District 9

Chapter 26 Wedding Banquet

"That woman has some background, do you know that?" Yuan Ke asked coldly.

Tiger was stunned when he heard the sound: "I haven't heard of it."

"You didn't even know what his background was, so you just brought him over to do it. Isn't it a little reckless for you to do this?" Yuan Ke frowned: "If you didn't meet Qin Yu today, what would you do? That little girl did something bad, do you know the consequences? When my elder brother tied her up, he didn't even know the details of this little girl, that's why Panasonic suffered such a misfortune, let alone you!"

"I...I didn't think too much about it."

"Also, now the entire superintendent is cracking down on drug trafficking cases, and the slogan is still shouted by us. Are you trying to give me eye drops when you use drugs now? What did I tell you in the first place, ah?" Yuan Ke whispered Drink asked.

Tiger touched the gauze on his head: "It's not that I have to take the medicine now, it's because the goods are backlogged, and our brothers threw away a lot..."

"Brother Hu, don't mess up your position just because of a little profit. There is someone above to back you up, so why are you panicking?" Yuan Ke ordered helplessly: "No matter what your reasons are, now You all have to follow the rhythm above. Don’t say I didn’t remind you, if you make trouble in the wind, no one can save you.”

"Yes, I understand." Tiger nodded.

"Also, Qin Yu is my man. He is doing something for me. Don't provoke him in the future. Instead, you have to cooperate with him if something happens. Do you understand?" Yuan Ke knew that tigers are petty and will retaliate, so he gave this special instruction.

"Xiao Ke, I don't understand. You have been in the police force for such a long time and have many capable people under you. Why do you have to recruit this stupid young man?" Tiger gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fucking , I have been on the underworld for so long, and no one has dared to hit me on the head with a gun, this kid..."

"Brother Hu, when will you understand a sentence?" Yuan Ke sighed: "There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. You always think you can do it, but do you know that Panasonic, who is more ruthless than you, is defeated by Qin Yu In my hand. What year is it now? It is a world where people are so hungry that they even dare to grab military rations; it is a time when there are many people and narrow paths, and ruthless people are born in large numbers... You don’t know who is picking up rags today and will be rich tomorrow. . So there is no conflict of interest, so it is not a conflict at all, do you understand?"

Tiger curled his lips: "You have such a powerful mouth, you can plow the ground... Okay, I will listen to you. If you don't punish him, he will be finished."

"That's it." Yuan Ke said and hung up the phone.

The next night.

Qin Yu and Lao Mao rushed to the Second Sister's Hotel as agreed in advance, because Qi Lin was holding a reception banquet for his wife today. It may be said that it is an event, but in fact it is just inviting some friends I know to come over for a meal and a bit of fun. After all, Qi Lin has limited funds on hand, and he can't do anything big if you ask him to.

When he arrived at the hotel, it was around eight o'clock in the evening. Qin Yu stood on the second floor and glanced around. Most of the people he saw were familiar faces from the superintendent, some of Qi Lin's neighbors, and his biological sister.

"Mom isn't here?" Old Cat asked while standing in the hall.

"I'm not in good health, so I didn't come." Qi Lin smiled and introduced his blind sister to Qin Yu: "You haven't seen her before, have you? This is my sister, Qi Yu."

"Hello, brother Qin Yu." Qi Yu was probably eleven or twelve years old. His pretty face had sharp edges and corners, and he looked heroic. However, the only drawback was that he was blind in both eyes, which blinded such a beautiful woman in vain.

"Hello." Qin Yu said hello to the little girl, then turned to look at the bride Bella: "She's very beautiful today!"

Bella, wearing a simple red cheongsam, smiled and nodded to Qin Yu: "Hello."

The old cat looked at Bella who was bathed in spring breeze, bared his teeth and joked: "It's obviously moisturized a lot."

"Get out of here." Qi Lin cursed, waved his hand and said, "Come, sit at the main table, sit wherever you want."

Qin Yu and Lao Mao heard the sound and took a step to sit on the main table. They ate simple snacks and waited for the banquet to begin.

About ten minutes later, Yuan Ke suddenly rushed to the second floor with Tiger.

"Ouch, Captain Yuan."

"Have a seat, Captain Yuan."


More than thirty people sitting in the whole room saw Yuan Ke coming, and they all stood up and said hello.

"Haha, come and take a stroll, everyone, sit down, everyone." Yuan Ke waved to everyone and said a few words, then bent down and sat at Qin Yu's table: "You guys, don't do the work at hand, come here to drink wedding wine It’s coming, isn’t it?”

Qin Yu bared his teeth and smiled: "I came here after the trial."

Yuan Ke patted Qin Yu's thigh, turned around and rushed towards the tiger and asked, "Do you know him?"

"Why don't you know me? Didn't I meet you yesterday?!" Tiger pointed at the gauze on his head and said to Qin Yu with a smile: "Brother, the impression you left on me yesterday was really profound."

When Qin Yu saw his attitude towards him, he immediately stretched out his hand and said, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't know you knew Captain Yuan."

"Xiao Ke told me yesterday that he had some connections with that girl, so you did me a favor by stopping me." Tiger shook hands with Qin Yu in a very polite manner: "What happened yesterday is over. Let’s get to know each other again in the future. With Yuan Ke here, we are a family. From now on, if you follow me everywhere, you will know what kind of person I am."

"Okay!" Qin Yu nodded and said, "Drink some later."


The two exchanged pleasantries before Lao Mao frowned and leaned in Qin Yu's ear and asked, "How do you know this person B?"

"I beat him yesterday." Qin Yu replied smoothly.

The old cat glanced at the tiger with disgust and whispered, "Don't pay attention to him in the future. This person is not a good person."


"Last year, he had a conflict with a boss of our underworld, and he secretly drove his car to hit his wife and killed him." Old Mao said with a sullen face: "The woman was more than six months pregnant, and his head was broken... ….”

Qin Yu was shocked for a long time after hearing this: "Then he didn't get a sentence?"

"JB, the boss also has two children. After being subdued by him, he didn't insist on this matter... He was finally classified as a traffic accident, and he paid the money and settled the matter." Old Mao said in a hoarse voice: "This is A beast."

When Qin Yu heard this, he glanced at Tiger coldly and stopped communicating with him.

Not long after Yuan Ke arrived, the banquet started. Everyone was changing glasses and it was very lively.

While eating and drinking, Yuan Ke kept chatting with Qin Yu: "Brother, there are not many people I can like, but you are one... these days, people with courage and brains are popular everywhere. As long as you do well, I will never treat you badly in the future."

"I know, captain." Qin Yu nodded with a rosy face.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Ke patted Qin Yu's arm, took the initiative to pour a glass of wine, stood up and shouted: "Everyone, be quiet."

The three tables of relatives and friends all looked at Yuan Ke when they heard the sound.

"Qi Lin from the team is overjoyed. We are all acquaintances. Come and give him a toast together." Yuan Ke raised his cup and shouted to everyone with a smile.

With Yuan Ke taking the lead, everyone stood up and toasted to Qi Lin.

With smiles on their faces, the young couple also poured wine and had a drink with everyone.

After Yuan Ke raised his head and drank it all, he poured the wine again and shouted: "Also, let me say a few words. Although this Xiao Yu has just joined the team not long ago, he has a good temper with me, and he has also helped the Secretary in recent times. Director Li is very happy about many cases... His promotion is only a matter of time, so everyone should take more care of him at work in the future."

With this sentence, Qin Yu almost became the protagonist, and his fellow superintendents, whether he knew him or not, began to toast him one after another.

If it were someone else being held in such high regard by Yuan Ke, they might be a little embarrassed, but after all, Qin Yu was an old man who got around in the area to be planned, so he felt a little uneasy for no reason at the moment.

Qin Yu has indeed been in the limelight recently. The Panasonic case was solved and the drug trafficking case made breakthrough progress, and both of these incidents centered on Qin Yu. So he felt that it was natural for him to be taken care of by his superiors. After all, leaders like subordinates who can do things well. However, Qin Yu felt at this moment that Yuan Ke's care for him went beyond the scope of appreciation and was a bit too special... And he was not related to him. Just because of the two cases, he could treat himself like this. Is there something abnormal?

Qin Yu was confused.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Yuan Ke lowered his head and looked at his watch, then greeted Qin Yu softly: "Come out with me."

"Hey!" Qin Yu nodded and stood up, then followed Yuan Ke downstairs.

In the room, Tiger, who had already drunk a lot, pulled Qi Lin over with a mean smile on his face: "Let me ask you something."

Qi Lin was an old man in the team and he knew Tiger, so he asked politely: "What's wrong, Brother Tiger?"

Tiger's eyes were fixed on the bride Bella, and he asked with a drunken mouth: "Where are you doing this girl?"

Qi Lin was stunned, glanced back at Bella, and whispered: "I won't hide it from you, I bought it in the living area north of Songjiang."

"How much does it cost?" Tiger asked with gleaming eyes.


"Fuck, four and a half thousand can get you to ride a Ocean Horse for the rest of your life. It's worth it!" Tiger said in a rather obscene way.

Qi Lin smiled and didn't answer.

"Hey, you can introduce me to an agency tomorrow and I'll go take a look."

"...!" Qi Lin was stunned: "Brother Hu, don't you have a wife anymore?"

"Fuck, my wife is afraid of having too many things to play with." Tiger clasped his big yellow teeth and replied, "If you have free money, you have free money. Let's buy one to play with."

"Okay, I'll introduce you later."

"Okay!" Tiger looked at Bella, nodded and commented, "This girl is really nice, white, with long legs."

Qi Lin felt a little embarrassed, and immediately reached for the wine bottle and said, "Brother, Bella and I will toast you."


"Come on, wife, come over and give Brother Hu a drink." Qi Lin shouted after pouring the wine.

Bella walked over gracefully, nodded and said, "Hello, Brother Tiger."

"Brothers and sisters, let me tell you, Qi Lin's life is always hard..." Tiger grabbed Bella's arm under the influence of alcohol and started beeping in a low voice.

Downstairs, Yuan Ke was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned to Qin Yu and said, "You drive, and let's go back to the team to talk."

"Okay." Qin Yu drove away.

More than an hour later.

After the banquet dispersed and Qi Lin and others returned home, the younger sister went to her mother's room, and the young couple prepared to go to bed to "talk about life."


Just as Qi Lin unbuttoned his belt and prepared for a more in-depth meeting, he heard someone knocking on the window outside.


"Come out." The figure who had been to the house a few days ago shouted in a low voice.

Qi Lin was stunned, put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

Under the dim moonlight, Aaron, who was wanted by Quan Songjiang, turned to look around and said, "Brother, find a quiet place and let's have a few words."

Qi Lin was stunned for a long time, and suddenly rushed forward with red eyes: "Are you fucking crazy? You almost killed me with your stupidity!"

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