District 9

Chapter 2739 Two Fools (Leader Update)

In the dense forest, Jiang Xiaolong stared blankly down at his chest. Two walnut-sized muzzles were spitting out blood.


Jiang Xiaolong lost all strength in an instant and fell to the ground on his back.

Coco stared at him blankly, her mind going blank.

Jiang Xiaolong came to Europe 2 District to carry out the rescue operation without careful consideration or any mental struggle. When he knew she was here, his first decision... was to come and rescue her.

If we consider this matter carefully, with Jiang Xiaolong's IQ, we can't tell how low the success rate of this operation is.

Just like Coco has never considered how intolerable it would be for a large region if he dropped five gamma bombs, and what consequences it would bring to him.

The location of the operation is the European Zone 2, which is the area of ​​control of the European Union. Although the Zone 2 has its own military considerations due to various political factors, when it comes to critical events, the power of the region can be demonstrated on the mainland. How could a small force and an organization be able to compete?

But Jiang Xiaolong has never considered these factors. This person may have a side of his personality that is difficult to control. He is a business elite, a leader, with excellent work ability, and pays attention to returns in everything. However, in terms of his feelings, he is not so utilitarian, worldly, and not so rational.

This is like Xiang Yu, who is unique in ancient and modern times. He is invincible throughout his life, but he did not choose to kill Liu Bang at the most appropriate time...

This is like Gerrard and Totti in the football world. They could obviously find a higher place and earn more euros at the peak of their careers, but in the end they chose one person, one city, and their own beliefs forever... …

This is just like those generals and soldiers who were not afraid of death on the front lines of Yemen, District Six, and District Four, who chose to dedicate their lives for an oath and for the rise of the nation...

Jiang Xiaolong is too rational and wise in other matters, but emotionally, he is also a stubborn and fearless person.

He knew that Keke didn't love him, nor did he like him. What was even more tragic was that even if he knew that he would die here, she would not fall in love with him...but he still came.

Yes, feelings are so cruel. The process can be touching, but that is by no means the result.

Modern society has become realistic enough and bloody enough. Many people are tearing their necks and shouting that we must refuse to be so-called "dog lickers", but how many people can actually do this?

Looking back at the memories of your life, have you ever been stupid, cried, or felt uneasy because of a girl? Have you ever been unable to sleep at night because of a boy, and all the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy passed in an instant...

Jiang Xiaolong fell to the ground, blood coming from his mouth and nose, and he was breathing heavily.

Coco lost the last bit of strength, and sat limply on the ground, with tears in her eyes, and hugged his head.

"You... you are right... Coco." Jiang Xiaolong said with a smile, "You don't love me, you don't like me... you are right."

Coco's mood collapsed instantly, her whole body was shaking, and she was speechless.

"...I...I don't have his ability...I can't protect you even with my life..." Jiang Xiaolong said in a hoarse voice: "...I told myself before...don't fuck...fuck..." I fell in too deep and fell in love with someone who didn't belong to me... But I just couldn't control it... Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of business were placed in my face... I can be very calm... But emotionally... …I was as childish as a child.”

"You're fucking stupid!!! Why are you here? I never thought I would live, do you understand?" Coco yelled in a broken voice: "Why did I liquidate the shares for you? Why did I break up with you? Why did I The communication with you is so calm...so devoid of personal feelings...I just want you to go, just leave...you fool...why are you disobedient?"

"Because...because I'm just like you...!" Jiang Xiaolong replied calmly.

Coco hugged his head tightly and clenched her silver teeth.

"...I...we are the best partners, right?" Jiang Xiaolong asked with a trembling voice.

Coco nodded heavily and kept nodding, but couldn't say anything.

"... Damn it... that old Taoist priest you introduced to me... his calculations were really accurate... he said love words, or he might be free... so... so right." Jiang Xiaolong grabbed Coco's wrist : "...No...No matter what happens to you later, you must persevere. Many people want you to live...me too."

"Stop...stop talking."

"Goodbye...Coco...my best partner." Jiang Xiaolong grabbed Keke's wrist and slowly closed his eyes.

In the dead woods, gunshots were still ringing fiercely, and a large number of soldiers from Europe 1 and Europe 2 were encircling and suppressing the remaining eo mercenaries.

Coco knelt down beside Jiang Xiaolong's body, suddenly picked up the military communication equipment on his waist and dialed the first number.


Lin Chengdong's voice sounded.

"Don't come...it's over..." Coco said desperately: "Don't waste any resources on me, I can't get out."

Lin Chengdong was stunned.

Coco held the phone in her left hand and reached for the gun in her right hand.


A shock bomb exploded in the surrounding area, and the sniper who had been targeting Coco immediately shouted: "Go in and catch her!"

Fifteen minutes later.

In the Beifengkou headquarters, Ma Laoer stood in front of Qin Yu, his face pale.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yu suddenly stood up and asked.

"...!" Ma Laoer said nothing.

"What's going on?!" Qin Yu asked again.

"The people in European District 1 found the hiding place of CSS in advance. Jiang Xiaolong had no choice but to act in advance in order to save Coco. But the number of participants was too small... In the end, they were blocked in a dense forest on the outskirts of District 2... Jiang Xiaolong...is gone...Keke was caught." Ma Laoer said with a trembling voice.

When Qin Yu heard this, his mind went blank.

"Keke... called Lin Chengdong... and told his family not to organize any more rescues, because Reid will definitely not be able to escape, and they will all be taken back to District 1 for public trial." Ma Laoer looked at Qin Yu, paused for a while and said: "Coco's meaning is very clear. Someone must take the blame for the gamma bomb incident... Only if she is sentenced to death alive will the matter not get to the three major districts."

After a brief moment of silence, Qin Yu directly picked up the phone and dialed Li Zhan's number: "Hello?"

"Please speak, Commander-in-Chief!"

"You lead your troops to implement the follow-up plan immediately!!! Remember, according to the second plan I gave you, you must have an absolute advantage. I need to add more money to my hand now..." Qin Yu almost shouted the order .


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