I let them in first as you said." Zhu Wei shook his head: "Now it is certain that except for this group of people, there is no second group of people on the other side."

"Have those two suspects been missed?" Qin Yu asked.

"It's missing. These five or six people fought too hard. If I tried to keep those two alive, we would definitely have casualties." Zhu Wei shook his head and explained: "But I don't think it's worth it. You only need these two people." It can be used this time.”

"You're right." Qin Yu gritted his teeth and roared: "It's not easy for Lao Pei to bite the hook. You must leave these people to me."

"Understood." Zhu Wei nodded.

"I'll go to the scene right away." After Qin Yu said this, he immediately hung up the phone and dialed Ma Laoer's number while walking outside.


"Lao Pei's people are here to silence him." Qin Yu's eyes were gloomy: "Xu Yang must be falsely betraying him. Get ready, we will operate on him next."

"Understood." Ma Laoer nodded.

In the alley.

Lao Mao pointed at the ground on Fu'an Road and roared loudly: "There's no such nonsense. Just kneel down and hold your head in your hands, hand over your gun and don't kill me."

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