District 9

Chapter 2742 Entering the Reserve Room

Xiang Zehao led more than 200 people from the headquarters from the back of his troops' offensive line to a storage area south of the cabin.

In order to cover Xiang Zehao, the attacking troops in front organized thousands of people to advance crazily, risking their lives to fill up a space of more than 300 meters.

After Xiang Zehao and others were in position, they quickly found the transport road around the mountain bag according to the location given by the reconnaissance company commander. There were many air vents like sewers on the roadside here.

Next to the mountain bag, Xiang Zehao pointed at the wind and shouted: "Quick, let it go!"

Two soldiers carrying C4 explosives immediately installed explosives above the iron railings of the wind vent.



The explosion resounded in the noisy battlefield, and a large oval-shaped hole was directly blown out of the tunnel. Xiang Zehao looked at the commander of the 152nd Division and said: "Eggs cannot be put in a basket. We are divided into four teams, each with fifty people. After getting down, we can infiltrate outside on our own. As long as the direction is inside the airport, there will be no problem."

"Understood!" The commander of the 152nd Division nodded.

"Let all the people transferred from the artillery go into the pit. If there are fewer people, rushing out will be useless." Xiang Zehao said again: "In short, the tactical goal is to rush out as much as possible, and give the defensive force the maximum in the central position. Strike.”


All the officers nodded.

"Down, down!" Xiang Zehao waved his hands and shouted.

The soldiers squatted on the side of the mountain and began to drill into the wind vent, and Xiang Zehao himself followed the large army into here.

There are many functional places that are different between military airports and civilian airports. For example, the cabins of civil airports are all on the surface, and many aircraft are parked in the center for fuel replenishment or maintenance.

But military airports are different, because they undertake wartime combat missions, so most of the airport cabins are built against the mountains, or tunnels are dug underground to protect the safety and concealment of the airport.

The cabin door and the exposed curved dome of the military airport can withstand the bombardment of huge artillery and even the shock wave of theater-level nuclear bombs. The thickness of the iron door alone is comparable to the special zone wall, and the security precautions are quite high. Strong.

The fuel depot of a general military airport is also divided into two areas: a ground supply depot, which can be seen by the naked eye; and a backup warehouse, which is underground and is mainly responsible for strategic-level fuel reserves. Each warehouse is separated by a certain distance, and the large iron doors connecting each other are fire-proof and explosion-proof. If there is a problem in one warehouse, it can ensure that other warehouses will not be implicated.

The two fuel depots and the hangar must be very close, and in order to prevent water seepage and moisture, drainage channels and temporary emergency passages will be installed. This passage is very hidden, but it is not difficult for the scouts on the battlefield.

The reason why Xiang Zehao chose this place was because he had also commanded the construction of a military airport, and at that time he referred to many construction materials from Europe 1, because objectively speaking, they were more professional in this area.

With this experience, Xiang Zehao suddenly thought that the only way for him to infiltrate into the airport with less losses was to go here.

In the underground drainage channel, Xiang Zehao's legs were unable to stand firmly in a puddle half a meter deep, because there was ice under the water layer, so he had to be careful every step he took.

The water is snow water that flows down from the top of the mountain when the daytime temperature is high. After entering the tunnel, it will flow to a fixed discharge point according to the drainage channel.

Although Xiang Zehao has never seen the map here, he can figure it out with his toes that the wastewater discharge area must be outside the airport, so everyone can get close to the central area of ​​the airport as long as they go upstream.

More than fifty people walked quickly through the tunnel all the way up, and soon came to the climbing ladder. Xiang Zehao knew English, looked up at the sign, and immediately said to everyone: "This is the inspection port, and the oil depot is above it. Open it."

Three scouts held explosives and fixed them with military adhesive tape. They blasted through the upper protective plate in just ten seconds, scattering cement debris all over the ground.

Everyone climbed into the oil depot along the ladder and continued moving forward.

"It's almost time to find the exit." Xiang Zehao said to the officer leading the way: "After we go out, we don't need to stick together. We will rush wherever there is space. We will mainly attack the enemy's fortresses and defensive positions..."

Just as Xiang Zehao was conveying his combat deployment to the officers, a soldier guarding the door of the oil depot suddenly heard a burst of footsteps coming from the left.

The soldier suddenly turned around and saw a dozen soldiers from the surrounding area, all holding sticky explosives and remote-controlled bombs, sticking them on the pipelines to the oil depot and the storage tanks.

After the two sides accidentally collided, the soldiers from the three districts were the first to react: "There are enemy troops!"

"Fuck it, deal with it." Xiang Zehao came to his senses and immediately led his men forward.

"Someone has infiltrated, send a message to the headquarters, quickly!" Soldiers from the Zhou Department were also shouting loudly.

This group of Zhou clique soldiers were sent by Yan Hu, and they were also making preparations. It's best if the frontal troops can hold on. If they can't hold on, the Zhou Clan will choose to die with the airport and the soldiers from the three major regions, directly destroying this place and continuing to contain the strategic plan of the three major regions.

But unexpectedly, the troops sent to plant the explosives met Xiang Zehao's infiltration troops.

"Da da da……!"

Gunshots instantly resounded through the underground tunnels, and more than twenty Xiang Zehao's soldiers rushed directly into the cabin where the enemy troops were.

The two groups exchanged fire at close range, with almost bloodshed.

After Xiang Zehao rushed into the room, he saw three people at a glance, holding grenades and preparing to throw them to this side.

"Kang Kang!"

Xiang Zehao is a general with a sword. Although he is older, his foundation is still there. He was very accurate with his marksmanship. After killing two people with two shots, he immediately shouted: "Damn it, the house is full of explosives. Hold them down and don't let them throw mines."


The guard soldiers instantly became red-eyed and rushed forward due to the large number of people.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, and the space in the oil storage room was very narrow. After the two groups of people met, the close-range gunfight directly evolved into a hand-to-hand encounter.

Xiang Zehao held an automatic rifle in both hands and poked an enemy soldier with the muzzle of his gun. Just as he was about to reload his gun, a soldier from behind who had no time to change ammunition rushed over and stabbed Xiang Zehao directly with a knife. waist.


Blood surged.

Xiang Zehao gritted his teeth and moved forward instead of retreating, immediately distancing himself from the opponent.


Xiang Zehao swung the gun handle with both hands and hit the opponent's head directly.

The other party let out a horrified and shrill cry, and rushed over again with a knife.

"Bang! Bang!"

Taking advantage of the length of the rifle, Xiang Zehao took two steps back, rounded his arms, and hit the opponent's face and neck twice with the handle of the rifle.

The soldier swayed twice.

"Kang Kang!"

Xiang Zehao gasped and fired two shots, killing him directly.

On the ground behind, a soldier who had been shot three times shouted with a walkie-talkie: "A large number of enemy troops were found infiltrating in the fuel reserve cabin...in the cabin..."

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