District 9

Chapter 287 The person behind the scenes

Inside the hotel.

After Zhen Cheng, Qin Yu and others got to know each other, they took their seats.

Let’s not go into the hypocritical polite and useless words at the wine table. We will just say that after everyone had had three rounds of wine and five dishes, Zhen Cheng took the lead in bringing up the topic.

"Li Si, oh, no, haha, I should call you Councilor Li now." Zhen Cheng lowered his head and poured the wine, and said very calmly: "I am from the army, and I speak straightforwardly. There is nothing wrong with you. Please bear with me."

"At a private party, you can talk about anything at the wine table, haha." Li Si smiled.

"If I say I don't know about the robbery, it must be a lie." Zhen Cheng's words were very straightforward, without any twists and turns: "But whose goods were robbed, I really don't know much about it. Informed.”

Li Si was silent.

"You also know that our Second Battalion is not part of the frontline combat force. It is mainly responsible for the security within a certain range outside the area and the logistics and supplies of our regiment." Zhen Cheng looked at Lao Li and narrated in a low voice: " They usually do some small welfare on the road to make extra money. This is tacitly approved by me and the superiors. Alas, life is difficult these days. If you manage a team of thousands of people, you can't take anything seriously. . To put it bluntly, all kinds of benefits for our senior officers are guaranteed, but if the income of the lower-level brothers below is not comparable to that of a gangster on the ground, then what are they still doing with you? How are they going to support their families? "

"Yes." Li Si nodded.

"What I said is the truth." Zhen Cheng added again: "I knew that the Second Battalion wanted to move a batch of goods, but whose goods they wanted to move, I didn't ask in detail. Because this happens all the time. , I don’t need to get to the bottom of it.”

"I know."

"Something happened. People on the ground retaliated next to the second battalion. They killed more than ten people, including a deputy battalion and three sergeants. Once such a big mess happened, do you think our second battalion commander can still sit still? ?" Zhen Cheng continued: "Before I could deal with him, he took people to the superintendent. Because Chen Bo's incident was just an introduction. Those people here today actually know where the contradiction lies, right? "

"Haha." Li Si smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

"So, the conflict this time was caused by many reasons." Zhen Cheng slowly picked up the wine glass, looked at Lao Li and said: "No matter how you say it, this matter was caused by our three groups. If you suffer a loss and get beaten, you have to admit it. I am here today just to ask my brother to raise his hand and let the people from the second battalion come back first, otherwise I will not be able to bear the accountability from above."

"Alas." Lao Li sighed: "If something like this happened to the Black Street Superintendent in the past, I could solve it with just one sentence. But the problem now is that my person has been transferred. What if the police station If I’m not satisfied, I can’t say anything.”

"Brother, what you said is untrue." Zhen Cheng smiled: "Although you are gone, the Black Street side still listens to you. Today I called the mayor's office, and his secretary came directly to me He said, to untie the bell, you must tie the bell!"

"Haha." Li Si blinked and picked up the wine glass: "Zhen Tuan speaks so refreshingly!"

"Everyone is here, and the waist is bent, so why are you saying something that no one can understand?" Zhen Tuan raised his glass and replied: "I did it, and I will make amends to you."

After saying that, Zhen Tuan raised his neck and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

Lao Li thought about it for a long time, then raised his glass and drank the wine in the glass without holding it.

"Brother, after you drink, can you give me a happy word and see if this can be done?" Captain Zhen asked.

Lao Li turned to look at Zhen Tuan: "Because of your straightforwardness, I will definitely let the battalion commander lead the team back before eight o'clock tonight."

Zhen Tuan never expected that Lao Li would not make it difficult for him at all and directly agreed to the matter.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Tuan Zhen came to ask for someone so lowly today was because he knew in his heart that what the second battalion commander did was definitely over the line and had really caused a big problem in the police system. If the other party is serious and a lawsuit is filed, the second battalion commander will have to strip off his clothes and be sentenced in the end. As the chief military officer, Zhen Tuan cannot escape his involvement, and he will be punished if something goes wrong.

"Zhen Tuan, let's open the skylight and speak frankly." Lao Li wiped the corners of his mouth, pointed at Qin Yu and Lao Mao and said, "He is my closed disciple, and that one is my nephew. These two children are following some people outside. My kid opened a company and ran a small business. Although I usually don't care about it, outsiders think that I am taking care of it."

Zhen Tuan was stunned: "Brother, if you say that, I understand."

"The goods will have to leave in the future, and they will have to pass by your place." Lao Li smiled: "So I thought, let's not just have a drink."

"Yes, that's what I mean too." Zhen Cheng nodded immediately.

"I'm stuck with you, and you're stuck with me. It's uncomfortable for everyone." Lao Li replied very boldly: "I'll call the police station soon, tell them my suggestions, and then ask them to let him go." Bar."

"Thank you very much." Zhen Tuan clasped his fists.

"Don't mention the word thank you." Lao Li waved his hand: "From now on, the goods for these two children here will come from you. You just need to take more care of them."

"I am very sure of that."

"Zhen Tuan, this matter is not in vain." Qin Yu immediately interjected: "It's not easy for our brothers in joint defense. We will definitely have the etiquette we should have in the future. And I just discussed it with Lao Mao, and I feel that life is What happened in the village was indeed a bit excessive. Because the delivery people were not cooperating with us, but were hired from outside the district. They lost the goods and were afraid of being held responsible, so they made such a big fuss."

"Oh, that's right." Zhen Tuan nodded.

"Lao Mao and I are willing to let our partners contribute some money to compensate the Second Battalion."

"That's not necessary." Zhen Tuan understood what Qin Yu meant, and immediately waved his hand and responded: "The goods are scattered, and I can't collect them back, but the value of this thing is not a small amount. I will subsidize it later and it will be done." Son."

Lao Li glanced at Qin Yu with satisfaction, offered a drink and said, "Zhen Tuan, I heard that you have a cousin who works in small construction in Songjiang?"

"Yes, he is a small leader of the Construction Department."

"There may be some action in Jiangnan District recently, and the Construction Department and I will also be moving around frequently. Haha, the debt I owe you will be repaid by your cousin in the future!" Lao Li smiled.

Zhen Cheng was stunned for a long time, never expecting that Lao Li had already checked him out: "Thank you then."

After saying that, the two drank it all in one gulp.

At the wine table, Qin Yu looked at Lao Li with a smile on his face. After seeing him resolve the fierce conflict with two glasses of wine, he sincerely admired him.

If Qin Yu can see one or two steps in the future when doing things now, then Lao Li can see five or ten steps ahead.

Qi Lin and Qin Yu retaliated with anger, which made them feel happy and angry. But without Lao Li supporting them, how far could they go?

Of course, this thing is also mutual.

If Lao Li didn't have juniors like Qin Yu and Qi Lin who were full of hunger, it would be difficult to deal with many things.

By complementing each other, perhaps we can create an era.

After the banquet dispersed.

Captain Zhen sat in the car and said briefly: "Don't talk to Pei Deyong and Yuan Ke from now on."

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