District 9

Chapter 290 The voice of dissatisfaction is spreading

In a small restaurant near Nanyang Road.

Xu Yang called five or six of his close friends, drank some wine, and talked about recent company affairs.

"Sigh. I don't understand. You said how well we did here in Nanyang before. There is no shortage of money, no shortage of people, and no shortage of connections. Although we are not as good as the Yuan family in terms of dishes, we may not be in shortage in terms of background and relationships. It's almost the same as Lao Li, but when it comes to stability, which of the two is better?" Xu Yang blushed and said in a hoarse voice: "These two gangs are fighting each other on the road, but if we go to Nanyang, what will happen? The wind can't blow, the rain can't catch, and I can make money just lying down every day. But what about now? As soon as the business of medicinal lines got involved, Niu Zhen went in, Yang Nan died, and now even the most reliable joint defense The relationship has also been ruined. Haha, I really don’t know what our team will be like in the future."

Everyone listened to Xu Yang's words, but no one dared to interrupt.

Xu Yang took a sip of strong drink, shook his head and continued: "We are fighting Qin Yu here to death, but what about Yuan Ke? Apart from taking a little money out, does he have any substantial losses?"

"He has indeed been quite calm during this period." A young man next to him nodded in agreement: "Nothing happened."

"Is it a matter of calm and silence? Let me tell you, Yuan Ke took advantage of the time when we were fighting with Qin Yu to join the Jiangnan District Council. He was recommended by the Bai family. Moreover, he also participated in various meetings every day. Holding a charity party, crazily seeking fame...it won't take long for him to become a well-known philanthropic entrepreneur in the city." Xu Yang replied with a sullen face: "Why does he give us so much sweetness? Isn't he just using us as a gun? , are you dragging Qin Yu with you here?"

"That's the truth." The person who spoke was named Wei Zhi, who was Xu Yang's strongest brother.

"Brother Yang, you talked a lot today." The young man on the left said with a somewhat surprised smile.

Xu Yang rubbed his cheeks: "When I came back just now, I had a fight with Lao Pei."

"Why?" Wei Zhi asked.

"I advised him to stay away from Yuan Ke and ease the relationship with Qin Yu and the others." Xu Yang responded truthfully: "He didn't agree, and then the bastard Wang Hong next to him almost started a fight with me."

"Wang Hong is nothing. Does he have the right to interrupt when you are talking to Lao Pei?" Wei Zhi replied with a sneer.

"After Niu Zhen went in, Wang Hong followed Lao Pei all day long. Haha, he is considered a celebrity now," Xu Yang responded with a sneer: "You look down on me."

"Who are you looking down on?" The young man next to him raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Yang, just say a word and I will make him the same as Chen Bo tomorrow."

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to him." Xu Yang shook his head: "Well, I'm really not optimistic about the company's prospects now. If we continue like this, we will be caught between Qin Yu and Yuan Ke sooner or later."

"Then tell me, for such a sophisticated person like Lao Pei, is it possible that he can't understand what's going on here?" The young man on the right stretched his neck and asked.

"Haha." Wei Zhi responded with a smile: "Old Pei understands it better than anyone else."

"Then why is he still doing this?" The young man was puzzled.

Xu Yang drank and didn't reply.

"You don't understand." Wei Zhi lit a cigarette, looked at everyone with a slight frown and recounted: "Xu Yang didn't agree with this human trafficking thing at the beginning, but Pei Deyong did it anyway, and specifically asked Niu Zhen To manage, do you know why?"


"Because Pei Deyong knows that this Niu Zhen is a fool. If you give him a gun, he will dare to rob homes; if you call him a cow, he will dare to assassinate the mayor. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to deal with human trafficking. It's a bitch who matches an old prostitute, so it's a perfect fit." Wei Zhi explained humorously: "Traffickers make money quickly, and people like Niu Zhen are easy to manipulate, so these old Pei's are really using sacks to drag people home. Money. But do you think he cares about his reputation? Then Yuan Ke also knows how to engage in charity and buy a title, but has Lao Pei ever done this? No! People outside scold him for cutting off his descendants and causing smoke in his ancestral graves. You Do you think he will pay attention?"

Everyone was silent.

"We have been in contact with Lao Pei for so long, do you think he is stupid? Is his mind empty?" Wei Zhi pointed his right hand on the table and said with a frown: "Why doesn't he care about his reputation, nor is he like Yuan Ke? Climb up with all your strength? Let me tell you, people have already thought of a way out. Once they have enough money, one day the plate can no longer protect them, and then Lao Pei will definitely be the first one to run away. "

"Can't? This company is so big, can he escape?"

"What can't you do?" Wei Zhi turned his head and said word by word: "Yang Nan told me personally when he was alive that Lao Pei bought permanent residence in the eighth district and the EU third district, and He has bought several houses. Then tell me, if he wants to lead us to work in Songjiang, is it necessary to buy residency rights in both regions? And he still hides it from the people below. "

Everyone looked shocked when they heard this.

"To put it bluntly, Lao Pei now knows that Yuan Ke is using him, but why does he still do it?" Wei Zhi lowered his head and poured the wine and said briefly: "Because he just wants to make quick money now. Even if the medicine line can only last for one year, then it’s enough if he makes enough money. As for the future of the company and us, he doesn’t bother to care.”

"Yes, this is true." The young man nodded in agreement.

Xu Yang smoked a cigarette and looked at Wei Zhi blankly, not expecting that the people below also had such big opinions on Lao Pei.

"Dayang," Wei Zhi looked at Xu Yang and said in a low voice, "Let's make plans early."

Xu Yang came back to his senses, looked up and looked out the door and said, "Yes, I can see it too. Lao Pei has made enough, and he can leave whenever he wants, but we can't do it."

"Then what do you think?" the young man asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Xu Yang puffed out the smoke and frowned and responded: "I won't be going to the company for a while, so I can do whatever I want."

"Hey, if it doesn't work, I'll ask the people below us to stop taking medicine recently and let Lao Pei dry it out." Wei Zhi said softly: "It's a good idea to tell him, don't treat us all as fools."

Xu Yang was startled again when he heard this.

at home.

Because Qin Yu drank during the day, he returned home and made a few phone calls before falling asleep.

late at night.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang for a while. Qin Yu opened his eyes drowsily and answered the phone irritably: "Is there another case?"

"Yes, there is a case. There is a drunk girl who can't find her home." Lin Nianlei's voice sounded.

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, looked down at the caller ID, and then replied angrily: "Are you sick, are you teasing me in the middle of the night?"

"I really can't find my home. I'm so confused!" Lin Hanhan started to act coquettishly.

"...I can't accept your case. You can drive the navigation back."

"Qin Yu, are you not coming? Okay, then don't say that your sister didn't give you a chance."

"...Oh, I really admire you." Qin Yu asked helplessly: "Where are you?"

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